Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:21:51 PM

Chapter 2079

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When I got home, I sat in this big chair and looked at the empty big chair opposite. I vaguely went back to the old time. I saw the old man with good looks in his old military uniform. He looked at himself kindly, and the sour leaf in his eyes smiled.

At home, she peeled off the hardest outer layer, which can withstand the wind and rain, and made the smile on the corner of her mouth so soft, "Grandpa, are you ok? I don't know when she will be back this time. "

"I'd like to tell you a good news. I'm finally waiting for the end of Ye Zhifan and the family. I've waited for two generations, and finally I've waited for the ending of Ye Zhifan. Grandpa, I'm really happy, very happy. "

Suddenly, the chatterbox opened, and then she couldn't stop it. Ye Jian, with a soft smile on her lips, seemed to return to Uncle Gen's time in the world. She said something she didn't know how to say to principal Chen and Xia Jinyuan, and she slowly, carefully and gently said it in the face of the empty chair.

"I haven't told you why I suddenly became sensible in the second year of junior high. I always want to tell you, but I can't say it."

"You said that I am sensible, that I finally want to understand, Grandpa, you don't know why I am sensible, and finally want to understand, because I have been taught by blood in my previous life, and live again with hatred."

"In my previous life, I didn't listen to you and refused your help. At last, ye Ying forced me to be like a bereaved dog. I even died without any dignity."

"But I didn't think I could live another life. I came here with hatred. The only thing I want to do is revenge. Besides, I have no idea. It's grandpa who points out a way for me to tell me that in addition to revenge, there is another way to make enemies hate. "

"I listen to your arrangement and your words. Ye Zhifan, who suffered from the previous life and hurt me all my lonely life, swings around in front of my eyes and puts down the scissors and kitchen knives again and again in silence."

"In your words, the road you pointed out let me come out from the hatred full of gloom and understand that only self-improvement can make me stand on my own and accomplish what I didn't accomplish in my last life."

"When I can't bear it, I think of you. When I can't help it, I'll run, train, vent, and endure it, and then I'll endure it again."

"I'm so lucky to have met you, President Chen, Liu Tuan and Yan Commissar. Also met this life's favorite lover, is also the summer team of comrades in arms, this life because of you, no matter how hard or tired you feel sweet

"Grandpa, I don't think I will come back easily this time. Although there is my family in the village, I have suffered too many white eyes in the village in my previous life. Even though they are very kind to me now, I can't help thinking of them in my previous life. "

"I know it's not right, but Grandpa, my heart and eyes can't be enlarged. Some people, some things, no matter how hard I try, can't be relieved."

"The people who helped me are always remembered, but those who bullied me and humiliated me, I can't let go of this life if I live recklessly. There are too many bitterness in the warmth and coldness of human relationship. In my previous life, I was framed by Ye Ying, and I was pointed when I walked in the village. Grandpa, every time I go back to the village, I can't help thinking about what happened... "

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