Published at 31st of October 2021 10:58:06 AM

Chapter 1453: 1453

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Especially the ghost leader, in order to get rid of the poisonous insects, he doesn't want to be controlled by others.

Even the sun brothers and sisters are also arrested, want to wait for an opportunity to threaten Xue Sheng. Even seriously injured two people. Now it's inconvenient for them to move in wheelchairs. Isn't it the ghost leader who seriously injured them?

Now, as long as he touched the extremely ironic eyes of the sun brothers and sisters, he felt that his face was burning and wanted to apply the ice on his face.

Sun Zheng's poems are full of hatred for the ghost leader. At that time, she will never forget the harm that the ghost leader caused to their brother and sister and murongsheng. As long as the ghost leader does not die, she will always remember it in her heart!

She is not the kind of person who has been bullied by others and can say it in a big way. I forgive you for being so broad-minded that you have no edge or edge!

She'll pay for it!

Even after spending a long time with murongsheng, he naturally learned some ways of not knowing how to trace Yin people.

Now the eyes of sun Zheng's poem are on the leader of the ghost. There is no evil in his eyes. On the contrary, he seems to be in a better mood.

But at the same time, it makes the ghost leader's heart produce a kind of creepy taste, there is always a bad feeling is coming towards him.

"It's really funny to talk about you people. There is a man who wants to kill Xue Sheng all the time, but he is the one who wants to get rid of the poisonous insects

Now although the scene is not particularly quiet, but at the same time there is no special noise.

The words of sun Zheng's poetry can be clearly heard by everyone standing here.

Sun Wenzhe's eyelids moved slightly and silently gave sun Zheng a thumbs up in his heart.

Yes, completely all the spearheads are directed at one person.

Wait a moment, there must be chaos here!

All of them bowed their heads in shame because of what sun Zheng's poem said.

Even doctor Xue's heart is not very good, although he did not participate in. But he knew in his heart that when he learned about it, he also had a little chance to kill murongsheng.

However, after a few seconds of repentance and shame, these people raised their heads and looked at each other.

Does it seem that something is not quite right?

They themselves follow people to make soy sauce to see the situation, which doesn't do much harm to Xue Sheng.

On the contrary, a lot of people who followed them to make soy sauce were made miserable by Xue Sheng. The people who can survive and walk out have basically become blood people.

However, those who hurt Xue Sheng the most

The Dragon Dharma protector is dead. What about the next people?

After thinking for a few seconds in their minds, they all looked at the ghost leader and elder Zhang who wanted to slip away from here.

When sun Zheng said that sentence, the ghost leader and elder Zhang felt something wrong.

I was about to sneak away, but I found that people reacted very quickly, and the eyes that wanted to kill them fell down in an instant.

Even if it is a lack of confidence, at this time can not be their own heart to show guilty, strong support a swing sleeve is ready to leave here.

As a result, I haven't gone two steps. I don't know who it is. I secretly calculated these two people behind my back.

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