Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:21:34 PM

Chapter 2096

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Sun Dongqing hurriedly got up to deal with the wound. The telephone "jingling bell" rang at home. Pressing her finger to stop bleeding, she looked up at the wall clock and smiled deeply.

The videotape was put on the coffee table without any more care. I hurriedly picked up the seat machine which was put in the corner of the sofa.

Ye Zhifan didn't immediately call sun Dongqing. He and his driver got the address wrong and had to let the driver find them first.

See the daughter went to the phone, he said: "you stand here waiting, dad go to the front to see."

Ye Ying, who was just on the phone at home, nodded busily and said, "Dad, put your luggage down, and I'll do it."

"Well, don't walk around, or you'll come back to you." The driver who came to pick them up called again. With a smile on his face, ye Zhifan said, "we have already walked outside. I'll wait for you in the corridor now. You should see me when you turn around."

"Good. Thank you."

Ye Zhifan, the driver sent by Du's family, is naturally hospitable. If he puts on the official airs of the director of Urban Construction Bureau of southern province because of his identity, he will despise Du's family.

Send someone to pick you up. That's Du's face. Don't you despise the driver you sent?

Ye Zhifan, who wants to have a good relationship with Du's family, will not do such a stupid thing.

At half past six in the capital, it was dusk. The Huadeng had already started. Ye Ying, who was standing on the aisle of the parking lot, reported that he was safe. He couldn't wait to tell sun Dongqing a good news. "Mom, Mrs. Li sent a driver to pick us up. I'll go to the hotel to meet Mrs. Li directly with dad later."

"Mrs. Li also said that her daughter is also in the literary and Art Troupe, but it's a pity that her daughter is not in the Beijing political troupe. It would be better if she were in the Beijing political troupe."

It would be better if Mrs. Li's daughter were also in the Beijing political group. She would make her happy every day, just like Yao Jing's girls!

Hearing such good news, sun Dongqing felt no pain in her fingers and said happily, "I'll tell you that Yingying is a delightful family! It doesn't matter if you listen to Mrs. Li well, coax her more and say more sweet words. "

"Mom, don't worry. I know how to do it." Seeing ye Zhifan waving, she quickly covered her mobile phone with a disguised cover, and the voice of Jiao didi said quickly: "Mom, I won't say it. Dad found the driver sent by the Lifu people. I got on the bus first, and I'll call you tomorrow."

Ye Ying is afraid that ye Zhifan will hear these words. Before sun Dongqing finishes speaking, she immediately pinches them. When the car arrives, she has quickly adjusted her facial expression.

The driver sent by Du's family pushed open the door and trotted to Ye Ying. He respectfully called out "Miss Ye". First, he opened the door and asked her to get on, then he put the luggage in the rear compartment.

Ye Ying was surprised that it was a little unnatural to get on the bus. She was as polite as the driver on TV asking the rich lady to get on the bus. She thought she was really a noble lady at that moment.

"Director ye, Miss ye, my wife is having a banquet in the Wangfu hotel. Now I'll send two of them over. The hotel you stayed in is also Wangfu hotel. I hope you are satisfied. "

The politeness of the driver makes Ye Zhifan feel more determined. Mrs. Li arranges the food and accommodation in person, which is enough to show the Du family's interest in their father and daughter.

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