Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:24:10 PM

Chapter 1944

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Ye Jian waved with them and said with a smile to LV Xin, "squad leader, you didn't mean to talk about it casually at that time. When you enlisted in the army in winter, you should still be in the boot camp."

Or soldiers know soldiers, other students have not asked.

"I didn't go anywhere else. Even in our southern province, I didn't expect the company commander would agree. I was really given two days off." Lu Xin, who had been holding his back straight, replied with a smile, his words seemed to be somewhat restrained.

"It's not so easy to agree. Recruits will ask for leave when they join the army. Monitor, you can't easily have two days off." Ye Jian, who knows about the barracks, doesn't believe that it's so easy to take two days off. It's hard to get military students, let alone the troops.

Be funny. A company commander who is a little more talkative often has the idea of secretly cleaning up his head. He has a strong style of work. A company commander who can't say anything about it. Don't even mention it. A new recruit takes a month off when he's in the army. What do you want to do when he's at home?

Like Liu Tuan and Yan commissar, their company commanders are all good talkers, but no recruits have the courage to take two days off directly.

"I've been given two days off. I've asked for leave to leave. I don't believe it. Look!" Lu Xin looked at it with great momentum. His hair was numb. He quickly opened the pocket on his coat and took out the neatly folded note. "Look, there are company commander's signatures on it."

Ye Jian saw that he was so nervous that his forehead seemed to sweat out, and she couldn't help chuckling. It's not like an exquisite monitor.

He looked up and down for a while. "How could it be like a different person? The recruitment period is not over yet. It shouldn't have changed so much. It's not like the monitor of our first class. "

When she didn't take it, Lu Xin became more nervous and directly opened the note and handed it to her. "Don't turn away from the topic. I have to show you my leave slip. You see, you see, here My company commander's signature, and the seal of release. There's a time for returning. I have to return before 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. "

Ye Jian took a look at it. It was close enough. It was the Fanghua regiment of the military training in the second year of senior high school that completed the training in the new barracks.

"Hey, isn't it close? I'm also surprised how I can get directly to the anti Chemical Corps. However, my monitor said that they may not be assigned to the chemical defense regiment. It is likely that they will only complete the training of the new barracks and then go out after that. "

Lu Xin saw her letter and was afraid that the wind would blow the leave slip away. He quickly folded it carefully and put it back in his pocket. He said: "I don't know how the company commander gave me two days' leave. I guess I did well."

The better the performance, the more strict the team will be. The monitor has two more days off. Judging from her experience At the end of the two-day holiday, the squad leader is going to fall into a special "caring" day for the army leaders.

Poor squad leader doesn't know the routine of the army leaders at the moment, so don't remind the squad leader for the time being, otherwise he won't be in a good mood for the party.

Ye Jian expressed deep sympathy for this.

Lu Xin, who doesn't understand the routine of the army leaders, doesn't know what the day will be like when he goes back. He urges: "go ahead and sit. All the girls in our class are here. Zhang Yueyan asks if you're here. So is Ann Jiaxin. It's good to worry if you're not here yet."

He was embarrassed to say that standing with her was like seeing the chief. He felt pressure in his heart, even though she was wearing casual clothes.

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