Published at 21st of May 2024 08:35:53 AM

Chapter 56: Before the Encounter (3)

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Chapter 56: Before the Encounter (3)

[Don't you know what survival is? It's about staying alive. So why are you acting like you've got a death wish? I just can't understand.]

Nicely said. The professor in charge, Marlboro, silently agreed as he watched Kara utter those words on the screen.

The forest where the practice survival was taking place was equipped with special devices, one of which was the ability to broadcast in real time.

Cameras installed throughout the trees allowed them to monitor what was happening in the forest and keep an eye on the students.

Although automatic location tracking through bracelets was possible, additional methods like cameras allowed for more precise judgment.

"Befriending a tiger rather than fighting it, huh. Student Kara seems to understand the meaning of this exercise well."

Observing the screen along with Marlboro, Yeonhwa chimed in. She too seemed pleased with Kara, bearing a satisfied smile.

Sitting side by side, Serah and Godin expressed their own forms of satisfaction in different ways.

"These days, students are too competitive, it's problematic. At least in my time, it wasn't this severe. We used to make campfires together and the like."

With his arms crossed, Marlboro expressed a tone of regret in his statement. It might have sounded like the talk of an old man, but no one objected.

During the time Marlboro attended the academy, about 10 years back, the United Academy was relatively less competitive.

Although there were frictions among nations, students acted according to their age. They were more focused on relations with others than on grades.

However, in recent years, as conflicts between nations have intensified, this influence has reached the academy.

Students now tend to forget the essence as they focus solely on their grades.

"They'll only end up holding grudges. And if there's only resentment, cooperation becomes an impossible dream."

"A vicious cycle. These students are the future strength of their countries. It's disheartening to see them like this so early on."

Serah with her chilly comment and Godin with his worried tone each assessed the situation. They were concerned about the academy's original principles being lost.

Yet, we can't deduct points because what Antonio pursues is also cooperation.

Uniting against a formidable power is, in a way, the essence of what the academy promotes.

That's why it was difficult to pass a harsh judgment right away. Sivar's presence is just that overwhelming.

"It's true it's not fair, but no one said you have to finish first at all costs. I don't understand why they're obsessed with being number one from the start."

"Maybe they will complain later?"

"Probably. I made it clear survival is the most important aspect. They're the ones competing on their own accord, right?"

While speaking, Marlboro's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the screen. The other professors showed similar reactions.

Kara, who initially ignored Antonio's proposal, seemed to have persuaded her teammates as they now argued.

[Hey, think about it sensibly. Even if you gang up on him, do you really think you can beat him?]

[It's just about removing the bracelet, just that. We're not suicidal, we don't even think of winning.]

[Like you can even manage that. Why don't you try taking off mine first?]

[Ugh Talking to you is pointless.]

Survival inherently has a divisive structure. Especially when disagreements arise, it can only get worse.

However, such divisions are usually related to food and water issues, not like this rare situation.

The conflict between those pursuing survival and those pursuing competition. Naturally, this has become a more frequent occurrence these days.

[Tatars people are all cowards? You're scared just because of one fight, that's disappointing.]

[Are you done talking? What's it going to be?]

[Then just help us eliminate Sivar. I don't understand why you're being so stubborn.]

[No! Ah, really. Don't you get what's most important in this drill? Even by the odds, you're at a disadvantage!]

Kara expressed her frustration. It wasn't just Grace going through hell in a group project.

At least Grace struggled due to team members with too strong personalities, whereas signs of division were not apparent for Kara.

[And you, Luna. You've got many positive traits, but why lack such calculating ability? You said there's not much difference between first place and a shared first, right? Then why insist on eliminating others rather than getting along with everyone?]

[Because first place is better?]

[Ah! Luna, seriously! Your sister is so frustrated!!]

It was indeed a rare event. A person from Tatars, often perceived as less civilized, feeling like they're going to explode.

Cooperation is vital in the development of civilization. Competition is what happens when different civilizations meet.

The professors watched the scene unfold with interest, some chuckling and some grinning.

"It seems student Luna lacks situational awareness, despite being the top at admission."

"Precisely, she seems to be easily swayed by those around her. She lacks firm personal arguments."

"She doesn't have the qualities of a leader?"

At Serah's question, Marlboro shook his head. That wasn't the case.

"Not really. She's actually quite stubborn in her own way. It's just a lack of experience, she'll get better. I can guarantee that."

But to a civilized person like Grace, whichever part I eat, it must all seem very wild. That can't be helped.

[Go wash up right now! Find a stream or something to clean yourself with!]

Thats why they chased me away. Even if I had eaten liver or heart, the blood smeared all over me must've been too much for them to handle.

However, I wasn't completely kicked out; we just separated to find running water. The meeting point was to be the place where we had butchered the boar.

There was no problem being apart, having entered the safety zone, and fishing seemed a better option than hunting.

Hunting would lead to butchering, and they probably feared I'd eat more innards raw.

Would it have been better cooked over fire?'

I pondered for a moment and thought cooked might have been better. I no longer live in the wild where nutrients are scarce.

Yet old habits die hard, and it seems I involuntarily put it in my mouth since it's been a while since I had eaten raw.

Just to clarify, it's not that Grace was overreacting; I'm the strange one here.

I'm aware of my own odd behavior, so I can hardly blame her.

I don't know much about preparing fish. Maybe I just need to remove the insides properly.'

Focusing my magical senses, I sought the sound of a stream. Suddenly, all the forest noises filled my ears.

The song of birds, the cries of insects, the distant roars of beasts, among others.

Finally, the flowing sound of stream water. Luckily, there's a stream nearby.

I found it and washed off the blood as best as I could, though it had already coagulated and wouldn't come off easily without scrubbing.

Even when I lived in the forest, it was always a struggle to wash off blood. Did I clean it off with animal fat back then?

During my time there, the blood would eventually be washed off without me paying much attention.

Other survivors will probably come here.'

Teams that didnt manage to bring enough drinking water would likely head to this place. It could lead to a clash of wits or even physical conflict.

After a quick wash, I got up. The only thing left was to return to the meeting place and fetch the others.

I knew the way back, so I could walk there with ease.

As I exited the stream and re-entered the forest


I stopped dead in my tracks. Something felt off in the forest.

Just like when I had heightened my sense of hearing, the forest is usually full of sounds.

But look at it now. Isn't it too quiet, as if a mouse had died? Theres only one reason for such silence.

Someone's here.'

You can fool human senses, but you can't fool animals, which are far more sensitive.

There's someone. Someone is hiding near here. Unless someone's stealth is maxed out, it's impossible to completely erase their presence.

As I just mentioned, humans are easy to deceive, while animals react heavily to even minor movements.

It doesnt seem like a scouting attempt.'

I roughly know where they're hiding. And there are quite a few of them.

Maybe around ten? Given that each team can have up to four members, this means at least three teams are here.

Amazing that they all hid without being detected earlier. They certainly have the skills of academy students.

After some thought, I picked up a stone that was rolling on the ground. It was quite large and heavy.

It seems they're all hiding in preparation for an ambush, but its all in vain. The forest has already revealed their presence to me.

Crack! Crunch!

I clenched the stone in my hand, crushing it into fine pieces. It was easy with my grip strength.

Gripping the now granulated stone firmly in my hand


I threw it towards the hiding people. The shattered stones spread out wide like shotgun pellets.

If they wont come out, I might as well be the one to go to them.

I wasn't about to ignore them, especially given their blatant hostility.

"Darn it! Block it!"

"How did he find out?!"

How, indeed.

I heard your nervous swallowing and everything.'

If you're going to ambush someone, you should've done it much sooner.

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