Published at 19th of September 2022 07:30:42 AM

Chapter 299: Killer’s children

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The diamond ring is very beautiful, shining brightly in the spotlight.

The perfect workmanship of this diamond ring must have been made by a master.

Lily looked at the diamond ring and felt her head dizzy for a while, and then tears finally fell.

She wanted to ask, why did things become like this?

Is she wrong? Wrong conversion of love into hate.

Unfortunately, some mistakes cannot be made. Lily clearly felt that her vitality was fading fast, her eyes had begun to bloom, and her head had begun to dizzy. Once she had fallen asleep now, she would not be able to sleep for a long time.

She wanted to reach out and put on this diamond ring, but unfortunately she didn't even have the strength to reach out.

No one at the scene expected that a scene of clearing the door would become a sad emotional scene. It can be described as twists and turns.

"Don't move, I'll put it on for you..."

Ye Sha seemed to see Lily's intentions, he crawled towards Lily, and then put the diamond ring on Lily's ring finger. While wearing it, he spoke.

"I didn't say many things, but I kept them in my heart."

|"At the age of thirteen, you took three stabs for me, one on the arm, one on the back, and one on the thigh. At the age of fourteen, you blocked a shot for me, and the bullet got stuck in the bones. It took a long time to take it out. You were in a coma for three days. At the age of 20, I was assassinated by an organization. After you found out who it was, you single-handedly killed the small organization."

"I remember what you did for me. Unfortunately, Master taught us martial arts and assassination skills, but the only thing that didn't teach us how to fall in love, how to deal with the relationship between men and women, so you and I, even Rose, are not good at confessing. If we said these things earlier, if I asked you to marry me directly and fearlessly worried about whether you would refuse, there might not be these things. I was wrong, I was wrong."

In their entire life, they learned to kill, but not how to love. I didn't learn how to express my love.

Hearing that, Lily's eyes became more moist, perhaps because the tears covered her eyes, she could not see Ye Sha's face.

Lily knew that she was dying.

"Don't cry, I really don't care about life and death. If you have any words, let's say it tonight."

At this moment, Zhang Yifeng's voice came again.

The voice was still floating, he went to Lily's side and put his hands on Lily's back.

The aura gathered into Lily's body, reconnecting the shattered meridians through the aura. Then he asked Lily to take three healing pills.

Although the healing pills have limited effects, the blood in the blood vessels re-flows with the support of the spiritual energy.

Lily resumed her breathing.

"Does the base have a doctor?" Zhang Yifeng asked the senior on the scene.


"Hurry up and call the doctor to prepare the blood vessel suture hand speed."

Zhang Yifeng's elixir is of low grade and cannot allow blood vessels to heal automatically. Only through surgery.

In addition, Zhang Yifeng's cultivation base is still a bit weak. If he reaches the Qi refining period, he can use the aura as a needle to directly suture the blood vessels in Lily's body.

"Can you still save it?" Ye Sha suddenly looked at Zhang Yifeng.

"With me, of course you can. You can also take my pills, or she will be saved later, but you will have lost too much blood and died."

Zhang Yifeng handed a few pills to Yesha again.

He was shot twice in the night, although he is not dead now, but if no measures are taken, he will still die.

"What kind of medicine is this."

Ye Sha took the pill and opened his mouth in a little astonishment. He could clearly feel the effect of the pill. After the pill, his wounds actually showed signs of scarring, and the wounds that had not stopped bleeding actually stopped bleeding.

Zhang Yifeng did not explain, but turned to look at everyone on the scene, and said lightly: "Now, do you have any comments on me for temporarily leading Black Rose?"

Seniors, look at me, and I will look at you. Don't know how to answer.

It is indeed unthinkable to let an outsider take the lead.

"I have no opinion."

Suddenly the voice of Ye Killing came, and when he opened his mouth, the higher-ups nodded.

"I have no objection."


Ye Sha agreed, that is to say, the three senior brothers and sisters agreed that Zhang Yifeng temporarily led Black Rose. Does it work when they say that they disagree?

"That's good. Don't worry, I won't bring Black Rose into desperation. Is the doctor here? Where is the operating room?" Zhang Yifeng said again.

As soon as his words fell, two stretchers came outside the door.

They lifted Lily up cautiously, and Zhang Yifeng's palm did not leave Lily's body from the beginning to the end. If he didn't follow, Lily's heart and blood vessels would still be disconnected. This operation would not do without him.

Three minutes later, both Ye Sha and Lily entered the operating room. Although Ye Sha was wounded by a gunshot, it was not immediately fatal. Lily performed the operation first.

Cardiovascular rupture, this is not a minor operation, and the risk is high. But with Zhang Yifeng's cooperation, the risks are almost gone.

The doctor worked for two hours and successfully sutured the blood vessel.

Lily's biological functions have gradually returned to normal.

Then came the night-killing operation. Taking the bullets was only a minor operation for the Black Rose tissue. As long as it didn't hit the critical point, it wouldn't kill anyone. Just rest for a while.

At this time, Zhang Yifeng left the operating room, and under the leadership and introduction of the senior officials, he briefly learned about Black Rose.

Black Rose is not a strong killer organization, but it is not weak. The strongest fighters in this organization are all in the late stage of life. There are about six or seven warriors in the late stage of the wind.

In addition to the fact that everyone in the organization is a warrior, there are many hot weapons for everyone to use.

With assassination skills and hot weapons, the Black Rose organization killed three martial madmen in total when the enemy was in the dark.

Although the three madmen are all in the initial stage of cultivation, it is not difficult to see the specialty of the Black Rose Organization.

"Give me a file. I want to know what task Rose is going to take."

Zhang Yifeng suddenly spoke. In fact, he has always had a question. The Black Rose Killer Organization is not a weak organization, and Rose, as the leader, will definitely not take action easily. So, who is it, what task, can she go there in person?

Assassinated Fang Ke Ting? This cannot be the purpose of Rose going out in person. The assassination of Fang Keting was probably just by the way.

"I'll check it now."

The senior management did not leave for long, and soon returned with a portfolio.

Every time the killer organization takes a task, it has a record of who did it, whether it succeeded or failed. These records are stored in the big data of the computer.

Zhang Yifeng took the portfolio, opened it, and frowned.

Only one line was written on it.

Black Rose went to Kyoto to meet someone.

"No mission?"

Zhang Yifeng asked the senior management.

"No, when the leader left the base, he left this sentence, saying that he went to Kyoto to make an appointment with someone. Then he disappeared for a while."

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