Published at 26th of April 2023 05:34:57 AM

Chapter 240: That's why you treat them with care.

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I wondered what I was missing.

When the meal was over and I was alone with Lakra, I spilled my thoughts to Lakra, who looked puzzled and spilled her drink.

What? What a waste!

I don't remember you being so stunned.

No, I'd be stunned if you asked me a question like that. What's the matter with you all of a sudden?

It's not sudden, but it's about ...... 'blue'. I've been upsetting him a lot. I listen to the advice of my fellow countrymen and refer to it in various ways, but is there always something too much to say? In the end, I end up putting him in a bad mood.

"...... Oh, yes. I agree with you about the wordiness.

I wonder if even Lakra feels this way. I'm aware that I'm not very experienced in interacting with people, but I don't know exactly what to do about it. My compatriots are telling me to get used to it, but I'm wondering if I should continue to put a burden on them until I do.

I'm trying to say as little as possible. ......

I'm trying to say as little as possible, but " "Speaking of which, Brother Exdyke, you don't seem to be treating me the way you used to. I'm not sure what to make of that.

I understood that you were being pressured by me. I just don't intend to be that way with my people, Ao and Marya. It's only because you've been so self-destructive in the first place that I've been inspired to improve it.

"Hmm, not a happy special treatment.

Do you think it's better to treat her like that?

It's better now.

I guess it's no use referring to the past. But at that time, thanks to the momentum, my days seemed to be full.

How can I be as safe as my fellow man? ......

I'm sure you're not the only one. Ao, you've been messed with a lot.

But you're not going to be knocked to the ground, are you? I have.

Hmm. And it's not the same thing, but ...... I really don't want to explain that as a sister.

Does being your sister hinder you from explaining it?

If I were to talk to Brother Ekduk about Master Shosho, Brother Ekduk would be giving advice as a man.

A man's position: ...... Is there such a thing? It is true that the compatriot is a man, but does the fact that he is also a man make him more understanding . When I think about my compatriots and Marito, I don't think I can understand them.

"The way my people treat Lakra, they're willing to indulge you to a certain extent, right? They recognize your nature as an individuality and accept you within the limits of what they can tolerate.

"Hmm... I don't know why you can analyze it so well. ......

I understand that Ao is asking me to be prepared to live with him. So I tell him what I really think, but ...... he's always in a bad mood.

The way Lakra looks at me is cold. It's as if he's looking down on a novice who doesn't know any better.

"Huh, ...... that's just embarrassment.

"...... embarrassment?

Yes. I'm happy that my brother Ekdukku gave me a better answer than what Ao asked for, but I'm embarrassed to show it to him honestly. So I'm pretending to be in a bad mood.

What the hell? ....... That's what you call pretending to be in a bad mood ......! I'm sure you've heard of it.

No, but... You can actually raise your voice or use force to twist them around. ......

It's because you don't want people to think you're crazy, but your brother is asking you for feedback.

Why can't I check to see if I'm happy when I'm happy?

"When I'm frustrated, I don't like it when you say, 'Are you frustrated? When you're frustrated, you don't like it when someone says, 'Are you frustrated?'

"Is that the same thing as ......?

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm glad you're learning, Brother Ecdysiac.

I'm glad you're learning. But there are some things that cannot be explained by that. When I mentioned that I was deeply moved by the fact that Ao cooked me a meal once, the topic of the Purple Demon King came up, but ...... I just said that the Purple Demon King and Ao would be in different positions, and I was knocked to the ground.

...... I think that's just normal anger, okay?

So you see, ...... it is difficult to judge.

So you're saying that Ao will knock me down to the ground the same way whether I'm happy or angry. I guess it means that he has a narrow range of emotional expression.

...... Hmm? I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure.


This is the first time I've seen Lakra's astonished expression. This guy can make this kind of face too. But from this reaction, I guess that's what it was.

"...... You're capable of thinking like that, and you didn't even know it?

"I have knowledge of human society. But Ao's behavior was very far from that. ......

Didn't you think it was an extension of embarrassment?

...... at all.

A silence fell, and while I was wondering what to say, my compatriot wandered in. He was carrying a bottle of liquor and a glass, so he was probably planning to have a drink with Lakra.

Hmm, what's with the heavy air?

"Listen, Master Shosho! I'm sure you'll be able to tell me what's going on.

Oh, so you've finally realized that Ao has romantic feelings for Ecdysium.

Why did you let it go this far if you were so perceptive?

Not surprisingly, his compatriot understood everything. But he sat down and poured himself a glass of wine, ignoring Lakra who grabbed him.

"Well, even Exduk has learned about human society, and he was an adventurer for a time. He's got that kind of knowledge. But he doesn't have any experience in love or anything like that. What's so sad that I have to lecture a guy in his late twenties about love?


And if I were saying that, you'd be wondering what the hell I'm talking about.

...... That's true too!

I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.

Exduk, there's no need for a sudden change in attitude. Even if you know it in words, if you act without realizing that you recognize the other person as the opposite s*x, it will only be a flimsy understanding of the essence. You may be happy to be treated as if you were acting, but if you are found to be acting, the whole thing will be destroyed.

Real feeling, huh? You can't deny that you care about Aoi, but you can't be sure if this is a romantic feeling in human society. Even if you try to believe that this is the case, you will not be convinced.

...... Emotion is a difficult thing to understand, isn't it?

"Not really. If you live a straight life, all you have to do is follow your sensibilities. Rather, by worrying about it, you create a philosophical element and develop a complex problem. You seek definitions, you question, and you hesitate to act.

You mean I should just let things happen?

Yeah. Of course, there will be a lot of people who want you to understand the female mind. But if you think you understand the female mind and you don't, the latter will be more popular.

Is that how it is?

The truth of what my compatriots are saying is unfathomable, but I understand that I should just be natural. It's better to face them as you really feel rather than worrying about them.

"But you know what, Exduk? It's good to learn to act based on the other person's reaction. If they avert their gaze or forcefully cut off the conversation, it means that they have changed their mind.

...... I see. That rings a bell. I'll keep that in mind next time.

By the way, do you understand the female mind?

I don't think I want to.

Sneaky answer!

What a cunning answer!

I know there is no point in taking my frustration at my inability to be honest out on Exoik. But, you know, it can't be helped, right? I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I wonder if I'm not attractive enough.

I'm not sure if I'm attractive or not, but I'm so stupid that I'm having girlie worries. I'm spoiled by the fact that Eckdroik has devoted his life to me, and I'm expecting the sight I want even more. I've become a very thick-skinned woman who does nothing of her own accord.

As I let out a heavier sigh than when I wanted to die, the man came staggering up to me. He was a little red, and he'd been drinking.

"Oh, there you are, Ao.

What's wrong with you?

I'm rather glad you're here. I need your help.

What do you mean?

I did as I was told, and found Lakra and Ecdysium in a drunken stupor. Lakra was sleeping comfortably on the sofa, while Ekuik was lying on the table groaning.

"Look at you. I need you to help me carry this.

It's unusual for an ecdysiac to go under, let alone a ...... lacra. He used to be able to control himself.

I was worried about you. I could have easily crushed him if I had given him a drink while he was distressed.

"What are you doing?

"What are you doing?" He ignored my comment with a laugh. He's really getting his memory back, isn't he? I'm sure he hasn't actually regained his memory!

I understand your frustration. I can understand your frustration, but try to make an ideal stand like you're looking for right now. I'm sure it would be very uncomfortable for you?

...... So you're saying that you prevented this guy from thinking?

You don't want to be seduced by an ecdysiac led by me, do you?

That's true, but the way you said it! Can't you say it in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable?

"Oh, yeah. You wrote my name on a piece of paper, didn't you? Don't mass-produce dangerous things like that!

You've been threatened by me in the past. You're bluffing.

...... Really?

I'm not the only Japanese in this world, you know. I wouldn't go out of my way to increase the risk of endangering my friends.

So that means I've been played by this guy in the past too! You naughty boy!

Oh my god! You used to be even less cute than you are now, didn't you?

I'm more rounded now. What do you expect a man to be pretty for?

"Ecdysiac is cute! ...... Forget about that one.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. But that's okay, because I'm sure he knows all about my feelings for Exoik. If I don't, he's going to forget himself and attack me.

I'll forget about it. In exchange, you can take Ecdysiac to his bunk.

Shouldn't you be in there and I be in there?

He's pretending to be asleep. You don't have to carry him yet.

"Yikes. ...... Soo, soo, soo ......

Lakra's body jerked in spite of being asleep. This guy's ......!


I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll understand. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. I was just wondering if I could hear some funny words!

"All of your actions are worthy of condemnation! ...... Remember ...... if you say anything unnecessary, okay?

I'll be fine! I'm as tight-lipped as they come!

You can't trust me on any street. Well, I don't think you'll ever get through to Exdoik himself, so it's okay. ...... It's okay, right?

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm not sure what he's saying, but I wonder what he's saying while he's drunk.

Huh. ....... You reek of alcohol. ....... You guys need to cut back.

I can control myself. I'm fine.

I'm fine too. Oh, Shosho-sama, should I call you Ao?

Can you at least do it after I'm gone?

I almost threw the exdike at him. It's not really heavy if you have magic enhancement, but this guy's body is really jangled with chains . I'm not sure if I should be happy about this, though, because it keeps me from feeling weird.

"...... same ...... spore......

"He talks in his sleep about compatriots, compatriots, compatriots. ......

I know Ex-Doik's birth. I know his birth, and I understand that he is not yet in love. That's why he doesn't want to express this feeling now. I can't help but be jealous of his behavior.

"...... tell me ...... give me ...... how to make 'Ao' smile ...... ......

You can do it when you're both a little older.

"...... so ...... or ......

If it weren't for this guy, I wouldn't have been jealous of anyone. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been jealous of anyone. I wouldn't have been frustrated with myself for not being honest. I wouldn't have walked around with such a jerky drunk in my arms. I wouldn't have had to practice smiling in front of the mirror.

"Thanks for ......, ecdysiac. It keeps my mind busy every day.

"...... same ...... spore ....... I'm also ...... with Marya .......


In the meantime, I've decided to relieve this exasperation by throwing him on the bed.

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