Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:04:08 PM

Chapter 3146

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Students who haven't been to the battlefield can't feel the pathos of seeing their comrades die. What they see is that Ye Jian's dance shows what they think of as "ambush on all sides". The soldiers are powerful, the army is brave, short-term combat, knife and gun attack, thousands of years of fierce fighting, shocking.

But the comrades of snowland brigade are not.

What they saw was that their comrades passed through the smoke of gunpowder and were facing the bullets. In order to protect the comrades behind them, they would rather die for themselves.

Ye Jian and Xu Wen on the stage salute the students and leaders on the stage, and they are retained by the host in the thunderous applause.

"Two students, please wait a moment. We would like to ask you a little question." The male host quickly stepped up and retained two students who shocked everyone's mind.

According to the plan, they can step down after the performance and salute. It is obviously a temporary change to be left on the stage.

The applause stopped with the host's question. The leader who stood up sat down together. Ambassador Qin Dingkang pulled the chair back a little. After sitting down, he leaned slightly towards Qin Xiu and joked: "the palm of the hand is swollen."

The palms of Qin Xiu's hands were so hot that he looked at them. He didn't know whether they were swollen or not, but the palms of Qin Xiu's hands were really hot. "Every wonderful performance deserves the most warm applause."

In response, Ambassador Qin Dingkang was obviously unconvinced and asked with a smile, "is it as wonderful as the previous performances? No place to shine? "

"Dad, you saw Ye Jian's performance just now. I'm sure you already have the answer to how wonderful it is." In the face of his father's jokes, Qin Xiu calmly replied, "I have been convinced again."

Don't dodge and don't avoid to answer his father, let his father know that he is not holding the attitude of playing with Ye Jian, but thinking about the attitude of a lifetime.

After hearing this, Ambassador Qin Dingkang smiled a little deeper. Seeing his son talking to him in his mouth, his eyes fell on the young female student who also shocked him. Ambassador Qin Dingkang was sure that his son really liked the excellent female student.

A father always needs support.

There is little interaction between the two young people, but they only know each other. If they want to further develop, they need to communicate more, contact more, understand more, and ponder a little. Ambassador Qin Dingkang smiled and said, "Dad will give you a chance. After the meeting, you can go up on behalf of our Ministry of foreign affairs and shake hands with the students."

This opportunity is very good, Qin Xiu happily accepts, at the same time, in the eyes full of gratitude thanks, "Dad, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I support you because Xiaoye is really a good girl. It's much better than those girls who can't move, cry, act coquettish and lose their temper."

"Dad is still saying that, since it's chasing, I'll chase it seriously. After catching it, I won't allow you to be ambivalent. If I know it, Qin Xiu, you should know the consequences of my anger."

"A man doesn't even have the most basic sense of responsibility. How can he be a great leader? Especially in your present position, if you dare to double-minded, I'm not afraid of making a fool of myself. "

Ambassador Qin Dingkang didn't really scare Qin Xiu. Before, his younger brother gave birth to an illegitimate son, Qin Yi. When Ambassador Qin Dingkang learned about this, his first thing to do was to deal with his own brother. He didn't explain it and let his brother step down.

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