Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:25:08 PM

Chapter 1894

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Ye Jian suddenly realized that things were not so good Dare to call the commander-in-chief's name so impolitely, and you will know that the one who comes is not good.

"You'll have a seat. I'll go out." The commander-in-chief, whose face was heavy as water, stood up, just arrived at the door and said, "I'll talk to you about the old things at home."

This is to explain to leaf Jane, hurriedly stand up: "do you see to invite her to come in to talk?"

"Well, when you go back with the sixth, I will not go to the hospital. Say hello to President Chen for me." Commander in chief Xia nodded slightly, and when he opened the door and walked out, ye simply saw how heavy the prestige the commander-in-chief showed was, and how inviolable the military might was!

Ye Jian, who was sitting down slowly, was a little fidgety. The commander-in-chief was a senior general of the military department. However, the people who came here shouted and yelled like this did not care about the face of the commander-in-chief. They said that it was an old thing Don't you Don't think of someone's leaf Jane can't sit for a moment.

Ms. Xiao, the ex-wife of the commander-in-chief! She thought for a moment whether it would be her.

If it's Ms. Xiao, it's not right for her to wait for commander-in-chief Xia to return to the box. No, she can't stay. She has to leave right away!

I can't see the commander in chief's private affairs!

Outside came a cold, low drink, the voice of commander-in-chief Xia, "Xiao Shuman, the more you live, the more you go back!" Anger is like thunder.

Ye Jian, who can't sit any longer, stands up. She has to leave.

The door opened again, and Xia Jinyuan came over with a clear, elegant, handsome face and dark complexion. "Little fox, you come back first. I need to help my father with something."

When I checked out, I didn't notice that I was met by the person I didn't want to see the most. Xia Jinyuan's mood at this time is not so bad. The beautiful couple's face can't find the wanton smile just now, only the cold color.

"Well, don't lose your sense, and don't quarrel outside. Say something with the door closed." Don't let others see jokes. Ye Jian didn't say it directly. She knew what she wanted to say with Xia Jinyuan's understanding.

Xia Jinyuan nodded softly, "don't worry, she won't have a chance to make trouble. Come on, don't make you angry. "

His mother, Ms. Xiao, is definitely a kind of exotic flower. He has repeatedly "ridiculed" commander-in-chief Xia how to find such a so-called "talented woman". What kind of talented woman is clearly a "firewood woman"!

a belly of firewood, without any real goods, which can't be burned!

Ms. Xiao's name is Shuman. She is in her early fifty-four years old, five years younger than commander-in-chief Xia. She is well maintained. From the background, she believes in her early thirty. From the front, she is in her forties. She has beautiful eyes, red lips like cherries, and noble and elegant temperament.

At a glance, Ye Jian leaves in a hurry. Although she is the girlfriend of the summer team, the current affairs are not ordinary family affairs. It's better for her to listen less and know less.

"Xia Xinhui, I'm Ayan's mother. You don't allow me to see him. Why are you so domineering as a soldier?"

After walking, Ye Jian hears her such a complaint, which is really like being wronged by thousands of people and makes the audience moved.

Then another lady said softly, "old Xia, you are so grumpy. How can you not change your temper after decades. Shumansi is very keen. You need to understand. You can't stop Ayan from seeing his own mother. "

"How many times has Shuman seen Ayan since she divorced you? I'm afraid that Ayan doesn't know who his biological mother is. "

Ye Jian can't hear any more. Suddenly she says to Xia Jinyuan, "Xia team, I'll get back in the car myself. Go and say to this lady, don't really take them for granted!"

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