Learning to Love Again - Chapter 41

Published at 6th of January 2019 07:11:13 AM

Chapter 41

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Walking into the Conference room, Deng Xiao is faced with the same bizarre scene that Han Lili had witnessed. He now understood why she had left and pushed this task on to him. His boss was simply acting too strange.

Why is he smiling?

Is he plotting someone's demise?

Unfortunately for Deng Xiao, he is not Han Lili, he does not have the option to run away.

Bracing himself, he approaches his boss and gives Ms. Han's report.

"Mr. Han, I was just told to inform you that your mother wants you to pick young miss Ziyi up from school."

After hearing what was said, to Deng Xiao's surprise and delight, Han Yuan just nods his head and walks out.


Parking his car in front of the Kingdom of the Elite Preschool and Kindergarten, Han Yuan kills the engine and rests his head on the back of his seat.

Neither he or his sister has gotten married but his now idle parents just want to spend their days in the company of their grandchildren. Regrettably, they don't have any. As a result, they can only settle with the next best thing, that being their grandniece, Fan Ziyi.

She was only five years old but has already been spoiled rotten by the loving old couple.

After his aunt's daughter got pregnant six years ago, his mother became extremely jealous and wouldn't stop putting pressure on him. Her older sister's daughter was expecting while her own son was not even married. At that time he was only twenty-six, now that he's thirty-two, she simply won't leave him alone. He finds it hard to breathe anytime he is around her. Apart from pushing different 'suitable' women to him she also uses other different methods to try to force him to settle down. Fan Ziyi is one of these methods and the one she uses most often.

She makes him babysit Fan Ziyi and pick her up from school sometimes. She probably hopes that having him spend a lot of time with such a young and adorable child would make him want to have one of his own. Unknown to her, this is simply doing the opposite. Fan Ziyi is an extremely pampered princess. She is loud and cries all the time, especially when she doesn't get what she wants.

He knows that this is somewhat normal behavior for a toddler, and at that time he tolerated it, but now she's five-years-old. She would start primary school next year and yet she still acted like a two-year-old.

When the time comes for him to have kids of his own, he hopes they don't turn out as bratty.

Thinking of his own future children, his mind can't help but wander to his beloved Su Lian.

Once he gets married to her, they will definitely have children together. A lot of them. He'll make sure of that.

Just as he was about to step out of his car, he sees her small figure coming out of the school building. He smiles to himself. His woman keeps turning up everywhere he is. Isn't this indirectly confirming his thoughts?

Before he can process the reason for her being there, his smile fades and his face immediately twists into a menacing expression. The temperature around him drops several degrees and his hands tightly grip the steering wheel turning his knuckles as white as paper.

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