Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:30:24 PM

Chapter 5225

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The sound of the piano is too sharp. It makes people feel uncomfortable when they hear it. It seems that they will break down at any time when they are under pressure.

"Put down the crap in your hand! It's too bad! " Some people can't stand it. They yell at the girl playing the piano, and they are very impolite. They pick up the beer can and smash it at the girl.

The sound of the piano is still sharp and rapid. More and more people can't help wrinkling their brows. People who have a keen mind feel something wrong. Their eyes are uneasy and sweep around. Some people slowly get off the high stool, and make their eyes ready to leave in advance.

The order of the night scene is out of control. Most of them are upset by the sound of the girls pulling out. The electronic door that has been closed by the bar has been "roaring" open, and a group of black people have rushed out of the door. Their eyes are not good enough to sweep around the night scene.

Suddenly they rushed out and made the restless night scene more chaotic. In the corner, I don't know who fired three shots at the ceiling of the sky flower, and the atmosphere of the night scene became suddenly tense.

Someone's beer can fell to the ground, and the unfinished beer wound out.

But not too much fear. It's really normal to hear gun fear here. The only abnormal place to drink tonight seems to have something happened.

The bright candle goes out, the countless flashlight lights up, and the whole night is like day. The girl who plays the violin puts down the violin and looks at the sight of the night field, which is gloomy and cold. It's not like the sight of a girl at all.

Looking at Xia Jinyuan's eyes at the scene, a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes. The armed men This is the armed men who are in charge of the government. The country is in turmoil and the people are living in poverty. There are still officials who take the opportunity to collect money.

Some of the men from riabi, who came to have fun, took out their guns. When they saw the guys suddenly rushing out, their eyes flashed with fear. They didn't know there was a door behind the bar!

There is also a group of people who have silently put their hands on their waists and have eye contact with each other.

Their eyes swept over their Xia Jinyuan and looked up. They pressed their ears at will. Their low and restrained voice came into everyone's ears. "There should be a bustle tonight. Don't rush. Major David, how are you doing? "

The inside reporters found it, but people haven't come out yet. There's another wave of guys with guns outside. Oh, no, it's two waves of guys with guns. At present, it's safest to stay in the dark door first.

In it, major David had no choice but to answer Xia Jinyuan, "if I say, I'm not good here at all, can you believe it? I think the reporter we rescued is a problem. "

The biggest trouble is that the Oriental face of the female reporter, a hot temper, clearly still in danger, can stand up and accuse them of being a frequent guest at night.

Major David has a headache, journalist. It's a very unlovable profession. It is a disaster to meet a journalist who speaks like God and thinks he is the most capable and intelligent.

Outside, my intuition told Xia Jinyuan that major David's trouble was most likely a female journalist from the Gulf sea. He could only sympathize with this and said that he could not help.

"It's a bit complicated outside. If you can evacuate normally, tell the evacuation as soon as possible." Tell major David about the outside situation. In fact, Xia Jinyuan hopes that they can evacuate normally and leave early to avoid accidents in the middle.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!