Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:12:48 PM

Chapter 2571

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Just now, he didn't have any disrespect, and he didn't have a normal and informal manner The colonel, who was in contact with his father-in-law's vision in the future, nodded his head and smiled with reserve.

"Let's settle in four scientists for a rest and raise our spirits." Xia Jinyuan took back his sight and said with Lin Feng, "which room would you like to have a rest in?"

Lin Feng said: "it's in the living room. I spend a lot of money on boron carbide ceramic bulletproof materials. I'll go to the room and bring out the blanket. You can move the coffee table away and just lie down."

Fu PA saw his daughter and said that he would look down on their captain without thinking much. He smiled and said, "you are very similar to your mother, but you look a little like your elder brother."

Big brother? Does she look like that?

Taking back her eyes, Ye Jian touched her face and chuckled, "I think elder brother is similar to you. It's said that uncle Xiao You see, it's true. I can find the shadow of the eldest brother, the year of pansy, in your face. "

"When brother saw me for the first time, he thought I was familiar with my eyes, as if he had seen me from somewhere."

When it comes to my nephew Li Jinnian, father Fu has a deep smile in his eyes. "Jinnian is a bit like me, and your two brothers are a bit like me, so he feels like he has seen you somewhere."

"It's so good. It's so good. My daughter is so old. Red plum has trained you very well and excellently. When I was young, your mother often said that if my children are as serious as I am in the future, it's like trouble. If it's a daughter, I'm afraid it's hard to marry someone. If it's a son, I'm afraid it's hard to marry a daughter-in-law. "

Ye Jane likes to listen to her parents when they are young. She feels that her mother is so close to her. When her father spoke, she seemed to see her young mother standing quietly beside her, with a gentle smile on her lips, listening to what her father said.

My mother is still the image in my memory. She is young, beautiful and gentle like a woman standing beside the water. Even standing quietly is a picture.

"Your mother was very beautiful when she was young. Many young boys in the team wanted to join her. At that time, the management of the army was as strict as it is now. There were strict boundaries between men and women, but your mother was a rare woman in the team, and she was born white and beautiful, which made the men in the team wish they could train with her in 24 hours. "

father Fu mentioned the past. His serious eyes were full of water, and the whole person became extraordinarily gentle.

"Later, I chased your mother, and once your mother teased me. If it wasn't for my good face, she probably couldn't find my white radish in a black wood."

Hearing this, Ye Jian couldn't help chuckling. She found a white radish in the black wood. So, at first, her mother fell in love with her mother because of her father's good image?

Looking at the photos of his father when he was young, it was true that he was an introverted, serious and beautiful man. Although he is over forty now, his image has become mature and refined because of his age.

He has been engaged in research and development for a long time. He often needs to think about problems. His eyebrows and heart are slightly wrinkled with the word "Sichuan", so it looks very rigid.

The eyes are very serious and very wise. When you look at people, you will slightly tighten your eyes, which will make people nervous.

Ye Jian thought that her father must be a serious and frightening chief engineer in the base, especially those younger soldiers, who are afraid to look directly at her father's sight.

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