Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:38:52 PM

Chapter 4710

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"General minlai, Lina, Myanmar military control drug chain, girls from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and China, overseas. It is located in nasai village, 327 kilometers north of Kebang. "

In a five-star hotel on the border of Laos, Ye Jian looks down and arranges all the lunches. When the waiter bends down again, his mobile phone is still in his pocket, showing a small corner.

The mobile phone naturally left no trace.

Deng team, who was leading the team to check the passing vehicles, felt a shock coming from his pocket. He waved for the vehicle to stop and asked the anti drug police around him to check. He took out his mobile phone to check.

When he saw the text clearly, Pang Dun's suntanned face was happy, but it was stable after a flash.

He is used to big waves, no matter how big the surprise is only a small number of waves, or even will not appear in shape.

However, the surprise was too big, no preparation came suddenly, and even when their investigation was in a deadlock, Deng team's pent up mood disappeared in a few days.

Hold the cell phone and rush back to the bulletproof car to convey the news to the main person in charge of the case. To be on the safe side, team Deng didn't make it clear directly on the phone, only said that the identity of the mysterious woman had made great progress.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Criminal Investigation Brigade, anti drug brigade and border armed police held another top-level confidential meeting.

All meetings are oral, without any paper materials, not to mention any communication equipment. People can sit in the meeting room, listen to it in their ears, and remember it in their hearts. All meeting contents out of the meeting room are only known by themselves, and never tell the second person.

As the identity of the mysterious woman surfaced, the umbrella behind her also surfaced. It is general minlai, the largest warlord in Myanmar at present. As a result It's not surprising to say that.

Just let all the participants in the meeting feel cold.

Myanmar's military has been involved in drug trafficking and has become the biggest umbrella for drug traffickers in the golden triangle, which has always been the biggest headache for the Myanmar government. Then The government has the fundamental ability to stop it.

If we stop too much, we will be retaliated by warlords.

"According to the news from the front, not only are the girls missing in China, but Thailand, Laos and Myanmar also exist. Minlai intervened in all the missing girls to enter Myanmar and send them to the woman named" Lina ". By her They will be sent to different countries to develop their drug market with special services. "

"Although the information ahead does not clearly state what kind of special services are provided, we can all imagine how cruel the drug traffickers in the golden triangle will be."

"In addition to Thailand, Laos and Myanmar, China has a special trafficking route for Lina for girls. We need our criminal investigation team to completely destroy the trafficking route operated by this mature assembly line."

"The frontier armed police should intensify their inspection efforts and never let go of one. The border patrol also needs to be strengthened, especially the mountain boundary between the two countries, to fully carry out the patrol. "

"Inspection of floating personnel and passing vehicles has been carried out all over the country, and the household registration police of towns and townships have entered villages and remote villages to carry out population surveys."

With Ye Jian's message coming, a large-scale and unprecedented inspection was carried out in all parts of the country that afternoon. Bus stations and railway stations became the first key inspection points, as did the traffic at high-speed intersections. 2K reading network

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