A MAZE OF GREED - Chapter 326

Published at 10th of February 2022 04:22:42 AM


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The next day in the morning, Fannie stood at the centre of the hall. All family members surrounded her with a frown decorating all of their faces.

She had her head hung low. She was afraid of what was going to come her way. She could not look up at anyone of them, especially the person who sat next to Lester. His heated glares were murdering her over and over.

"Father, Ruth has always been targeted in this manor since she began working here. She was blamed for wrong reasons, was humiliated and insulted on many occasions, has been called many bad things.

She ever complained and, I did not bother getting involved in it. But what Fannie has done with her is just unbelievable and downright outrageous. She planned everything and put Ruth's life in danger.

I request you to dismiss her from her position and throw her out of Vincaridne as a punishment." Everyone was not used to seeing Elsie speaking so vehemently.

Lester smiled proudly at her. She even saw him filling his chest with air as he admired this change in her.

Ruth was right! Elsie had to give Lester a reason to believe in her capabilities and, it was possible only after she won over her flaws.

Augustus was annoyed at the fact that he had to waste his morning solving such a petty issue. If it were a werewolf against humans, then he would have taken this matter way seriously than now.

But he never liked to get involved in human conflicts. It was Theodora who dealt with them since their marriage. He had to bother himself this time for the sake of his wife. For the first time, she was one of the appealing parties.

"Fannie, do you accept all these allegations against you?" Augustus asked. His voice came commanding, travelling through the large hall.

Fannie stood in the centre of the sunflower shaped tiles that covered a large part of the hall. The place where the celebrations were held about a year ago.

Before Fanie opened her bruised mouth that luckily survived Edwin's lashing out, Theodora stood up with her chin held high.

Elsie had not expected her mother to argue on behalf of Fannie. But Lester had given her a fair idea of that possibility, so she was prepared. Elsie was sure that even though Theodora presented Fannie's defence, her father would give a just decision.

He had never been unfair to anyone before. That was what she believed.

"My dear daughter Elsie, have you forgotten to mention what your headmaid did with Fannie a few weeks before?"

Elsie tensed hearing that. Of course, Theodora used that incident even though they yet had not found the reality yet.

"You did not call for your father to disburse justice when Ruth tried killing Fannie."

"Mother, you know that Ruth did not even touched Fannie. The physician checked Fannie and told that she had no signs of struggle on her body. Then how can you blame Ruth for that?" Elsie argued.

Eloise, who sat as if she had nothing to do with any of it, gawked at Elsie in shock. She had never ever seen her sister talking back to her mother this way.

Eloise was not the only one surprised. Theodora glared, clenching her jaw in anger. Not even Edwin had ever talked back to her in front of everyone. She waited for any reaction from her husband.

But that did not come. So now he was lenient to his daughter instead of his wife?

"I do not need proofs Elsie. Because I am not blind and deaf to not know what is happening behind my back. I know how people are abusing their powers to favour their favourites." Theodora's voice rose.

She should not have made that comment. Lester's tongue itched to retort back, but he was a guest of Vincardine and had no right to say in their personal issues. He was present there only as a mate of Elsie.

Edwin's jaw twitched in irritation as Augustus glanced his way. Although Edwin's eyes were trained on Fannie, he could see the number of questions swirling in Augustus's eyes.

"Mother, you are diverting from the topic. Fannie has tried to put Ruth's life in danger and thus she needs to be punished. It has happened once then it can happen again too." Elsie was now getting irritated with her stepmother's arguments.

"Really Elsie? Then tell me how is this Ruth saved from that GRAVE danger?" Theodora smirked as she saw the colour on their faces change at her question.

Lester feared seeing Elsie's confidence shaking down. She had not prepared an answer for that, although it sounded lame of her, that was the truth.

In fact, she had not expected her stepmother to argue to such length.

Fannie finally looked up, now feeling confident that her mistress was defending her. Eloise also leaned forward to listen. She speculated that it was her cousin's doings, but she wondered how and why.

~"Elsie, calm down. You are doing good baby!"~ Lester encouraged her.

"She was lucky that Henry found her on time."

Everybody raised their brows when she took Henry's name. Lester's eyes searched Edwin's face and, he realised it was his plan. Edwin reached Elsie through the mind link and gave her the name she could use.

"Henry huh?" Theodora raised her brows.

"Then I would like to hear the story from his mouth."

That alarmed Elsie and Lester. They turned towards Edwin but, he was unfazed by Theodora's request.

"Call Henry." Augustus ordered.

Five minutes later, Henry stood at two hands' distance from Fannie.

"My Lords! My Ladies!" Henry bowed in respect.

Augustus observed the young boy keenly. It did not take him much time to know that he was a werewolf. The natural question that came to his mind was- Was Henry Edwin's loyal?

Theodora walked towards him slowly, intimidating him. She had that aura around her that made people uncomfortable. She used that to exploit their weaknesses.

"Henry, what do you do in 'the great manor'?" She asked, recking him up and down with a cocked brow.

"I am a coachman My Lady. I am given the task of providing transportation for the servants for the jobs that concerns the O'Dell family." He answered calmly.

Theodora was surprised that he was so composed even in front of her and Augustus. If it was so, then he must be a werewolf too.

"I heard you saved Lady Elsie's headmaid from a life threatening danger. Would you elaborate what exactly happened there?"

Elsie braced herself for a disaster. But the way Edwin had his face set in a mould, Lester knew that Edwin had thought about it beforehand. He did not come here without preparations.

Lester smirked. That idiot friend of his was too damn smart!

~"Calm down and just enjoy love."~ Elsie heard Lester's voice in her head.

Soon she realised why he said that as Henry began narrating the incident. He told every detail so perfectly as if indeed he was there to save Ruth instead of Edwin.

Theodora's anger kept bubbling as he told the story. Eloise and Fannie shared a look. Although Fannie had betrayed Eloise, they came to an agreement that they did not believe Henry.

Theodora had enough of this. Turning to face Augustus, she said, "Augustus, this is all a made up story. Look at him. Do you think this kid can save that woman?"

"But Theodora, Elsie has proved her every point till now."

Theodora had no interest in saving Fannie other than she was the only trustworthy person when it came to her love affair with Douglas. Theodora could not trust anyone else if Fannie was thrown out 'the great manor'.

Besides, she had taken this issue on her ego. She felt if Fannie was punished, then it would be a tight slap on her authority. And she would never let that happen.

"I do not care what she or anyone is trying to prove here. The rules clearly state that only the one who recommends a servant's name has the right to dismiss the servant from service.

Fannie has been recommended by me, so only I have the right to dismiss her from service!" Theodora said confidently.

Looking at Edwin's way, she then continued, "And I refuse to dismiss her from service over a begger!"

Lester was quick to subtly hold Edwin back. Every werewolf in the hall could feel how raged this wolf was. Fannie caught a glance of his reddened eyes and immediately cowered under his gaze.

"But father-"

"You heard your mother Elsie. If she is not willing to dismiss Fannie then Fannie is staying in the service!"

"Father please..."

"That is MY decision, Elsie. I think I have enough authority that no one should challenge." Saying that Augustus stood up from his seat and walked out of the hall and to his chamber.

Theodora smirked in victory. Walking towards Elsie, she faked a smile.

"You know Elsie, you are too kind to look through people around you. Trust me dearly when I say this because I have seen more world than you.

Ruth might be your loyal, but that does not make her a good person that you should keep around you. I expect better than this from you Elsie." Tapping her head like a puppy, Theodora walked out, followed by Fannie.

Eloise smirked Elsie's way when their eyes met. She also left.

Elsie was not ready to give up yet. No!

"Elsie, Elsie where are you going?" Lester called her from behind.

"I will be back." She replied, then disappeared from his sight.

Lester sighed. He saw Edwin still in the same position. He put his hand on Henry's shoulder and patted it twice.

"Thank you Henry. You may go now."

Lester now had to think about another plan to keep Ruth safe and Edwin sane.

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