Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:22:07 PM

Chapter 2063

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Xia Jinyuan nodded and smiled happily in his handsome face. He believed that his comrades in arms would protect the bluebird well. "Remember, I will go back home immediately after leaving the island tonight!"

The firefight between the two sides was only sporadic gunfire. In the thin starlight, Ye Jian's dark eyes, like the sea, gently stared at the unexpected lover in front of him. He looked at him with special and deep affection, "Bluebird, give me your pistol."

Hearing this, Ye Jian, who was softened by his eyes, immediately looked at him with alert eyes. Subconsciously, he felt that it was not a good thing that he asked her for a pistol.

The white crane looked at the vigilant leaf Jane, drew out the pistol from his battle vest and handed it to him. "Use mine."

Over the years, his comrades in arms have understood why Xia Jinyuan needs a pistol.

"No, you can use a bluebird." Xia Jinyuan refused, and looked at his lover with cold eyes. "Bluebird, give me your pistol," he said

He repeated it.

Ye Jian's heart and mouth were trembling. She held her pistol tightly, and the red corner of her eyes had already shed tears.

Smart as she has understood why he insisted on his own pistol, this man who always led her, such as the towering Tianshan Mountain, told him that there was no softness in the battlefield.

The people who are still alive on Antoni's side have been injured. How could Xia team, who is one of them for the time being, not be injured?

He needs to go back with his injuries.

White crane can't bear to look down again. He who is biting his cheek should not open his head.

The cuckoo, who is still fighting the scattered bullets, growled, "give it to him, Bluebird! This is an order! "

This is an order!

The duty of a soldier is to obey orders!

At last, Ye Jian held out her hand tremblingly and handed the gun to her. Under the combat gloves, her right hand was so ferocious that her knuckles made the skin on the back of her hand white and white. Even the blue blood vessels could be seen clearly.

She had no choice but to pass the gun.

The grip was so tight that Xia Jinyuan failed to get her hand for the first time, until she grasped her wrist and forced her to release.

"Bluebird, sometimes you have to make the best choice for yourself. I told you that the battlefield is always full of cruelty you can't imagine."

He took the gun that fell from her hand, calm, even with a little smile, so gentle, but also so cold, "it's not hard to make a choice for one thing in the battlefield, you just need to remember two points..."

Remember which two points he didn't say, he shot his arm in the eyes of Ye Jian.

Ye Jian knew that he would hurt himself, but she was not prepared. She thought that he would at least finish talking before she started because he shot suddenly and covered her heart position with her hand. Her face was full of pain.

The smell of blood came, and the calm voice of Xia Xianyuan came again, "you only need to remember two points: one is the right choice; the other is the choice of gain or loss."

"Keep these two points in mind, and you will soon make the most correct and beneficial choice for yourself." As long as her shortcomings are found, Xia Jinyuan will only make one choice: tell her seriously and teach her.

The low sound of gunfire, compared with the sound of walking cuckoo's now sweeping gun, the sound of pistol bullets loaded with silencer is as low as a stone thrown into a pond, but falling into Yejian's ear is like thunder.

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