Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:55:45 PM

Chapter 3667

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Within an hour, three students will be killed. After an hour, how many students will be killed? Jinzhong is afraid to think about it.

The most unacceptable thing is Liu Nena. Before she started, she imagined countless ways to accept the Chinese students she hated. In her mind, she had a picture of beating the Chinese students to tears. She was so dreamy that she felt she could do it.

As a representative of her country to go abroad to participate in the competition, her ability and strength are recognized. Then, to defeat the students from a poor country, she believes she can definitely do it.

So when Ye Jian was found, she was still secretly happy.

However, the dream is so beautiful that after the cruel reality, Liu can't accept her "death in battle".

How could she be killed!

The dead side should be Chinese students!

She was so angry that she jumped to the spot, and the male student who attempted to attack Ye Jian was alarmed.

He has been hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity to start. He wants to wait until the two sides of the Chinese cadet and Liu NNA fight with each other in the shape of glue. If they work together, they will surely kill a Chinese cadet.

But he soon found that he thought it was too simple. It wasn't that they "killed" the Chinese students, but that the Chinese students were about to "kill" Liu NNA. They realized that the situation was not right, where could they hide? They rushed out to support.

How can sneak attack from behind be successful? He thinks so. The result is not what he thinks. Liu NNA was killed in battle directly, but her nose hit nosebleed, which hurt so much that she couldn't even open her eyes.

However, Liu enna was so angry that she was still saying "impossible, impossible". How could it be "impossible". Everything was in front of her. What else was "impossible"?

At this time, Liu Nena still remembered that they were in the competition at this time. She could not accept the reality. She could only bear the anger in her heart. She said to the male student, "I'm careless. Be careful. Don't give her a chance to move forward!"

"I try."

The male student, whose nose is so painful that he hasn't slowed down, nodded gently. He will try his best, but he can't guarantee it.

The sneak attack can be found by her, and Liu Enla can be "killed" by accident. The action is fast enough to give him no time to react. With such skill, he has no confidence to win.

However, Liu believed that the native students would win, "you can win her! It's just a Chinese student. We will win her! "

Liu, who regarded her "death in battle" as carelessness and carelessness, continued to maintain the confidence that her students would surely win.

But soon there was a crack in that confidence.

And their instructors The confidence of the golden bell in the instructor has cracked.

The first three students died one after another. Before he could hold his breath, the signal source went out again

The fourth student of South Korea island country is killed!

Jinzhong is teaching officials to the point of not spitting blood. What's the matter! What's the matter with the students in their country!

Four were killed in less than an hour. What are they doing!

Are you sleeping?

It's hard for Jinzhong, who is almost spitting blood, to see that the instructors of several neighboring countries are far away from him. In less than an hour, the Korean island students were killed by the Chinese side. They won't be the first group to win or lose.

Ye Jian raises her foot, picks up the dagger that she accidentally stepped on under her foot, and hands it to the fourth Korean student who died in battle, "dagger can't be lost, but must be recycled, otherwise, you will get points deducted."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!