Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:26:53 PM

Chapter 1816

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Ye Jian's mind is not in general disorder. She was hurt by Ye Ying in the past as a bereaved dog. She is a golden phoenix flying out of the gully in Shuikou village, Fujun Town, which makes every relative who has a little relationship with Ye's family and sun's family try to make friends with Ye Zhifan.

As for myself, I will always be the object of ridicule. As long as I mention Ye Ying, I will definitely mention myself. When I mention myself, I will say that it's immoral. She has lost the face of eight generations of ancestors.

Why are those people holding Ye Ying?

Very simple, because ye Ying married into gaomen! But ye Zhifan also rises step by step, has become one side big official!

Ye Ying didn't dare to embarrass her at first, but warned her not to lose her family's face when she went home less. He said that her father is now well-off. If he goes back to ruin her father's reputation, the whole family would hate to kill him.

In his last life, he was timid and cowardly. He was threatened by Ye Ying who dared to go back to the village. At the age of 18, he wanted to take the Hukou book to apply for his ID card and get insulted. When ye Ying returned home, he went back happily and was driven away. Later, he grew up and began to understand how to resist. Ye Ying married.

When the most miserable day came, ye Ying, who had married a man, began to use all his forces to make trouble with her, and even wanted her life.

Knowing that she lost her job again and again, was expelled, or even blocked the road, or burned the house, ye Ying did it all. She knew that ye Ying's embarrassment to herself before her marriage was nothing but a little hard to speak.

I can't get my salary after finding a job. I was chased by gangsters after work in the middle of the night. Someone broke the door when I was sleeping at night These are the real dilemmas.

I have been ruthless for many times. If there is a chance, she must let Ye Yingsheng die, and let her have nothing! Once she was so humble and willing to ask God to give her a chance, and even went to Buddha to make a wish that ye Ying had nothing in the future.

Now, now , thinking of all kinds of previous lives, Ye Jian suddenly laughed, not that kind of laughter, but a low and deep smile full of pressure, which seemed to be happy, and there seemed to be a lot of hate. Liu Yuan, who was still scared, stared at Ye Jian, but didn't react for a while.

Du family If this Du family is Ye Ying's wife's family in her last life, can she directly cut off Ye Ying's way to Gaozhi?

Is it possible to solve the worries once and for all, so that ye Ying of this life really becomes nothing?

She had so much hope in her previous life, but in the end it didn't come true.

This life, this life Since God let her come back, back to the starting point, back to the source that can stop all tragedies, how can she fail, how can she fail!

Ye Ying got married to gaomen because of Ye Zhifan. How can this life be like him, as ye Ying wishes!

"Wait, ye Ying. The good play has finally begun." He lowered his head and lifted his hand to wipe away the tears that were about to overflow from his eyes. Ye Jian closed her eyes gently, calming the waves in her heart.

Liu Yuan is shocked by the violence she suddenly sends out. She steps back and asks carefully, "you Is it OK? Is it because of Du Jiayi Don't be angry. She is such a person. You and she are not an army. If you tell her today, she will tell you. She doesn't have the ability to cross the army and cross arms to embarrass you. "

Liu Yuan is just an ordinary literary and art soldier, and does not know du Jiayi's family background.

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