Published at 26th of March 2024 10:36:17 AM

Chapter 258

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Chapter 258: Detective Considy

Leave a Comment / Reincarnation into a barrier master / By IX

“That’s wonderful! Congratulations! Princess, well done, well done.”


The one exploding with joy as if it were his own affair was Yuri, the Prime Minister of the Principality of Niza. After leaving the deer god’s presence, we headed straight for the palace. Our unannounced visit had surprised the palace guards quite a bit, but soon after, one of the soldiers stepped forward and guided us inside the palace. Instead of being led to the audience chamber as I had expected, we were taken to the room where Sidy had lived before her marriage.


Returning to her room after a long time, Sidy seemed pleased. After all, the furniture and bed were just as they had been before.


“Wow, this brings back memories…”


She said this as she moved around the room, eventually sitting down slowly on her bed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in her room, where she had lived for many years. It must be the place where she feels most at ease.


While she was doing this, Prime Minister Yuri entered the room. Sidy quickly stood up and straightened herself.


“Ah, Princess, please feel free to sit. It’s quite alright. It has been a long time,” he said, bowing respectfully to both Sidy and me. His manner was as polite as always. I apologized for our unannounced visit and shared in detail about Sidy’s pregnancy and our conversation with the deer god.


“That’s wonderful! Congratulations!”


He rejoiced wholeheartedly and then bowed deeply to me, asking me to continue taking good care of the princess with tears in his eyes.


Watching him, Sidy looked around the room curiously. Yuri, noticing her gaze, asked if something was amiss.


“The room doesn’t smell dusty at all,” she noted.


“Yes. That’s because it has been cleaned daily.”


“Has this room been unused since I went to Agartha?”


“This is the princess’s room. We couldn’t possibly let anyone else use it.”


Yuri bowed respectfully again. Sidy’s eyes widened in realization.


“So, you thought I would run away and return, or that Lord Linos would tire of me and send me back, keeping this room ready for such an event?”


“…What? …Eh?”


Yuri’s eyes darted around, revealing the truth in Sidy’s accusation. However, Sidy didn’t stop there. She turned to me and whispered, “Lord Linos… You must have been thinking, ‘That’s so like Prime Minister Yuri,’ right?”


“Uh? Ah? Well… no, not really…”


I too found myself avoiding eye contact. Sidy puffed her cheeks out, looking upset. I glanced at Yuri, who was wiping sweat with a handkerchief and nodded slowly.


“Ahem, Princess. Given the happy news, I’d like to report to the king immediately, if you could wait a moment. The king is currently speaking with Lord Galto… Once they are finished, I’ll guide you to him.”


“My father is with my brother? Hmm,” Sidy mused, touching her chin in thought, a sign she was pondering something deeply. Noticing this, Yuri quickly left the room, promising to return later.


Sidy then held her temples, seemingly overwhelmed by her thoughts.


“Sidy, why don’t you rest for a bit?”


“Eh? But…”


“It’s okay. I’ll let you know when it’s time to meet the Dwarf King. This is your room after all. Take this rare opportunity to rest in your own bed for a while.”


After some thought, Sidy laid down on the bed. She looked nostalgically at her surroundings before slowly closing her eyes and eventually falling into a peaceful sleep.


About an hour later, Yuri reappeared, just as Sidy was waking up, as if he had timed it perfectly. It’s the princess’s room, after all; it wouldn’t be surprising if there were some means of surveillance. Sidy didn’t question Yuri’s perfect timing, and we were then led to the private chambers of the Dwarf King.


“What! Considy is with child… That’s marvelous. This will further solidify the relationship between Agartha and the principality. Truly joyous news.”


The Dwarf King seemed genuinely pleased by the news of the pregnancy, enhancing the closeness between the nations. After hearing about the deer god, he nodded significantly, making a fist with his left hand and covering it with his right in a thoughtful pose.


“Understood. I’ll immediately start crafting the holy sword blessed by the deer god. And, Considy. As the deer god suggested, it’s likely a prince will be born. We must also prepare a sword for him.”


After saying this, the king looked up as if he remembered something and loudly commanded a soldier outside.


“Call Galto, fetch Galto!”


Soon, a young man who looked like a middle schooler, thin and frail, appeared. This must be Sidy’s brother. He glanced at us briefly, smiling kindly, then approached the Dwarf King and began to speak in a slightly trembling voice.


“Did you call for me, Father?”


“Yes. I summoned you precisely because Considy is pregnant.”


Hearing these words, Galto smiled gently and nodded.


“Considy, congratulations.”


“Thank you, Brother.”


“Galto, I command you to forge a sword for Considy’s child.”


“Yes, I understand.”


“And one more thing,” the Dwarf King paused, looking at us before turning his gaze back to Galto.


“Create a holy sword that receives the deer god’s blessing for Considy to wield.”


Galto responded, his body trembling slightly.


“Father! But the holy sword that receives the deer god’s blessing was already forged by you, was it not?”


“Indeed, I crafted it. However, that sword was used to seal away an evil spirit. Therefore, we must bestow a new holy sword upon Considy. You understand, don’t you? It’s customary to provide the royal women with a protective blade that has received the deer god’s blessing.”


“I… am aware, but…”


“But what?”


“The holy sword should be forged by the Dwarf King. Only you can craft it, as I understand.”


“I am tasking you with its creation. Do you understand what this means?”


“If I fail…”


“You know what that entails better than anyone.”


“Yes, I accept.”


“As for the deadline…”


“Please wait,” Sidy suddenly interrupted, much to the surprise of both, who looked as if they had been shot with a pigeon gun.


“It would be better if Father crafted it. Brother can’t manage it.”


“What!?” Galto was shocked by the bombshell, his pale face turning even paler. The Dwarf King watched him with a sigh.


“Not that he can’t… It seems your shortcomings are even apparent to Considy. It’s regrettable.”


“No, Father. What you ask for cannot be crafted by anyone else, as you’ve said.”


“What do you mean?”


“Father, have you not taught my brother the most crucial aspect of sword forging? You believe he should discover it on his own. However, despite his trials and errors, he has not grasped that crucial element. Does that not frustrate you?”




“Without any hints, letting him blindly craft is a waste of time. He’ll never reach the correct answer, even until death. Moreover, Brother is prepared to die if he fails, isn’t he?”




“Brother, don’t worry. It’s natural that you can’t create something that meets Father’s standards because his teaching method is wrong.”


“What? Considy, even as my daughter, you dare criticize my technique?”


“Father, when forging with melted Parpoise powder on a Mithril sword, the standard practice is to strike it 60 times per minute and then cool it with water, right?”


“Yes, that’s correct.”


“Then, the answer is simple. Brother strikes it 60 times, whereas Father strikes it 61 times. Repeating this leads to a difference in the forging process.”


“How can you be so sure?”


“It’s the smell.”


“The smell?”


“Probably Brother was forging a sword just before. I can smell the burning Parpoise. However, the smell is different from when Father forges. It’s fainter. Considering that, it’s clear Brother strikes fewer times than Father, given his earnest and by-the-book nature. Meanwhile, Father has a habit of lightly placing the hammer on the Mithril before starting, leading to the previously mentioned conclusion. Brother, try striking 61 times. Surely, you’ll create something even better than Father.”


Both the Dwarf King and Galto stared at Sidy with their mouths agape. Eventually, they decided to try as she suggested, and Galto returned to the forge.


It took about a week for the holy sword to be completed, and another ten days to craft the sword for the forthcoming prince. Upon revisiting the Principality of Niza ten days later to see the finished swords, an astonishing sight awaited.


Both the sword and the dagger were surrounded by a thin light, forming circles around the blades. It was clear to anyone that these were swords imbued with sacred power.


Ultimately, Galto’s sword received the Dwarf King’s approval. Galto was greatly honored and expressed his gratitude to Sidy with a relieved expression.


“Considy, thank you. I’m truly grateful. Your insight is incredible. Despite being my sister, your keen perception is almost frightening.”


“Is that so? I merely revealed the truth. Right, Lord Linos?”


As Sidy turned to me with her question, I nodded in agreement.


“Truly, a detective.”




“The one who discerns the singular truth: a child in appearance, but an adult in intellect.”

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