Published at 3rd of August 2022 05:58:20 AM

Chapter 1135: Relief

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"Master is back!"

When Lin Fei appeared at the door of the manor's large house, the male servant who was guarding the door immediately shouted at the house, and then greeted Lin Fei.

You shouted too loudly... Lin Fei, who was a little bit against the title of the master, saw that the male servant who greeted him was so enthusiastic, he couldn't show his face of dislike.

When Lin Fei walked into the lobby of the house, he found that his elven housekeeper, who was nearly 200 years old, was chatting with Zhangqiu.

"Master." After seeing Lin Fei, the old butler quickly got up, put his right hand on his chest, leaned slightly, and smiled to Lin Fei.

The 200-year-old elves are equivalent to the Blue Star humans in their 60s. Lin Fei looked at the old butler of the elves and gave his first order to become the owner of this manor.

"Butler, you will tell those who work in the manor later that they will not call me the master in the future."

Regarding Lin Fei's strange order, the old housekeeper was taken aback when he heard the words, and said to Lin Fei, "Then how should we call you?"

"Just call me the boss." Lin Fei said.

After all, the old butler used to work for the royal family and had met many high-ranking officials in the city.

In addition, there are other mansions of distinguished people near his own manor, and Lin Fei's change of this name is a bit too ordinary in the eyes of the old housekeeper. Maybe the neighbors around will secretly joke after knowing it...

"This...Is it inappropriate?" The old butler said to Lin Fei.

"There is nothing inappropriate, just set it up, you remember to inform everyone, don't let me hear them call me master again." Lin Fei said firmly.

"Yes." Seeing that Lin Fei was unwilling to change, the old butler couldn't continue to persuade him.

After all, this talent is the owner of this manor, and he can move in. He doesn't live up to his likes or dislikes. If you make the other person unhappy, don't fire yourself.

Afterwards, the old butler left the hall, went to summon the servants in the manor, and announced the first order of the new master.

After the old butler left, Lin Fei reached out and took out a basket woven with rattan from the dimension space.

Then he walked to Zhangqiu and put the basket on the tea table on his right.

"Boss Lin, this is..." Zhangqiu asked suspiciously.

"When I went to the palace banquet before, didn't I tell you that I would pack some dishes for you back?" Lin Fei said with a smile.

Lin Fei still has a good impression of the elves he met when he first entered the world of elves.

Although it was only a short time to get along for two days, he felt that this elven race was a gentle and honest person.

"Huh?" Zhangqiu was dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand to lift the cloth covering the basket, and then saw several delicate dishes.

At the banquet hosted by the king, Lin Fei was the first person in the history of the elves to pack food and take it away.

When Lin Fei proposed to pack a few dishes and take them home for his friends to eat, the palace maid serving by the side was shocked.

Lin Fei's request made her very difficult, after all, she could not decide to take the dishes from the banquet.

After the fairy princess Linglan spoke, Lin Fei got the basket of dishes.

"Boss Lin, thank you." Zhangqiu thanked Lin Fei very moved.

"You're welcome, thanks to these two days, I was able to come to the'Capital City' so smoothly.

You hurry up and eat! This dish will not taste good when it is cold. "Lin Fei smiled.


"Old... good boss." A beautiful elven maid met her new employer in the corridor, and she greeted a little nervously.

"Hello, it's so late, you haven't gone to rest yet!" Lin Fei smiled and responded politely. At the same time, because the other party did not call his master again, his heart was relieved a lot.

"I was helping in the kitchen just now, and now I am going back to my room to rest!" The very nervous maid said softly.

"Well, then you go back and rest!" Lin Fei nodded and took a step forward, thinking about continuing to visit other places in the courtyard.

"Boss..." Seeing that Lin Fei was leaving, the maid hurriedly called to Lin Fei.

"Huh?" Lin Fei stopped and looked at each other suspiciously.

"Um...I...I think..." The elven maid hesitated, but didn't say what she said, Lin Fei looked a little anxious.

"What's the matter? Hurry up." Lin Fei urged.

He hesitated for a few more seconds, lowered her head and dared not to see Lin Fei's maid finally mustered up the courage, and asked Lin Fei, "Boss, will you fire us?"

"Resign?" Lin Fei heard the other person ask a question he had never thought of.

"Well, I heard some people say that in a few days the boss will be a new group of new people to come to the manor." The maid's face was full of worry, because there are some difficulties in the family, and now she is able to maintain such a high-paying job. The normal life of the whole family.

"What's your name?" Lin Fei asked, looking at the elven servant girl with a sad look.

The question from the new employer made this timid elven maid think that her question annoyed the other party, which made her timid heart suddenly raised.

"Are you okay! Why did your face become so ugly? Is it because you are uncomfortable?" Lin Fei found that something was wrong with the other party, and asked quickly.

"No, I'm fine." The timid elf maid shook her head repeatedly, afraid that she would upset her new employer again.

"It's okay, if you feel unwell, you can ask the housekeeper for leave to rest." Lin Fei said to the timid elf Hmm... Boss, my name is Lucky. "The timid elf maid said her name to Lin Fei.

"Luqi, you go back and talk to those who have the same concerns as you. The news you have heard about dismissal is false, and I have no plans to change a group of new people." Lin Fei said seriously.

Lu Qi, who was worried that she would be fired, immediately disappeared after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Well, it's getting late, you go back and rest!" Lin Fei saw a happy smile on the face of the timid elf maid, he knew that the worry in her heart was gone.

"Yes, boss." Luqi said to Lin Fei briskly with a smile on her face.

This new employer has a very good personality... The timid elf maid Luqi who got a reply from Lin Fei, watched the departed Lin Fei disappear in the corner of the corridor, she thought about it, and then told herself and Xiao Walk towards the room where the sisters live.

She will inform the little sisters of her chance encounter with her new employer, and inform them of the new employer's response to her.

Let them not worry that the new employer will fire everyone and replace them with a new group of people.


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