Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:29:11 PM

Chapter 5294

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Xia Jinyuan and Bai he arranged to meet each other, but all the things were arranged by the lieutenant who led the team. The lieutenant who led the team didn't know that the captain of the women's group was the girlfriend of Xia lieutenant colonel who was with him to meet each other. A couple of lovers who had been reunited for a long time couldn't hold hands and tell each other about love at the first time. They had to do everything well before they could have time for two.

The jeep stopped at the front of five trucks. Fifty peacekeepers were in line in the open area in front of the jeep. Xia Jinyuan's vision was like a woven net, covering the leaf Jane with his back to his whole team. Listening to her voice, she looked at her like a knife rising and falling. The dark color in her black eyes became more and more heavy. People were clearly in front of their hands, but they missed each other It's deeper and stronger.

The whole team of Ye Jian felt the deep and strong miss of Xia Jinyuan, and her heart was trembling.

"Stand up, take a break, pack up!" Ye Jian, who was trembling at the top of her heart, calmly faced the women soldiers. Even though the vision behind her was so hot that she wanted to leave a mark in her heart, she didn't look back, just Speed up the arrangement of the women's squad.



"Arrange boarding!"


The women soldiers are as clear and crisp as a lark's voice comes with strength. Then we can see that the ten women soldiers are no less than the men's speed, and their movements are as neat as flying on a car.

They ran in front of the jeep and passed in front of Xia Jinyuan. None of them recognized Xia instructor who had taught male soldiers in a camp.

At last, Ye Jian ran over and heard her summer team say a low sentence: "handsome enough that I want to hold you down and kiss you.".

Ye Jian is not shivering at the tip of her heart. She is shivering at the whole heart. This guy is starting again!

She ran fast, Xia Jinyuan also confirmed that she must have heard what she said, her thin lips slightly raised, like a cheetah slowly passing through the prairie, elegant and full of extreme danger.

In the wind, it seems that there is a faint fragrance left by her running. Xia Jinyuan squints his dark black eyes and says to the white crane who has been sitting in the car: "I'll go to see her. I need to catch someone in my car."

Otherwise, she would surely take a truck with the women soldiers. It's not the way he came to pick up people. He wants to connect people to himself and sit on his own, which is the way to pick up people.

The white crane made a "defecate" movement.

If you don't catch people around you today, you may be in a bad mood. Once you are in a bad mood, it's not someone else's luck. It's their "bitter" comrades in arms.

Ye Jian did plan to leave a car with the women soldiers. Yang Zhen got on the bus, and Ye Jian was going to get on the bus. A man's voice with a light smile and a mellow and sharp voice came from one side. "Long time no see, Mr. Ye."

Yang Zhen, who hasn't sat in the car yet, is familiar with her voice!

Turn your head to look at the side at once, full of surprise, "instructor Xia!"

All the female soldiers in the open truck were stunned. They all heard the sound just now. They were familiar with it. They never thought that they met the Xia Jiao Guan here again!

"It's really instructor Xia. I met instructor Xia here!" The women soldiers were surprised and delighted, and the unease caused by the strange environment dissipated a lot.

It's a good mood to meet old friends in other places.

Xia Jinyuan didn't say hello to the women soldiers very warmly. He had a cold temper and couldn't be enthusiastic when he met his acquaintances. A little nod was a warm response.

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