Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:09:16 PM

Chapter 2752

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Xia Jinyuan knew Ye Jian. He was so ashamed that Ye Jian, who was red to hot, closed his eyes. He didn't want to have a half second contact with his eyes.

"Raise your hands and bend your legs to see if your joints are still stiff. Don't be stiff, so as not to strain the same ligament. Standing still for five and a half hours, the whole body joints are not active, the muscles are not fully supplied with blood, which will cause a series of short-term sequelae such as limb discord. "

"In general, when we finish the anti insolation training, you hold me and I hold you, at least 500 meters back and forth. Only by moving joints can we rest."

"You fainted directly. You didn't get any activity. Now you are cuddling me, not to mention any activity. Come on, first, bend your left knee, let me have a look..."

Ye Jian's idea is to stop all these things. The whole person is so ashamed that she just wants to escape. She closed her eyes and said: "you put me down, I move myself, you You You don't stay with me, I will It will be dealt with. "

Please, hurry up! Two people stay longer, she felt ashamed to lose face!

And K7 also knows that she's coming for a holiday!

K7 also knows She's on vacation, and Xia team holds her fainting in the woods Change your pants. K7 is the army doctor in the team. He is his Thinking that K7 is likely to know that Xia Jinyuan has changed her pants, Ye Jian is ashamed to want to wail.

She has no face to see! No face to see!

I fainted. Summer team will definitely let the fact that K7 will check the situation and take off his pants K7 absolutely! Yes! Yes! Say! Out! Come on!

Ye Jian only feels that the sky is dark

"Am I going to take a vacation All Know Tao Is that it? " Even if you ask me, I'm so sad.

Xia Jinyuan thought about it and replied honestly, "basically, you have a bloody smell and you are not hurt, and I'll come in with you, and then I'll go out in my battle suit after wearing it. I'm afraid I already know it by their terrible logic reasoning."

"And before you woke up just now, I stopped them from coming. I'm afraid that even if I changed your pants, they would know."

“……” Ye Jian wants to go home, but she doesn't want to train with these horrible comrades.

Xia Jinyuan saw her face with an expression of "life is loveless", otherwise he laughed, "we are all transparent in each other's eyes, except that we don't ask each other much about things at home, personal things in the army, but whether we sleep with our wife and girlfriend when we go back home on holiday, and what we did, and how many times, for how long Even these things are not secrets. "

"Of course, I didn't say it myself. It was all by guessing. It's just that we all have excellent IQ. Even if we can guess, we can't miss ten. When you come, it's good that the female soldiers won't be too presumptuous, but they won't let me go in the future. "

"In the future, if you hear about some private matters between us, you have the right to ignore them and deal with them for me."

Thanks to the embarrassment of this matter, the pain of Ye Jian's previous life and this life has been taken aside, and she no longer wants to dream or exist.

Ye Jian, who was already embarrassed to death, raised her hand and pointed to the fingers outside, shaking and shaking again. "Team Xia, please Leave now. I'll change the pants myself. I'll change them myself. "

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