Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:23:18 PM

Chapter 5589

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Smilingly glanced at her eldest brother, Ye Jian pretended not to understand him. She walked to the side of the anniversary, sat on the armrest of the sofa, and held her hands on the shoulder of the anniversary. Zhile said, "we are sisters. I am your sister. You are my sister. How about?"

"Yes, yes! God, you don't know. I'm the youngest in my family. All of them are brothers and sisters. When I was a child, when I wrote about my dream, I wrote about my dream of becoming a sister! "

"Ah, it hurt my heart again. Later, the teacher thought that my composition was very good, and I wrote it sincerely. I also used a lot of idioms. I came to visit my family that day, and then After the teacher left, I was beaten by my mother. "

This is really a sad thing. The old man laughed and clapped his chest. Hahaha, this girl is really a living treasure, a happy living treasure.

"You look like a good boy. I can't do it. I was like a boy when I was a child, too skinny. Watching the Hong Kong costume drama, I saw a big kite flying from the hillside. I thought it was OK. I was worried about flying too high and whether the kite would break. I thought of using my grandma's bedspread. "

It's just the beginning of childhood fun, but it hasn't been said yet. Ye Jian and the anniversary two people have laughed that they are both in a single sofa. You are close to me, and I am close to you. They are as close as sisters and relatives.

The old man smiled and said to Li, "I'm glad to see your sister. She's such a nice girl every year. Grandpa likes it!"

"I look at Xiu'er. He has never found a girlfriend. Although he is a little quiet, he is still more talkative than you. The news release of the Ministry of foreign affairs has a lot of insights. I think he should like Xiu'er every year. Xiu'er should like it every year. Now you go to the Qin family to see if he is there. If he is, let him come and have a look."

Li didn't move, but said lightly, "she said just now. It's not easy to find an excuse to escape the blind date. Are you here to arrange another match for her?"

"That's not the same. I'm not arranging a blind date. It's your young people who know each other." The old man ignored grandson's frowning expression, and the more he said it, the more feasible he thought it was. There was no problem at all. "No, no, I'll call Qin's house myself, and you give me the phone."

Li didn't move. "She's talking about making kites out of bed sheets."

She, of course, means the anniversary.

The anniversary year was almost full of laughter. "I took the bed sheet to my father's high altitude training platform. The bamboo pole spread the four corners of the bed sheet and asked my brother to tie it up for me. I was going to learn Hong Kong opera and take off from the platform that was more than four meters high."

"As a result, before people got up, they were attacked by a fierce tiger, which fell to the ground and couldn't move. Then, I heard an uncle holding a walkie talkie, shouting at Lao Zhou, what are you doing! Your daughter is going to jump off the building. Do you know! I also replied, uncle, I don't jump, I do experiments. "

"Three minutes later, my father and my mother arrived. My father was scared. My mother was so fierce that she didn't scare. She still had a bamboo bar in her hand."

"What's next? You don't have to guess. I was kicked by my mother again."

Ye Jian laughs till she has a stomachache. The anniversary of her childhood is totally a bear child! It's the kind of bear kid who gets beaten twice in three days.

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