Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:48:41 PM

Chapter 4067

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In the year of the anniversary, Ye Jian didn't wipe her forehead in silence. Half squatting, she thought hard and thought about it until the siren sound in front of her turned to let the people in awe. She didn't come up with a sound so she came out.

When the siren sounded, the anniversary year began, and she stretched out her hand to pull up Ye Jian, who was squatting with her. How could you know that Ye Jian also got up, and also made the same stretching out action. If you want to take up the anniversary year, the two girls reached out at the same time. Seeing this, they couldn't help laughing.

It seems that they are used to taking care of other people's temperament in life.

The Western man, who was tied up by Ye Jian to be unable to move at all, heard the siren coming, and what flashed in his eyes was not fluster, but ease.

He can finally get rid of such a tie!

The special police of the special police brigade drove to, one of them was stopped behind, the other was driven forward to the front of the car overturned by Ye Jian, and the other was parked in the middle of the two police cars, which was equivalent to a triangle guard.

The special police of the armed police in the car came down with guns. The first special police to get off the car had come to the man who was tied to the man who dared not move. After seeing the man whose leg was tied to the deformed one, his eyebrow suddenly twisted off, "foreigner? How was the anniversary year hunted down by foreigners? "

He asked his colleagues.

"I have to ask about the anniversary." The special policeman raised his foot and kicked the Western man's leg. He said: "Damn it, they have all come to our country to behave wildly. They have guns and bear heart and leopard gall! This kind of person should be shot! "

This kick made the Western man's body full of mud move, and his bound thigh move. The silver thread that held his neck was even deeper.

Deep enough that he needs to take a big breath of oxygen to not suffocate himself.

Seeing this, the two special police officers holding the unified 95 assault rifle sneered. They had found that the Western man was tied with silver and steel like filaments. The high-tech tie man had to be tied like this. If he wanted to escape, he would strangle himself.

I didn't want to untie the Western man who was all running to the Chinese land to behave wildly immediately. They were each holding assault rifles and stood at a distance of about one meter from the man to guard.

Three special police officers stopped in the middle of the bulletproof police car jumped out of the car and armed.

Four special police officers came down from the front police car, two armed with guns, and two came to the anniversary year and Ye Jian.

In the year of the anniversary, I saw the two sides coming, and said to Ye Jian, "on the left is my captain, on the right is my colleague."

Ye Jian looked around the heavily guarded area and said to the anniversary year, "I have to catch the plane in the early morning tomorrow. I will leave later. I can't go back to the brigade with you to make any notes."

"If you don't go back to the brigade, how can we report it to you?" The focus of the anniversary year is How can Ye Jian's car be repaired.

Ye Jian looks at the car which has been hit by herself and deformed in front. She is also a bit embarrassed.

This car is from the guard company. It's hard to explain to the guard company when she hit it like this.

But there are special modifications in the car, and they will be handed over to the special police team for maintenance It's not suitable. She has to ask about talent.

Ask who?

Ye Jian thought about it and said to the anniversary year, "I'll call and ask, this car is estimated to be repaired elsewhere and will not enter the special police brigade."

Recommend the new book of Laoshi, the great God of the city:

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