Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:41:28 PM

Chapter 4526

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These years, because she let the relationship between them go on secretly, for her sake, he was willing to stay behind her all the time. He was not angry and disgusted because of this, and he always accompanied her silently and tolerated her.

Now, finally, we can speak out in a big way, and finally we can no longer hide it.

At that moment, Ye Jian only knew that she was really happy and happy. She was so happy that her eyes were slightly red.

Xia Jinyuan has smiled until Junyan is not cold. He looks up and asks E6, "see what?"

E6 heart beating straight, head straight, "see, see, Captain and Bluebird are a pair."

Yes, she and team Xia are a pair.

E6 is about to cry. I don't know how many big ear photons I have pumped for myself.

Let your mouth base, let you not sensible!

Still old father and daughter!

Make trouble!

The captain of Yan Wangye has hundreds of ways to clean him up in his mind.

Bitter also!


It's hard to be together. Don't even try to escape from his comrades!

Then, the E6 of IQ recovery immediately flattered, "Captain, you and Qingniao have a pair. I wish you and Qingniao a long life, a long life and a young son in advance!"

Good, very good!

Xia Jinyuan's satisfied smile, and Ye Jian His face continued to be red, red to the point of burning a fire.

After flattering E6, he patted his thigh again, and then he said: "I said last night why z7 asked me to interview my father's daughter in front of the bluebird. He had no vision like me!"

"There was still K7 just now. The quack had to be removed. You and Qingniao had a good chat. We have to say that Qingniao sprained his foot. Let me help you. Isn't that bad for you?"

"Two guys, uneasy!"

If he doesn't see the sun tomorrow, don't expect to see those two goods. If there is any difficulty, we must share them. No one can escape!

Hearing the little voice of the red faced leaf Jane, "team Xia, you let me down first."

Obviously, both z7 and K7 want to watch the activity on purpose, but no one expected that E6 would say it in a big way, and there was no ladder for Xia team to step down.

Ye Jian didn't blame z7 and K7. The veterans in the snow field brigade are the same. They are all the masters who can't be too busy to watch. If Wang doesn't see Wang, he likes to have fun.

This time, it's not easy for the three of them to live with the character of the summer team.

Xia Jinyuan naturally also knows that it's really unexpected that K7 players can play well, and they can't see enough of their E6 in front of him, so he swindled them to be gun birds.

In fact, they didn't mean to expose his relationship with Ye Jian, focusing on his good play.

Unexpectedly ha-ha.

"The stone is a little slippery. Stand up." Xia Xia and Jin Yuan are like protecting a treasure. They are afraid that Ye Jian will fall down and put her down carefully. Their voice is soft enough to make E6 hit hard.

It's too soft and crisp. I think Ye Jian is a glass doll.

In the past, Ye Jian was sent to the hospital for training, but now she knows how to cherish her.

And, besides, that face is deeply cut, which doesn't conform to his style very much. The tiger becomes a kitten. Damn it, the change is too big, he can't accept it!

The E6, who successfully dragged his comrades into the water, quietly moved away from his sight. As a single person, his heart was filled with love and love, and his stomach was blocked by indigestion like eating grass.

The standing leaf Jane uneasily brushed the short hair which was disturbed by the wind. Although she was very uneasy, the shyness of her little face was no different from that of her married bride.

Fortunately, the psychological quality of the special forces is good.

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