Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:24:12 AM

Chapter 242: - 二百四十話 設置場所の決定

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I came back to Izumi's house for the first time in a while. I asked him how things had been going at the base while I was gone and fed the absentees a new menu that Mr. Toruku had prepared for me. The food and desserts were well received by everyone except the nomos, and with a good mood, we went to the banquet and enjoyed drinking for the first time in a long time with delicious dried emperor bird meat.

As expected, the dried emperor bird meat was a big hit with the spirits, and it was a happy miscalculation that the pace of drinking slowed down to a slower pace than usual. Well, we didn't end up drinking as much as we usually do. .......

Well, it's important to have a leisurely time for drinking, isn't it? I must have been mentally exhausted since I dived into the labyrinth twice and met the king this time. I felt relieved to be back to my hometown even though I was in the land of death, and I drank a little too much.

"Ugh, Moon help me ......"

A headache and a sick feeling of vomiting, you twist your heavy body out of bed and call out to Moon for help in a muffled voice. Moon was summoned in front of me, and I guessed he understood my situation, because he landed on my head and my body was enveloped in something warm.

Slowly the alcohol in my body drained away, and the headache and nausea subsided. This is the second time I've done this, and I can't get enough of this feeling of feeling better and better, and I think I'm going to get into the habit of it.

In a sense, however, Moon is a machine for making bad people. If the hangover is no longer the enemy, there will be no remorse or regret for drinking. The feeling of never drinking again is a little bit of a springboard to stay sober in reality, but without it, it's easy to fall into addiction. I have to be strong.

"Moon, thank you. You made me feel so much better."

He lowers Moon, who was on his head, with both hands and thanks him with a chewy feeling. The fact that he pulls faster in my hands means he's pleased with me, right?

As I exit the room with Moon in my arms, Belle and her friends greet me with full of energy. If they had greeted me like this while I was still hungover, I would have done a lot of damage. I go down to the living room equipped with the lower class spirits full of energy.

I greet everyone in the living room, and put away the barrels of sake that have been neatly drained. I have to deliver the barrels later, since they said distilling would resume today. Gina and the others help me put the food on the table and we have breakfast.

It's been a long time since I've been back and there's a lot to do. First of all, we need to make a place for the cane for the sanctuary and ask Nomos to improve the cane. Secondly, we need to capture animals to fulfill the requirements for the sanctuary. The others are not so high on the priority list, so let's work on them in order.

The two things we want to finish early are the tomato harvest and the framing. The park upgrade and the coffee berries can wait a little longer.

"Master, what should we do today?"

...... hadn't thought of that. Even though Mel and Meral were with us, we can conquer up to the 40th layer, so why not let them take down those zombies? As one would expect, there is some concern about having them fight A-rank undead. I don't have a problem with a general class, but I don't feel sorry for them if they come back and suddenly have to fight the undead.

"Well, I guess you should try to arrange your room after shopping in the labyrinth city and packing more stuff. Also, with Merle and Meral gone, you should check the performance of your water robes and wind shoes. You can do whatever you want when you have more time."

"Okay. I'll check it out.

"Master, I want to cook here, too.

"Oh, I'd love to."

Cooking. ...... I have a magic bag full of food, but it's safer to have a lot of stock since it won't go bad. Gina and Sara are learning to cook from Mr. Toruku, so we should let them cook to keep their skills sharp.

As for ingredients, we have a lot of fish from the ...... sea, and we have a lot of fish left over from the first days. There are also a lot of vegetables left from the fields. We'll be fine.

"Okay. You can cook whenever you want, as long as you have some free time. And if you cook a lot of rice, that would be great."

"Thank you, Master. I'll do my best! I'll make sure there's plenty of rice, and I'll take care of it.

I'll do my best.

"Uh-huh, well, don't be too hard on yourself."

"Yuta, what about Belle and the others?"

When we stopped talking, Bell called out to me. There was a sense of excitement in the air, like she wanted to help. She would probably be sad if I told her that I had nothing to offer.

"We have an important job for you. Since it's been a while since we've been back, the first thing we need to do is to patrol the inside and outside of the base. Especially if you see any demons outside. Can you do that?"

I can do it, cue, I'll do my best, coo-coo, I'll do my best, I'll do my best, I'll do my best, I'll do my best, I'll do my best, I'll do my best. ......"

"Yes, thank you."

During breakfast, they decide on their own schedules and get moving. Belle and the others rush out, Gina and the others go back to fixing up their rooms, and I ask Nomos to modify my wand.

"Hey Nomos. What kind of shape is the magic coming out of the wand going to take?"

"Shape? What do you mean?"

A fire stick looks like a big candle flame. That makes sense, but what would wind and earth look like? I don't have a particular image of soil or anything like that. ......"

"Oh, that's what I meant. In the case of this earth staff, since it has the ability to send earth balls and manipulate the terrain, the earth balls will be fixed in a floating state.

I'll have to see if it's ...... cool to see a ball of dirt floating through the air, but it's definitely a fantasy.

"Can't that thing change shape? You're going to build an altar to support the jade that the spirit king will give you. It's an important place, and I don't want it to be half-baked. I'd like to unify all of them with a circle, or make them all different shapes.

"Hmmm... ...... won't do it, but it will take longer than just fixing it."

How long would it take you to tweak everything?"

"Yes, that's right. I have to modify the structure of the grimoire, so I would say three days.

Isn't it very fast to tinker with the structure of six grimoires in just three days? It's probably the center of the sanctuary, so it'd better be cool if possible.

"It may be a hassle, but in that case, I'd appreciate it if you could modify it for me."

"Mm, okay. So, do you want them all to be unified or do you want them all to be separate?"

I asked for it myself, but I wasn't really thinking about it. I asked for a unified wand, so should the shapes be the same? But if wands and magic are all the same, there is a sense of unity, but it is not enough.

"Fix them all in different shapes."

"What shape are you going to make it?"

"Wait a minute, I'll think of something."

"Okay. If it takes too long, I'll wait for you at the distillery.

"Um, okay, I'll let you know later, just wait for me at the distillery."

"Well, I'll see you later. "Yes, I'll distill the liquor, but for now, bring out about five barrels of ale.

Nomos returned to the distillery, carrying the barrels of liquor with a feeling of satisfaction. Distilled liquor. ...... I wonder what happens to distilled liquor that has been laid up in the sea? We don't even know what the finished product tastes like yet, but there are more and more spirits being made. If it fails, it will be disastrous.

"Ah, Sylphy, you're free to go today, since we're staying at the base..."

"Oh, yeah? I'll take my time then."

I see Sylphy off and go back to my room to think about the shape of each attribute. It will probably be the keystone of the sanctuary, so it has to be cool. I'll think it over. 

Fire: undecided Water: teardrop Wind: tornado Earth: hexahedron Light: sphere Dark: octahedron

The shape of fire is difficult. The shape of fire of a candle is similar to that of a teardrop. I like "Magatama" or "Kakudama", but I don't think it will be understood well in this world.

...... I'll ask them to make it a square pyramid. It doesn't have any other shape, and it looks like a pyramid. I think pyramid would be earth, but earth is a square in my mind. Well, if it doesn't fit, I can ask Nomos to change it. I'll go to the distillery and ask Nomos right away.

"Have you decided?"

"Yeah, something like this. I've drawn some shapes for you.

Fire, square pyramid, water, teardrop, wind, tornado, earth, hexahedron, light, sphere, darkness, octahedron.

"Hmmm... ...... Well, it's going to take some tweaking to get the shape right, but I think we can manage."

"Thank you. I think I need a magic stone and mithril. I'll leave them with you and you can modify them. Also, I'm going to remodel the fire staff again, so the fire will go out, but I'm not sure if the fire spirits and ifs will be okay.

"It won't be a problem. We have contractors and the fire is burning because of the distillation. It is tolerable enough.

Nomos says, glancing at the distiller. The fire is burning, indeed. Also, Sylphy, Dine, Dolly, and If are looking at the distiller, chatting with each other fornicatedly. Sylphie, you're free to go on your own, but you're coming to the distillery. When it becomes a sanctuary, should we build a place for everyone to have fun? Maybe it will be a bar.

"Good. I'll make an altar for the staffs, and you can modify it. Speaking of which, is there anything that needs to be done to the altar for the cane? I heard that it needs a roof and that the location has to be in the center of the base. ......"

"You don't need a roof. In other sanctuaries, there are balls given by the Spirit King floating in the air. All you need to do is to place the staffs so that they are evenly spaced around the ball. The place is so small that it won't make much difference where you place it, but it is better to place it in the center as much as possible.

I'll give it some thought. Thank you."

Is the ball floating in the air? It's possible that a building would be more distracting. If we need a building, it would be better to build a building around the floating sphere. ...... But I heard that it would be better to place the ball in the center of the base as much as possible.

The center of this base is the very first fountain. It is impossible to build a building there. It is too much trouble to make a place to set up a staff in the fountain before that.

Even ...... has a situation that tickles my kitchen fancy, with the Spirit King's ball floating in the center of the fountain. I think it would be cool if we can make a foothold in the fountain for the staff and surround the fountain.

I know you said as much as possible, and it would be no problem to be near the fountain, but it might be a good time to give it a try. There are many things to do, and I feel like I'm making things more troublesome for myself, but I have a place where I can do as I please, so it should be fun to be a little more particular about it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!