In Search of Our Destiny - Chapter 115

Published at 27th of March 2022 06:47:34 PM

Chapter 115: ‘I Don’t Want To’

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The moment he saw her glance at him, Ji-Won quickly averted his eyes and took a step backwards from her bed. He looked like he was startled by some great enemy. 

The rest were watching the scene in curious silence. Yeon-Ah and Min-Jun were sitting on the bed, while Seo-Jun found himself a chair in one corner of the room. He sat there, slowly shifting his gaze between his friend and Su-Jin, as if he was curious to see which one of the two would break the silence first.

Eventually it was Su-Jin who acted first. 

She cleared her throat, causing the wave of stifling silence to gradually disperse.

"Director Kang, I… Uhm… I wanted to say… Thank you." she finished in a low voice, bowing her head in Ji-Won's direction.

Hearing her words, Ji-Won was startled. His eyes instinctively searched for her face, wanting to make sure that she was indeed the person who said those words. 

As if they were pulled by a strong magnet, his eyes met with her hazel ones. 

The man and woman locked gazes and they stared at each other for the longest of minutes. 

No one dared to say anything during this time, holding their breaths and waiting to see what Ji-Won would reply. 

During that time, the man himself was battling with emotions. 

The new discoveries regarding Su-Jin and Min-Jun, as well as her recent accident, were all taking a toll on his mind. His brain was thinking fervently, trying to reach a conclusion, but it eluded him every time he tried. It was like trying to catch a fish with his bare hands. 

Eventually, feeling both tired and frustrated, Ji-Won decided to give up trying to understand what was happening. His confusion could only be due to stress and lack of proper rest.

When he eventually replied to Su-Jin, his voice was low and deep, as if he was talking to a business partner.

"You are welcome, Miss Park. It's good to know that you are alright."

Completely unaware of the tumult inside Ji-Won's mind, Su-Jin nodded in appreciation. 

Before anyone else could say anything, Min-Jun suddenly leaped to his feet. He walked around Su-Jin's bed, reaching Ji-Won in a few strides.

"Now that we have gotten that out of our way, I have something to say." Min-Jun paused, then stated flatly, gesturing towards Su-Jin with his chin. "Director Kang, here, has mistaken me for this creature's boyfriend." 

Ji-Won froze, the color instantly draining from his face. 

He stood there rooted to the spot like a marble statue. The only thing that still had a semblance of life were his glittering black eyes, but even those were on the verge of turning blank.

Meanwhile, Su-Jin's mind was in a daze. She glanced flabbergasted between Min-Jun and Ji-Won, her eyes as wide as saucers. 

'What did Min-Jun just say? What did Director Kang believe? He thought that… that me and Min-Jun had… THAT kind of relationship?!'

Despite feeling slightly dizzy from the shock, Su-Jin instantly remembered something.

'Ah! Now I understand why he asked me that strange question when we were in the car. He was thinking that Min-Jun might not treat me well. And he meant that as my boyfriend, not as my brother. My gosh… This is completely messed up!'

"Yes." Min-Jun continued unperturbed. "That's what he thought, and he's sorry for it. Aren't you, Director Kang?"

At being addressed so directly and seeing Min-Jun's serious gaze, Ji-Won gulped quietly, giving a small nod. 

There it was, happening again. That strange power Min-Jun had over him was acting up once more.

'What the hell is happening with me? Am I really being subdued by a twenty-year old?' Ji-Won asked himself in stupefaction. 

Meanwhile, seeing his best friend looking like he had lost a great battle, Seo-Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He silently lit a candle to Ji-Won's fighting spirit, hoping that the man would be able to recover soon from this terrible defeat.

Yet, no matter how much it amused Seo-Jun seeing Ji-Won in such a helpless situation, he still didn't like it when someone else bullied his friend. Only he was allowed to cause such trouble for Ji-Won. 

Therefore, with a sudden feeling of righteousness, Seo-Jun stood up, eying Min-Jun with a scrutinizing stare.

"Young lad, didn't the doctor advise us not to disturb the patient? Why are you bringing up this matter all of a sudden?"

"My sister is strong enough to handle this." Min-Jun retorted without even batting an eye at Seo-Jun's choice of words. 

Anyone else who would have been called 'young lad' in such a patronizing manner might have exploded in anger. 

But not Min-Jun. There were no ripples of emotion in his eyes. In all appearances, he was just as composed as before. 

Seo-Jun was both startled and impressed.

'Upon my word, this person is truly a worthy opponent. Look at his attitude, so overbearing and protective of his sister. And such a powerful aura… no wonder Ji-Won was almost eaten alive by him several times.'

During the time Seo-Jun mused over Min-Jun's character, the man himself directed his next words towards Su-Jin. His voice was just loud enough to catch his sister's attention.

"Now sis, be good and change my name in your contacts." 

"What?! Why?" Su-Jin yelped defensively.

"Because it's high time we change it." 

"N-No! I refuse to do that. Besides, it's my business how I have you saved in my phone. Why should you have any say in it?!" 

Saying that, Su-Jin crossed her arms in front of her chest, putting on a stubborn front by glaring at her brother. 

Min-Jun watched impassively as his sister puffed up like a cat whose tail got stepped on. 

On the inside, though, Min-Jun was continuously sighing in his heart, 'hating iron for not becoming steel'1.

Ultimately, he couldn't hold back and directly went ahead to snatch away the phone from his sister.

"It's my name, so it's my business too. Now give me the phone."

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