Published at 10th of February 2022 04:56:25 AM

Chapter 970

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"I heard you came back just now. Why are you talking here?"

From far to near, the trees had a gentle smile on their faces, and they didn't know whether they heard their conversation.

Lin Yunze looked at her calmly. "Is it scattered over the dance hall?"

"How can miss an end without Ruyi? Brother Yunze is better to show his face."

"Excuse me."

Then the man turned briskly into the darkness.

Yun jou Chia looked at her back and couldn't help sighing, "Lin Yunze is really cold."

"What are you talking about?"

"Talk about Amanie! Do you know that she has been flirting with Lin Yunze for the sake of her family's investment funds? "

The tree nodded calmly, "I know."

"If you didn't tell me, I thought she really liked Lin Yunze! I also help to give advice! "

He said meaningfully, "it's not a conflict."

Later, she knew that Lin Yunze still didn't go to the dance hall. Amanny waited until two o'clock in the morning. Mrs. wenlish and the invited ladies left. She was sleepy together with the maid. She still waited with her teeth.

Except for a sigh, poor man, I can't find any other adjectives.

Lin Yunchuan was filled with a lot of wine yesterday. When Yun jou Chia knocked on the door, he was full of wine. He was wearing white long sleeves and his hair covered his eyes. He laughed when he met.

"Sister in law, you came to me! Am I dreaming that you took the initiative to come to my room! "

"Did you investigate yesterday's flowers?"

He snorted coldly, turned around and walked inside. His body tilted and fell himself into the sofa, "you really think of me as your obedient little attendant! Come to me except for investigation. Why should I listen to you! "

Last night, jou Chia had a nightmare all night after she went back to shangyun.

Atone and let Lin zhuo'er die in front of his father's tombstone. Lin Shijin told the secret that the trees and Lin zhuo'er died together, and all kinds of messy things filled his mind.

She couldn't tell which was more terrible, the killing of trees and the death of trees in her arms.

When I woke up in the morning, my head was still heavy, as if I hadn't slept all night.

She was in a bad mood. She choked on alcohol as soon as she opened the door. Now she was even more angry when she listened to the words with guns and sticks, "who am I investigating these things for? Which one doesn't have anything to do with your Lin family? What can I do? "

Lin Yunchuan didn't mean anything else. He just wanted the girl to say a few good words.

From now on, the people in front are like a flower of kaolin. They are cold and do whatever they want. They don't care about him or even look down.

Yesterday, he clearly saw the girl passing in front of the dance hall, and he was sure that the girl saw herself, but she walked by so lightly.

He knew that he was a sister-in-law, and he knew more about the results of caring about a person, but he couldn't control himself. This kind of near crazy pull could only be eliminated by alcohol.

As soon as I opened the door and saw the girl, I was very happy. As soon as I opened my mouth, all my enthusiasm was extinguished.

Lin Yunchuan's evil taste flowed out. "What does it matter to me what the Lin family has become? Miss Yun is willing to worry about it. Why not go to the forest? Run to me every day, and others will misunderstand us again! "

Yun jou Chia was still cold and stepped back. "I didn't think about it well. You don't have to investigate it. I'll find a way. Bye."

"I'll go! Are you leaving? "

"If you need sobering soup, I'll call the kitchen."

He closed his mouth and lay back angrily, "you really have no conscience!"

She walked to the door step by step. "We have nothing to do from the beginning. Please don't be amorous."

The sound of bang ended the unprovoked quarrel directly.

Yun jou Chia's mouth is not flattering. On the way back, she still ordered a sobering Soup for the childish young master. Thinking that he must not have eaten, she ordered preserved egg and lean meat porridge and a stack of Hawthorn cakes to appetizer.

The cook took out his enthusiasm to sell things and said that young master Yunchuan likes bean paste bags best. Do you want to send two?

She always felt that she had done too much in the morning and no one ate the rest.

She waved her hand and dropped it off.

Lin Yunchuan, the horse boy, quit. Yun jou Chia had to find a new information channel. It was impossible in the forest. She had to investigate him. In the light of the enemy's enemy is a friend, she found Tang Yunzhe again.

My wife abused me thousands of times. Tang Shao treated his wife for the first time.

When calling, Tang Yunzhe should be having some kind of entertainment. The sound of the organ and Harp don't match very well, but it is perfectly unified with the elegant and noble opera cavity. She can smell the smell of champagne through the phone.

He took part in the reception and sent Chaowen Dao in the air. By the way, he asked Yun jou Chia to wait for her at the Shenglan guild hall in the evening.

Yun jou Chia thought that if I waited, I would be a mallet.

Chao Wen said he stuffed himself into the car with bread, muttered and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "I found all the flower shops within a radius of two kilometers, and finally found it!"

Sliding the photo on the mobile phone, she handed it to Yun jou Chia to see, "gold and silver Epiphyllum."

The broad and slender petals are slightly curved, and the yellow and white colors appear on the petals evenly and regularly. The flowers are very beautiful and elegant, and look expensive at a glance.

He started the car, drove two kilometers forward and said, "fortunately, the flowers are very expensive. Few florists around have such goods and buy very few. Only this Florist sold these flowers on October 8."

Yun jou Chia looked at the flower shop with small area and simple decoration, and then asked, "who sold it?"

"I didn't find out." He took a big bite of bread, bared his teeth and said, "the boss said I didn't look like a good man. He also said that he wouldn't tell me about the user's privacy."

He turned his head sideways and a fierce force came out of his throat, "sister-in-law, you speak now. As long as you give an order and take responsibility, I'll find someone to tear down the flower shop. "

"I'm responsible?"

"Thanks to you, we have been watched by the Lin family recently. The boss told us to be honest and no one can cause trouble. Otherwise, when would I be so easy to talk, I would have beaten Ya long ago. "

Yun Wen, who was beating his nails in the back row, said, "please, not all things can be solved with fists."

"What can I do?"

"Use your head. News needs to be covered."

Chaowen Dao completely belongs to the existence of kneeling outside at home and you want to give face. Now Yun Wenwen sarcastically said, "do you still have a brain?"

She threw the nail polish in her hand. "What if I asked you?"

He stretched out his neck. "Whatever you say."

"Sister, you can watch!"

"There's nothing wrong with my sister-in-law being a notary!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!