Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:06:12 PM

Chapter 3006

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"Are you shaking the heart of the army?" After watching the rules, Li Xunian raised his foot and kicked commander Xia who started to make trouble again. "It's also a miracle that you can live in the team until now."

From time to time, we need to catch our comrades. The captain has a brain disease!

G3 clapped T6's shoulder painfully and said: "you see I am calm with the kite, and the little heart hasn't even clapped more. I've been with the summer team for so long. Can't you hear what he said on purpose? "

"Tell you a way of identification. The more you say there is a problem, the more difficult it is to show that you have encountered a problem. The more you don't believe it, the more you believe it, the more stupid you are. You can call it SZ later. "

T6 blinked his eyes, "now I see, but can we solve ss?"

"SZ, the shorthand for a fool?" Ye Jian has some uncertain answers.

"It's really a smart man. One guess is right." G3 gives Ye Jane a thumbs up. In exchange, T6 kicks him in the air and kicks him on the bottom.

"Fool? Where am I stupid? Where are you stupid? " T6 complained bitterly, "Captain, I am a pure soldier, why do you cheat my feelings! Are you willing to cheat me when I am so pure? "

"Because you're SZ, they don't believe, you do." Xia Jinyuan replied with a bland face and no less banter in his eyes. "After that, you will be SZ, which is very consistent with your temperament."

"Fuck! Where is our female soldier? Come out and kill him. It's too bullying. " T6 looks for Ye Jian and tries to get her revenge.

There is no way to cheat such a pure man's "shameless" King Q, he will not cheat their feelings of female soldiers.

Ye Jian is far away from the war zone, standing beside Li Xinian, smiling at his playful comrades. No matter how hard they are, they will feel happy and happy.

Her man Ho, as the youngest team leader of snow field brigade, has not only passed the level of strength, but also added his personality charm.

After watching the rules of the game in turn, it's time to discuss the old rules and operational deployment within 15 minutes.

After the joke, the atmosphere was relaxed, and Xia Jinyuan stopped his joking smile. His eyes looked at his comrades sharply and said: "the first four teams have entered the castle. According to the rules of the game, it's a one-on-one game."

"The players in the first four teams who entered the castle will be the defenders, but now the rules have changed a lot. Since it's a one-on-one game, the teams in the first four teams should have contests, and the first, second and third teams should be the right ones, and the fourth team should stay with us."

"But IKA has always been flexible and changeable. Since there is no detailed explanation in the rules, there are still some variables in the middle. Only when we arrive can we know how to compare one-to-one."

"According to the rules of the game, the first four teams enter the castle as the defensive side, and the players who come back from behind will be selected by the national players of one of the first four teams and become the attacking side."

Because of his hoarse voice, Xia Jinyuan's voice is a little low and restrained, and his voice with gravel texture has another prestige. "The attacker must win the defense in order to succeed in winning the position, but if the attacker is fighting, the players from other countries come here, they can also attack the attacker in this battle by sneaking. Once they succeed, the name of the sneaker is One more step forward. "

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