Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:08:38 PM

Chapter 2784

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At the same time, she was sure that she was not a dreamer, but a real and real person.

Otherwise, how does she know that there will be aircraft carriers coming out of China in ten years?!

The helicopter also added fuel once in the middle of the flight. When it arrived at the military airport, it was more than 3 a.m. and all the people rested in the dormitory of the military airport. They left at 7 a.m. the next day and took the military jeep to the military headquarters.

As always, the solemnity that has not yet come close to the military department makes people nervous. Since every soldier enters the military department, he will slow down, dress himself subconsciously, and turn around his well-dressed cap and look properly.

Solemn, hold your breath, keep your back straight This is the feeling of Qin Xiu's arrival at the military department every time, which makes him, a non military man, not only keep up with the pace of the soldiers, but also become very well behaved.

"Xiao Qin, I need to run to the General Administration after running to the Ministry of foreign affairs. In the afternoon, I heard that you have many things to do to get back to the Ministry of foreign affairs. Well, I asked my daughter to send you the documents from the general administration to the Ministry of foreign affairs. You, hurry up and finish the work so that you can go back to spend your life with Mrs. Qin after work in advance."

Vice chief of staff Du, who was waiting for the elevator together, smiled gently and said to Qin Xiu, "work is important, but family is also important. Mrs. Qin talked with my wife last time and said that she hasn't seen you for two months. Ah, it's good to work hard, but she also needs to accompany her family properly. Family members are also important, so they can't be lenient. "

And he was standing beside the charming face, like the most beautiful Rouge Du Jiayi.

Hearing her father's words, Du Jiayi felt like a deer living in her heart. Now she was happily bumping into her. Once bumping into her, she was confused and sweet.

In order to confirm the relationship between her and Qin Xiu, she was transferred back to the General Administration specially. Since then, she has stayed in Beijing and has more time to meet Qin Xiu.

Going out of the girl's reserve, Du Jiayi said with a smile: "Dad, how can you casually interfere in other people's work? You are not the same department, and you are not the superior of brother Qin Xiuge. How can you arrange brother Qin Xiuge's work?"

He also said to Qin Xiu, who had a long body even though he didn't wear a military uniform: "brother Qin Xiu, don't talk about my father. His old habit of finger pointing has been broken again. If you are busy with your work, leave him alone. "

The number of elevators has begun to count down. When he arrived at the first floor, Qin Xiuya smiled and said politely: "thank you for the concern of deputy chief of staff Du. I just sent a text message to my colleagues in the car to ask them to help me get the documents back. I don't bother Miss Du."

The polite politeness makes Du Jiayi's eyes dark. Her little daughter looks at Du's deputy chief of staff in a coquettish way, and says: "Dad, I told you not to mess with him. Brother Qin Xiuge knows that."

The graceful Du Jiayi not only won back her face, but also saved her father's face.

Qin Xiu, as usual, is still light and distant. Even a gentle and upright man with a smile in his eyes and mouth makes Du Jiayi feel the chill on him.

The man she secretly loves There was no interest in her.

Mrs. Qin also said that he appreciates the generous and independent girl. Look at his expression. Does it look like appreciation?

Not at all!

A strong sense of frustration came, and Du Jiayi bit her lower lip.

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