Published at 23rd of November 2022 06:17:47 AM

Chapter 215: Insert ~ Marquis Daughter's Reminders ~

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In another carriage, returning from the abandonment.

The Marquis's daughter, Lydia Celeznoa, was drowning in her thoughts.

How should I tell my father about what happened today? We must keep that in mind. And yet, thoughts are quickly and constantly disturbed.

Her Majesty the Empress.

Origa Fleurs.

And...... Ekaterina Yulnova.

She was aware of the entrance ceremony to the Magic Academy. Rivalry of the Marquis of Seleznoa, daughter of the Three Great Dukes. Duke Sergei Yurnova's granddaughter, who once held the power that the Celeznoghs were supposed to have as the empress's grandson.

My parents also asked me how I was doing for each occasion, and I was encouraged that I should never lose.

The first time I saw her at the entrance ceremony, she was beautiful, elegant, and still... she even had limbs that seemed to attract men's hearts, and I was frustrated.

But Master Mikhail is not such a confused person. A man who can choose a wise, visionary companion for the future of the empire.

When I am called to the court of the music god, and the day comes to receive his blessing, he will acknowledge my worth, and take this hand. So, beyond that, all you have to do is put it into the lesson as you've always done.

Thinking that they were calming themselves, the two of them became close.

Nevertheless, Ekaterina has never been in the social scene of the Imperial Capital. You don't have enough experience to be the prince's partner. So I'm sure we'll try to make up for the delay by throwing a big party to show off our presence and keep the other Ladies at bay. That's how my mother was preparing to intercept me.

There was no such movement at all. Even making friends at school is plain, and the Baroness is as close as a commoner, and there is no sign of getting close to her family's elder daughter who is worthy of interacting with.

I don't think I can socialize properly because I have problems growing up. It seems that they have little education and no education.

Such rumors were whispered behind a fan, and the ladies of society turned their eyes to the duchess of Yurnova, who had yet to be seen.

And yet...

In the first exam, Ekaterina Yulnova was ranked first.

It was a little talk in the social world just to keep Prince Mikhail at the top. Until then, the way I looked at her was the way I looked at her.

Then came the conversation of the Empress of the Imperial Capital about the introduction of the new "Blue of the Sky" developed in Yulnova by Empress Magdalena after her fortune at the Yulnova Mansion.

The Empress is a fashion leader in the social world. Her outfit is always eye-catching, dressed in exquisite taste in a novel silk fabric that comes from beyond the “mountains of the gods”. The Empress's costume greatly influenced fashion. The empress was naturally aware of it, and no matter how hard she pitched, she would not accept anything that didn't fit her taste.

The costumes worn by the Duchess were quite impressive, even though she was wearing the Empress' glasses. What kind of dress were those ladies in?

And "Blue in the Sky", with its own beauty, is spreading to the ladies of the Imperial Capital in the blink of an eye.

The popularity of Ekaterina at school was on the rise.

The beginning was that he was one of the four people who struggled and retreated against the demon beast because of the importance of the appearance of the demon beast in the school. At first, the students who had kept her away began to interact with each other.

At first glance, he seemed very elegant, but in fact he was very friendly and clear. People who don't change their identity and are friendly. Especially the junior nobles, who were rated as such, favored it.

Here, Ekaterina holds her first social gathering. The Imperial family invited the students, regardless of their status, to a garden party at the rose garden of the Duke's residence, where they were admired.

I thought I could read it. Ekaterina said that she was in a position to rally the support of the junior aristocrats, against the backdrop of being socially late.

Inevitably, because of the structure of things called identity, the number of upper nobles is small. Therefore, the school has an overwhelming number of sons and daughters of lower-ranking aristocrats. I thought I was going to reverse my disadvantage with the power of numbers.

After all, it's Lord Sergei's bloodline. He inherits dangerous thoughts that lighten his identity up and down. The House of Celeznoa was at war with Lydia's parents.

In addition, Ekaterina's offensive continued. A glass pen offered to His Majesty the Emperor. When signing a treaty with a neighbouring country, it was widely said that when His Majesty signed it, the foreign minister of the neighbouring country was fascinated by the beauty of the pen. And the powerful aristocrats and millionaires are looking for the glass pen.

With that in mind, the news came that Prince Mikhail would spend his summer vacation in Yulnova.

It meant support from His Majesty the Emperor for Alexei, who inherited the duchy at the age of seventeen. However, people see it as an expectation of Alexei as a talent to support the next emperor. In addition, one would expect a human resource who would eventually exercise power as a foreign relative. Just like his grandfather, Lord Sergei.

Until then, there were many people who looked up.

Ekaterina Yulnova is the strongest candidate for the next Empress.

As more people gossiped about it, people disappeared from around Lydia. Mikhail is kind to everyone, but only a few of his daughters have been allowed to call their names. And the men that saw Leedias, one of them, as a future Empress, departed.

Moreover, from the shadow of the fan, I could even look at the mocking gaze. She said she was the daughter of the "unselected".

I can't stay like this.

I met Ekaterina in the guise of a coincidence. Mikhail and Ekaterina, who exchanged words in front of them, were more familiar than they thought and felt like they were being burned to the ground.

I don't think he would have grown up to be the Duchess's daughter if he had cooked himself. Mikhail didn't seem to be aware of her plot, having been completely deceived. This is wrong. In order to protect the future of the empire, the Seleznois must support Mikhail and restore the roots of the country.

My parents were frustrated, and we had to get rid of Yurnova, no matter what. But Yurnova is too powerful to surpass with power.

- I have no choice but to beat Lord Yulnova directly.

Determined to do so, he moved to cut her back and invited her to leave the palace. In the presence of the Emperor, the Empress and the Emperor, we will compete for the song.

There is no better chance than this. Showing off your strength, and even in front of her, it's time to be invited to the Garden of the Music Gods.

It was today that I came with enthusiasm.

Beauty, limbs, and a vicious trick to bully Lady Mikhail. I thought it was Ekaterina Yulnova.

I was the one who suffered a miserable defeat in front of me. I'm sure she's laughing in her heart. How can you stand such humiliation, you can't live without it anymore? It collapsed into tears, and it was decided to do so.



She rushed over.

I hugged you so much that it hurt.

Your song was beautiful!

You've been trying so hard.

”Your time will come when you are able to blossom even more of the Great Ring. It must be true."

You desperately need to pick a word. There was no plot anywhere, just a consolation.

So I got it.

--This guy... he's very friendly.

Neither my father nor my mother would rush over to hug my daughter in such a miserable state. That's right as a marquis.

Ekaterina is not right as the Duchess's daughter. Though. Though.

She was so - so warm.

It must not just be gentle. That's how brilliantly you drove us.

But it's gentle.

With a cunning side, the middle is made of tenderness.

--That's why Mikhail-sama liked this one...

A strange person.

It's decided that someone like this will fall in love with you.

That's why... Mikhail won't take my hand anymore.

It's okay. I have a song.

How do I sing my feelings now? Speaking of which, that song. It was in a song that Olga sang. It's more sad to lose faith in yourself than to lose your dreams.

I wonder if I should sing that song.

I'll tell your father that the Celeznogh family bought the Empress for the piano. It was about your grandfather and the Empress. Then I told you that Mikhail's loved one could no longer be overthrown by Ekaterina.

That's why I'm going to tell you that I'm going to give it to Yulnova.

There were no high-ranking aristocrats around Lord Ekaterina. In the meantime, if we're going to work together. Although the political direction is different, it is common for such professionals to cooperate with each other.

I know that Yule Magna is close to my House of Seleznoa, but it is rumored to be in financial difficulty. The Yulemagna family often talked about the trend and reputation of Ekaterina, but they knew that it was to gain profits by competing with Seleznoa and Yulnova. The first time Ekaterina-sama's bad reputation spread was probably due to information manipulation.

Judging calmly, it would be better for the House of Celeznoa to join hands with Yurnova, who is more powerful than Yur Magna.

If you talk like that, your father will be angry. However, during the unhappiness of Seleznoa, I loved my dedication to singing and received this dress from Her Majesty the Empress. If you talk like that, your father won't punish me. Don't buy any more excitement from His Majesty. Her Majesty the Empress would have given me this dress in order not to make my position at home worse.

From now on, you can live in the song.

I live to sing the best songs beyond perfection.

That's why I'm not sad that Mikhail can't take my prince anymore.

I am the proud daughter of the Marquis of Seleznoa. I was rightly brought up as the Marquis's daughter.

I'm not sad.

That's why... drops fall on your hands on your lap because of your imagination.

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