Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:18:23 PM

Chapter 2296

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One second remember, wonderful and free reading!

Ye Jian has a strong sense of self-awareness and knows how to act.

It was quiet in the car, and she didn't think about it.

She had never been in touch with politics before. She didn't want to be so far-reaching. Facing the understanding of politics between countries, she clearly realized that she had a serious shortage!

There is an excellent diplomat around her, and she is very careful to call on her. Even if it is only a short-term exchange, it also benefits her a lot.

No one is born a politician. Ye Jian, who is always smart, has the advice of Qin Xiu. She thinks deeply. Soon, she gradually reaches the edge and has a deeper insight.

Qin Xiu's strong time limit means that the agreed time can't be changed in advance. Once the other party doesn't arrive on time, it's the other party's dishonesty.

Thirdly, Qin Xiu arrived at the venue ahead of time. This is a courtesy. He told the other party that we had a sincere talk. When the other side is dishonest, Qin Xiu, who first salutes and then soldiers, has enough reasons to leave. Since he expressed China's sincerity, he also let the neighboring countries see China's strength.

After leaving, the domestic border exercises were launched immediately, which made the neighboring countries aware of China's positive defense attitude. It is not easy for the neighboring countries to test and play a role of deterrence, thus safeguarding the respect of the country.

Now, Qin Xiu intends to let out the wind of negotiation when he arrives at the neighboring country, so that the northern region can realize In this way, even if this negotiation is not carried out, it will have no impact on our country.

At last, Ye Jian, who finally figured it out, glanced at Qin Xiu, the reclusive man, and gave him a thumbs up.

It's really awesome!

Xia team and her brother are the most powerful roles she has ever seen. Now, another Qin Xiu has been added!

Ye Jian admired the people who could do the sacrifice for the country. At this time, Qin Xiu set up a very tall description in her mind Let her see the power of an excellent foreign official.

Finally, Ye Jian, who understood thoroughly, quietly looked at Qin Xiu, who was still maintaining his original posture. She was very praised. It was really amazing!

China's car is less than a kilometer away. After hearing the latest report from the military group, the ambassador immediately contacted the leader of the new deal. He still hasn't opened his mouth. The leader of the new deal lost his temper and said: "please come to my office and sit for a while! I'll talk to him in person! "

In general, national leaders will not easily meet an ambassador unless they have an appointment in advance.

The new deal ambassador is in a quandary.

Please? Where to please? Everyone's gone!

He said that the Chinese ambassador had left, and the new deal leader was so angry that he slapped the table fiercely, "send someone to invite him back immediately! No matter how you do it, you must invite him to my office! "

"Yes!" The new deal ambassador is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. China has never conducted such a large-scale military exercise on the border between the two countries. They are also skeptical and vigilant about the information they have received before. We can think of China's consistent handling style before. Under the skepticism, we still think that China is thunderous and raindrops are small.

Now, wrong, wrong, all wrong!

"Haven't the people sent by Rilla come yet? Very good. I'm talking to Rilla now. You will tell the person he sent later how serious the consequences of China's fury are! In addition, what general Wu weinu said will remain unchanged! " The new deal leader hung up angrily and picked up the phone immediately. He needed to talk to the crazy Rilla!

Recommend the new book of Laoshi, the great God of the city:

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