Published at 23rd of March 2022 08:02:18 PM

Chapter 3274

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There are special forces in each military region. Generally, they did all the things that they saw blood. Sometimes the rest of the soldiers didn't do such things until they retired.

Why didn't the recruits be selected from the special forces? This is because with the management of various mechanisms in our country becoming more and more mature, there is still a certain space for activities unlike before. It's really necessary to suddenly withdraw one or two people from a special forces. Although these people are strong in ability, their departure will have a greater impact on the original forces. Therefore, the military department decided to This group of recruits is no longer selected from the special forces as before, but from the top soldiers in each major military area.

The selected top soldier didn't kill anyone. Suddenly, I heard a slender, white and beautiful female soldier saying that she had killed veterans together Dozens of enemies, Rao is the male soldier who can calm down, but also changed his face.

Of course, they know that the soldiers of the snow area brigade have killed people. Their fierce and murderous spirit can be felt when they enter here on the first day, and their eyes are like fierce wolves looking at lambs!

"Going out to fight is either killing or being killed. You now think it's a tough training. When you go out to fight, you know how important it is."

"Don't doubt any words they say, any words they say are true and reliable. I don't want to challenge their bottom line with the word "unconvinced". Their bottom line can't be easily challenged. "

"I came here yesterday. I was first beaten by their chariots and chariots, and then I was singled out with Da Diao. Only when I met the requirements of the captain did I appear in front of you. This is my first day in the team."

"Before that, I was boxed and kicked by the captain and sent directly to the hospital. He almost cut off my breath when I was pressed into the water. So, when I see your attitude, one and two are perfect, my shock is no less than when you see that I am a female soldier. "

Ye Jian is very aware of the particularity of the snow area brigade, and how harsh the Veterans' training is. It's easy to use one sentence: it's not something people can accomplish!

The soldiers here are the tigers in the forest, the wolves on the grassland, the leopards in the night and the majestic lions. They built the Great Wall with their flesh and blood to protect the family reunion.

The third soldier was completely silent. From yesterday to now He had to digest and digest more information than they had received in a few months.

When Ye Jian saw that he was silent, she did not say more.

They were really excellent in the original army, and their comprehensive quality was even better. They were also good soldiers who could be strict with themselves. If they were not excellent, they could not be selected.

Only when there are too many gaps and heroes have no place to play, can a "unconvinced" mentality emerge. As long as this mentality is eliminated, all problems are not problems.

Ten minutes later, the second male soldier started to return with his car. Turning around, he saw their captain sitting in the all terrain vehicle, following the body up and down, moving left and right, shaking.

"Go, report to the team leader!"

The second male soldier won. Although he didn't show anything on his face, he was still happy when he bent up.

He said to No. 1 soldier, "you can definitely win the bluebird. You can win her without any pressure."

There are hundreds of bullets all the way through so many battle targets. He doesn't believe that the bluebird can really win the team and shoot the fastest No, the "sharpshooter" who shot the fastest in the old army.

The first male soldier is not so optimistic.

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