Published at 27th of January 2022 07:51:20 AM

Chapter 716

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The sound came directly to the bottom of Tang Jie's heart along a causal line.

Fate is a net that envelops the stars.

Anyone who can move the net of fate can convey his consciousness and even power through countless cause and effect lines!

All you need is coordinates.

The communication between Tang Jie and Qixia world is based on the fate light spot in Xiao San's body. The fate light and causal line planted in Xiao San's body are the key.

As for now, it is obviously because Tang robbery has become the core of the fate network of Qingyun world.

When there are only a few cores, the one that comes out suddenly will naturally attract attention and send information directly.

Shaking the string of fate, an old and wise consciousness sounded at the bottom of Tang Jie's heart.

Tang Zhai was stunned at first, then woke up and replied, "the man in heaven?"

Looking at the Qingyun world, I'm afraid that the only person who can understand and use the way of fate is the legendary third purple house, the master of heaven.

But unexpectedly, he took the path of fate entanglement.

The old voice has said with a smile: "it's me. I don't know what to call you, little friend?"

After thinking about it, Tang Jie replied, "Tang Jie."

"It's Tang Xiaoyou." it's obvious that master Tianji has heard of Tang Jie's name: "No wonder I haven't heard from you in recent decades. It turned out that you went to experience life and taste all kinds of manners. Well, counting the time, it's only more than 50 years since you disappeared. I didn't expect you to reach this step in such a short time. You're really a talented person. I thought I spent 150 years traveling all over the world , rich businessmen have done everything, done 10000 good deeds and accumulated countless merits and virtues, so that they can get entangled by fate and shelter under the way of heaven. "

Tang Jie was not surprised at this. He was able to do this. First, the existence of the Tao of destiny made him avoid many detours from the beginning. The mysterious destiny lost its mystery in front of him and became a research and understandable existence. Second, he entered the Tao wisdom. In the face of the complicated network of fate, many people would find it difficult to understand fate even if they understood it Start with. If you want to achieve your goal by pulling the net of fate, you often don't know how to start. It's like people who can't play the piano feel when facing the strings. After entering the Tao wisdom, Tang Jie can calculate the connection you need as quickly as possible, and the efficiency is far higher than others. Finally, he improved farm tools and people's livelihood. Although his behavior is simple, it has a negative impact A great event is worth thousands of good deeds.

What really surprised him was that listening to the voice of the man in the secret of heaven, it seemed that he didn't know that fate had other development directions at all. From the beginning, he was based on the line of entanglement with fate and the blessing of heaven.

After thinking about it, Tang Jie said carefully: "it's not easy for me to do this step. I explored the road of fate, with rugged steps and forks everywhere. I nearly walked to the fork road several times and almost couldn't turn back."

As soon as he said this, the master immediately catered to him and said, "yes, yes! Fate is the first avenue of the twelve avenues. It's impossible to speculate about the secret of heaven. I also went astray several times in those years. Fortunately, I'm lucky to know my way back."

Tang Jie frowned even more.

Weaving the web of destiny, choosing the son of destiny, or entanglement with the web of destiny are just the understanding and application of different ways of destiny, and there is no difference between who is higher and who is lower.

If we really have to distinguish between high and low, the practice of weaving the web of destiny and establishing daohuangting is actually the highest level, because it is equivalent to breaking away from the existing world, establishing a new destiny and developing to the extreme, which may be the evolution of heaven. Of course, this is also the most difficult. The web of destiny established by Tang Jie on Hulun grassland in 20 years was ordered by the world itself It took only ten days to assimilate.

The level of entanglement with fate is absolutely the lowest. Even if you are blessed by fate, you are also limited by it. Great luck depends on heaven, and the power of faith depends on people, and you don't rely on yourself.

Why is this the only thing that people in heaven attach importance to?

Thinking of this, Tang Jie respectfully asked, "I'm ignorant. I can go now mostly by luck. But I don't know how the master established the direction in those years?"

"Eh?" the mysterious man said, "didn't you follow the guidance of fate and come to this step?"

"The guide of fate?" Tang Jie was surprised.

What the hell is that?

Tang Jie thought for a moment and carefully replied, "when I was practicing, I had a feeling in the bottom of my heart. It was like something was reminding me, calling me and telling me what to do. At that time, I just thought it was an illusion in my heart. Can I say..."

The mysterious man laughed and said: "That's right. That's the guide of destiny. Those who understand destiny are destined to have only two ways to go. One is to follow heaven's destiny, and the other is to change it against heaven. The guide of destiny is heaven's will, and it is heaven's way. If you follow its will, you are heaven's way and can be blessed. As for other ways, it is a fork in the road, and the wrong way is a trip against heaven. You will be damned by heaven, and it's not feasible. Fortunately, little friend, you will be damned after all I still understand that I haven't embarked on the wrong road. "

"Is that so?" Tang Jie understood.

No matter what the guidance of fate is, at least it's right that the fate entanglement mentioned by people in the secret of heaven is to comply with the will of heaven.

How can you resist the arrangement of fate when you are caught dead?

To become a person favored by fate is also bound to be caught by fate. All attempts to jump out of the net of fate are bound to be disliked by fate.

No wonder the master of heaven said that this was right. When he studied fate carefully, that is, when he was affected by fate.

But why don't you feel the guidance of this fate?

Tang Jie thought about it and found only one reason: he was not from Qingyun world.

But if so, it doesn't make sense.

The net of destiny covers the whole star world. Although all walks of life are slightly different like different regions on the same continent, it should remain the same as a whole. For example, all walks of life have human beings and practitioners, and the system is basically the same. This is the role of the network of destiny. The difference between regions only lies in the detailed things such as language, specialty and life form, which has no impact on the overall situation.

If the guidance of fate really exists, it should be from the pan star world, not limited to the green cloud world.

If so, the reason that they are not affected because they are outsiders is not tenable.

So, what's the reason?

Tang Jie doesn't know.

He didn't know whether it was his own problem or the problem of the green cloud world.

On that day, the man on the mystery was still in high spirits and discussed fate with Tang Jie. Since he entered the Tao of fate and achieved the entanglement of fate, he has never found a person who can speak in the dimension of the network of destiny.

Other people, such as Feng Wuxiang and the aurora demon emperor, have not entered into fate. Although they are also entangled with fate and protected by fate, they can't stir the thread of fate and talk to him on the Internet of fate. Those who enter the Tao destiny of other worlds in the astral world are difficult to talk because they are too far away to locate coordinates.

It's not easy to find the second person in the green cloud world who can walk in the net of fate like himself. How can the people on the mystery not be excited? For a time, Tang Jie refused to let him go.

From this day on, Tang Jie talked to the master of heaven.

The way of destiny is abstruse and complex, which is difficult to express. Even after 60 years of life, it is difficult to tell the secrets of the Tang Dynasty. Master Tianji has practiced for thousands of years, realized the Tao for 700 years and entered the Tao for 450 years. He has experienced all kinds of life and experienced countless feelings. Communicating with him also benefited Tang Jie a lot. Of course, master Tianji also felt the unique vitality and momentum of young people from Tang Jie. When many master Tianji didn't dare to think about it, Tang Jie dared to think, dare to do and try. If master Tianji gave Tang Jie rich experience and a rich past, what Tang Jie gave him is his imagination and an infinite future.

In this way, the two sides spent another ten years in discussions.

At this time, the farm tools made by the Tang Dynasty were all over Fengshan country.

In addition, under his own research, he also invented glass, improved papermaking technology, invented movable type printing and so on. In short, as long as it is not too profound, he will study it for the benefit of the people.

As a result, the living standards of the Qingyun community are rising, and there are more and more fates entangled in Tang robbers. The tighter they are, the more difficult it is to get rid of them, but at the same time, Tang Jie's perception of the net of destiny within the whole Qingyun world is becoming clearer and clearer.

However, in addition, Tang Jie also felt that there seemed to be something strange affecting him.

Tang Jie can't tell, but he feels that he is gradually nostalgic for the Qingyun world. He has a feeling that he doesn't want to return.

Fortunately, he woke up in time and realized that this was probably the will of the green cloud world.

The net of destiny carried by Qingyun world also embodies the will of Qingyun world. This will is not the will of the land, but a vast will formed by countless lives, which affects him invisibly.

Like the assimilation of the web of fate, this will is assimilating Tang robbery.

This is the disadvantage of entanglement in the net of destiny. When you are blessed by destiny, you are also affected by it and its arrangement.

It's like Tang Jie affected Li Yan and Yueyan at the beginning.

The only difference is that what affects Li Yan and Yueyan is Tang Jie's personal will, while what affects Tang Jie is the common will of the whole Qingyun world.

Fortunately, Tang Jie was not deeply bound and could be detected before.

Tang Jie didn't stop pestering with the net of fate. Even if it was a road he didn't intend to go on, he wanted to see how far he could go on this road.

Of course, in order to prevent trouble, he began to quietly guide some lines of fate to others.

Today, Tang Jie is still roaming in the network of fate, looking for the bright spots and tasting their life.

Suddenly, a light in the distance lit up, which gave Yu a familiar feeling.

Tang Jieshun looked at the silk thread and saw a figure through the light spot.

"Two tigers!"

He blurted out a cry.

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