Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:39:44 PM

Chapter 4665

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The car slowly drove out of the checkpoint to the border of the two countries, about 500 meters away. Ye Jian asked the driver to stop, saying that her passport needs to be picked up when it landed in the hotel. The driver's car was not waiting for someone to go, and he stepped on the accelerator.

Ye Jian slowly walked towards the checkpoint. On the other side, Captain Deng, with a dark face, looked at Sen Han and the two anti drug police officers who had just boarded the car for inspection. He stared at the calves of the two anti drug police officers and shivered. "Just now, you are sure that there are no suspicious people or objects in the car?"

Three waves of anti drug police failed to find the military cadet who had disguised and hid the drug in the car. Captain Deng's face was strange!

Today, Captain Deng seriously doubted that all of his subordinates were not in a state of work, or that they would pass at will when they saw each other's beautiful appearance!

Ye Jian did not stop at the checkpoint, but glanced at captain Deng, who was lecturing with Yu Guang's eyes. She was in a hurry, but she walked past the checkpoint calmly.

It's not convenient for her to have any communication with Captain Deng outside. She walked about 500 meters to a cake spot designated by Captain Deng, eating the cake while waiting for them to come.

Two anti drug police officers who got on the train for inspection but found no doubt were trained by their leaders to lift their heads. They didn't really notice that there was a beautiful girl in the car. They also looked carefully. They didn't find any passengers who were not looking right in the car. They also checked the luggage they thought was suspicious. The anti drug dog didn't find anything wrong. What's the matter with them The head of our company insists that there are suspicious people in the car?

"Head, if you scold me like this, it's not the solution. Let's catch up first and check again to find out the suspect."

Nearby, the monitor of the inspection station whispered to remind him that he really thought so. Since you know there are suspicious people in the car, what's the use of scolding here?

It must be running to find out the person first and then come back for punishment.

Captain Deng hummed heavily. Everyone got out of the car!

Senleng glanced at several anti drug policemen standing in front of him and said: "this is the last frontier inspection station for domestic drug traffickers to leave our country, which is under the jurisdiction of our anti drug police. Today, your free will provide them with the opportunity to bring drugs back to China next time! All of you must carefully check and never let go of any suspicious target, let alone let go at will! Do you hear me! "


Several anti drug police were directly criticized by their team leader. They are the last National Guard. It's their duty to never let go of any suspicious target!

Captain Deng didn't say any more. He took a look in the direction of the cake shop and turned to his subordinates who had been scolded by him and said: "there was a comrade in disguise who left the car just now. She had suspicious items on her body, and none of you noticed her or doubted her identity. Reconnaissance capability needs to be strengthened! "

It's not only that they didn't see it, but also the two waves of anti drug police in front of them. It's really bad for captain Deng to think that the three waves of personnel didn't see Ye Jian's disguise.

Both joy and sorrow, half joy and half participation.

The joy is Finally, a female soldier passed all their examinations. They finally found the most suitable undercover to enter the core area of the golden triangle. The worry is Three waves of anti drug police did not find out her suspicions. Are there more suspects with strong psychological quality who escaped under their eyes?

Recommend the new book of Laoshi, the great God of the city:

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