Reincarnation Paradise - Chapter 639

Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:25:15 PM

Chapter 639

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Thirty soul crystals (medium) is not a small number. Although bick promised verbally, it will take a while to prepare these soul crystals. It is impossible to take them out immediately.

"Just a moment, ten minutes at most."

Bick put down his phone and sighed.

"Everyone, the auction will be interrupted, but the auction is very safe. Now the question is whether the auction will continue."

Several ten old men meditated.

"Let's forget about the auction. The following people reported that the purpose of spiders is to sell the goods."

"I think the same thing. The auction will be postponed."

"No, the youkexin auction is held once a year and has never been interrupted. The reason why so many people won is not our accumulated reputation for many years. If we give up like this, I'm afraid that the reputation of youkexin auction will be damaged."

"It's reasonable to say that for decades in a row, the candidates for the position of ten old men have changed from batch to batch, but the auction has never been interrupted."

"Whatever auction he has, his life will not be saved!"

Ten old men argue that most people support the auction to continue, and the auction will certainly continue. If ten old men dare to interrupt the auction, Su Xiao is the first to oppose.

"The auction cannot be interrupted. "

bick opened his mouth with an extremely resolute attitude.


"No, but, let's not think about reputation first. The target of spiders is those auction products. If the auction ends, who will spiders come to if they can't find the clues of auction products? So the auction must be continued, which can distract spiders' attention and let them focus on the auction instead of coming to us. "

The ten old men stopped talking, and most of them agreed with bick.

"Bring some food and starve to death."

Su Xiao opens his mouth. Although he is not injured in fighting with feitan, his physical strength is not small.

Before long, the meeting table was full of food. It seemed that the ten old men were hungry.

The room is full of the aroma of food and wine. Su Xiao's ten old men raise their glasses to him.

"Mr. White Night has worked hard. It's not necessary to care about the auction house. The enemy has come to the door. Of course, they have to teach each other a painful lesson. Although we are all old and rough, we still understand that. You are right."

The other ten old men also raised their glasses. Su Xiao's mouth was full of food and said vaguely, "what about the beasts? Even if their combat effectiveness is not good, but if several people join hands, it is no problem to drag down one or two members of the brigade. "

The force of the ten old men is too weak. Except for Su Xiao, there are only beasts and a dozen contractors left.

Su Xiao never expected the dozen contractors. When feitan appeared before, those guys had no use but to go to the theatre and ran faster than rabbits.

It's no wonder that most of the contractors don't have high customs clearance scores. It's strange that they can get high scores by wandering in the reincarnation park with this greedy attitude.

Su Xiao couldn't help thinking that if there was a contractor like crazy milk or zuohun man in the ten old men's camp, things would be much easier. Even the Gulu who likes to kill, the red clown is not bad.

Although these people are hostile to Su Xiao, they all have one characteristic, that is, they are not afraid of death and regard fighting as a part of daily life.

Unfortunately, high-level contractors like Gulu will not appear in the world of hunters. The reason why Su Xiao can meet high-level contractors is that the world of pirates and fire shadows is an open world.

In the open world, there may be any level of contract, but the ordinary derivative world cannot.

For example, in the world of hunters, there are only second-order contractors. If high-level contractors want to enter the world, they need to consume special props, which are extremely rare. Even if they use props to enter the world of hunters, the strength of high-level contractors will be limited.

Because of this, many large-scale adventure groups like the open world. In the open world, they can help new members grow stronger quickly, or they can gather the whole adventure group together.

Hearing Su Xiao's question, a ten old man opened his mouth, ignoring Su Xiao was never a wise move.

"The beast? They're all out looking for spiders. "

"Just now, there was news that a group of spiders were being chased and killed by the people below. Strangely, the spiders were not strong enough. With the cooperation of our siege and the beast, they died two people."

Su xiaoyileng, with the mob of ten old men's forces, can they kill the two members of the brigade? This is a little inconceivable. Is it the master hidden in the contract?

"What do they look like? Do you have any pictures? "

"Yes, that was five minutes ago."

A ten old man threw a few photos at random and began to doubt Su Xiao's words in his heart.

"As far as I know, mirage is just a group of thieves. In V5's evaluation, they are just mobs."

"What about the destructive power of the auction?"

"Who knows? I don't know how to read."

After learning that the gang members killed two members of the brigade, the ten old man's face was obviously relaxed. Su Xiao's eyes were not right.

Su Xiao ignores these people's eyes and just throws down the photos in his hand. These guys used to be brothers and sisters with him, but now they are cornerstones. It seems that it's wise to ask for a deposit.

"There's news again. Good news. The spiders are surrounded by our people. Now they are trapped in a valley."


A ten old man was excited to take a picture of the table, their hearts were surrounded, and the atmosphere in the conference room was much relaxed.

At this time, the ten old men began to suspect that the terrible strength of the brigade was true or false. A ten old man with white hair narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Xiao.

It's true that the auction was destroyed, but there was no witness at the scene. Su Xiao provided both the head and the intelligence, and asked for a deposit.

The ten old man smiled at the corner of his mouth. He thought of a possibility. Maybe the horror of spiders was made up by someone, and even the destruction of the shopping mall was too much. It was to give them a powerful and horrible imaginary enemy, so that they could obey.

The more he thought about it, the ten old man felt that it might be true.

Ten old men are skilful. They like to calculate others, so they are more afraid of being calculated by others.

"Well, I'll go out."

A ten old man got up, and Su Xiao looked sideways and ignored him.

If ten old men carefully observe Su Xiao's expression, they will find that he is smiling. The photos provided by ten old men are not the bodies of the members of the brigade at all, which is likely to be the contractors following the actions of the brigade.

Ten old men's forces are joined by contractors, and of course, there are also forces of brigades, and the number should be quite large. Although there are risks in joining the brigades, they can become temporary members. For such free fighters, the head of the brigades will not refuse.

"Now that we've surrounded the spiders, we should try."

"It makes sense that sick dogs are nearby."

The ten old man stopped talking. Bick looked around and saw Su Xiao. He hesitated. A few seconds later, he made a decision.

"White night, eternal crystal is here."

Beck beckoned his secretary into the meeting room with a tray.

Su Xiao taps on the table. He won't protect all of the ten old men. If he chooses to protect one, it must be bick. This guy is very smart. He promised to crystallize five souls every day. It's him who gave the Commission in advance, and even sent a born thinker.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!