Published at 12th of January 2024 05:11:13 AM

Chapter 27

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It snowed a little on New Year’s Day, so Clarisse called Noah out into the garden after breakfast.

“You must make a snowman today!”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

Clarisse proudly raised her head at his question and told him what she had just learned. 

“The children of Sheridan make snowmen. And we’re competing to see which house’s snowman is cooler.”

“What’s the point of competing for something like that?”

“First of all, they said that putting a snowman in front of a building is the pride of every building.”

“It doesn’t really make any sense.”

“Besides, the finished snowman is very cute.”

“Forcing others to meet your artistic standards is a bad habit.”

“…Do you really hate it?”

“I don’t like it.”

“Then I can’t help it.”

Clarisse turned away, feeling regret. 

If possible, she wanted to build a snowman with her new friend, but she couldn’t force him to do something he didn’t like. 


Clarisse, who was stepping out to the front door, felt strange and looked back.

Noah, who said he would never make a snowman, was following behind her about five steps away.

“Why are you following me?”

“…I, I’m just wondering if it’ll suit you if I just watch.”

It looks like he just wants to watch.

But when Clarisse went outside and rolled her big eyes, he gave her a little magic strength to help.

In addition, he used magic to lift the finished giant head safely.

Clarisse clapped her hands several times, saying that she never knew magic she had only heard about could be so useful.

After having fun making a snowman and bringing it to the front door, they went back to Clarisse’s room, and Rosalie brought them a glass of warm milk each.

The two sat across from each other in front of the fireplace and drank.

Noah lifted the mask a little and drank some milk.

“You look uncomfortable.”

Clarisse slipped out of her way, hoping he would take off his mask.

“I am not comfortable.”

But Noah cut it off as if he had nothing else to say.

Well, the Duke didn’t say anything about Noah’s mask, so it was strange that Clarisse dared to step forward. 

“It’s good if you’re not uncomfortable. I like it because the cat face is cute.”

Clarisse decided just to accept the mask as part of his friend.

“…It’s not meant to be cute.”

“But it’s true.” 

Clarisse said that with a happy smile and then let out an ‘Ah!’ sound as if something came to mind.

“Hey. I’ve been thinking about what to do when I go to the Sheridan Mansion. It would be fun to draw a picture with pretty paint. Noah, do you like drawing?” 

“What’s the point of drawing something like that?”

“You did it again.” 

Clarisse put down the glass of milk and laughed as if the same reaction as before was funny.

“There is a very large bell tower in the mansion, and the food is very delicious and… anyway, it will be fun!”

Clarisse put herself alongside Noah in every place of the Sheridan mansion.

Her heart was pounding for some reason.

There are so many things she wants to do with a friend her age for the first time.

‘It’s a problem if Mallang is too upset… but no.’

While worrying about the feelings of her only friend until now, Clarisse came up with a good idea.

‘Then Noah and Mallang can become friends too.’

Just like Clarisse befriended Noah’s red pebbles.

“Ah, right.”

Clarisse got up and returned with the red pebbles she had stored in a small drawer.

“I’ll give it back. It’s Noah’s friend.”

Noah took it obediently. Last time he acted like he didn’t really need it. 

“What about putting it in the bag? You said you would depart for Sheridan this afternoon.”

“There seems… to be a misunderstanding.”

“It would be nice if we could ride a carriage together. Shall we ask the Duke?”

“There is no need for that. I’m not going to accompany you to Sheridan.”


“I am not going.”

Clarisse’s head seemed stiff for some reason. It was so strange.

Friends she knows should always be together. Like Mallang is always with her.

Even in books, friends always faced difficulties together without falling apart.

“Even though… Noah and I are friends?”

“We’re friends, but don’t we have our own way?”

“B, but.” 

“I must study the collapse golem here. It will contain a truth that has not been revealed for a long time.” 


Clarisse tried to protest something, but the words didn’t come out.

This was the only word that came out after mumbling for a while.

“I want…to play…together…” 

The girl hated her mouth, which didn’t come out with nice words like Noah. 

I am busy.”

Clarisse looked like she was about to cry.

“I’m busy, but hmm… I will go to Sheridan at least once a month.”

Clarisse raised her head when he said something while playing with the mask.


When asked with her amber eyes wide open, he replied yes in a slightly bewildered voice.

“I have a contract to report regularly to the Duke.”

Clarisse thought, ‘As expected, the Duke is the best!’ and held her hands tightly in front of her chest.

“So you’re saying we can meet and play in Sheridan? Yes?”

“…Didn’t I say I was going to give a report” 

“But when we meet again, will you say hello to me? Are you going to ask how I am doing?”

“I won’t ask.”


When she passed it with a tearful face, it felt like she could hear a small laugh behind the mask. 

“Before that, the girl will send me a letter.”


“In that case, I will write a reply with due courtesy.”


Clarisse’s heart skipped a beat.

It was the first time in her life to receive letters from others, especially from friends.

“Are you really going to write me a letter?”

Clarisse asked, stepping right in front of his mask.

“T, that’s true but…” 

“What should I do? I’m so happy.”

Clarisse quickly clasped his hands tightly. Without even asking for permission. 

“I will wait for Noah’s reply every day.”

He hurriedly withdrew his hands and looked around troubledly.

“M, more than that, girl.” 


He took a red pebble from his pocket and placed it in Clarisse’s hand.


[Oh, girl. Thank you for being friends with Noah.]

“Eung? N, no. I am really happy.”

Clarisse, who answered naturally, secretly looked at Noah’s expression.

She was wondering why he suddenly gave this to her.

“You really have a conversation.”

“Eung…? Noah, can’t you hear it?” 

Clarisse asked, puzzled.

Why? Because this pebble and Noah felt very close.

If she had to compare it, should she say that it feels similar to the close relationship between the four stones that create Mallang? 

Of course, since Noah is a human being, there is no way he can become one with the stone. 

“Anyway, I can’t hear anything. I just feel that the magic of the full moon is inside.”

He shrugged his shoulders and gently pushed away Clarisse’s hand holding the stone.

“Then take it.”

“Eung…? Me?” 

Clarisse looked at the stone and Noah alternately. No matter how she looks at it, it looks like they should be together.

“I think it’s precious to Noah.”


Noah seemed to be trying to explain something, but then he stopped and shook his head.

“Anyway, girl, take it.”

Clarisse held the stone Noah had handed to her with both hands. There was no talk about whether the red pebbles were sleeping again. 



Noah looked around for a moment. Rosalie, who had brought them milk, had been away for a while to dry her wet boots.

“Have you ever told anyone that you talk to stones? To humans.”

Clarisse shook her head.

Noah has a red pebble, and since he’s her friend, she just doesn’t hide it.

The usual Clarisse didn’t tell anyone about this.

“I’m keeping the truth a secret.”

A small sigh of relief escaped from between the masks.

“But why do you ask…?” 

“Does the girl want life to be peaceful?”

“I’d rather be a good 18-year-old than that.”

“For that to happen, you must be quiet. However, such a life doesn’t come to those who show their power.”

“Power…? I just listen to stories.”

He shook his head even at Clarisse’s story.

“Keep doing that. It is better to keep quiet like that, without even trying to know the name of that power, just to ask a nearby stone for directions on a difficult day.”

“Eung… okay.” 

“That’s a relief.” 

For some reason, Noah’s voice conveyed deep concern.

“I think Noah is worried about me.”

“I just lend you wisdom. It seems that the girl will not be able to survive… in the cruel wizard’s castle.”

“Wizard’s castle? I?”

“Teng! You don’t need to know deeply.”

He shook his head in disgust, so Clarisse decided not to ask more about the wizards’ castle.

Could it be that he experienced something painful in that place?

If that was the case, she could understand. For some reason, Clarisse’s shoulders shrank when she talked about Grezekaia.

“But, what will I give you?”

Noah gave the precious red pebbles as a gift. She wanted to give a suitable return, but Clarisse didn’t have anything right away.


Tilting her head to and fro, Clarisse noticed a white ribbon swaying along her pink hair.


Clarisse quickly pulled the right ribbon and released it.

It looked like only one side of her hair was tied up, but she didn’t care now.

“I’ll tie your hair up.”

“W, what are you doing!”

Clarisse sat down behind him while Noah, who was embarrassed, moved his head around.

“If you don’t stay still, I’ll tie you up strangely.”

“If you don’t stay still, I’ll tie you up strangely.”

When Clarisse made a bluff, the boy gave up and dropped his face between his knees.

“…Do whatever you want.”

Clarisse ran her fingers through his waist-length hair and gathered it together.

“It’s very pretty.”

The summer sky-like hair seemed to smell good for some reason.

“Don’t impose aesthetic standards.”

“It’s true.”


Tying the ribbon was a little difficult, so when she was stuck, Rosalie just returned.

Rosalie, a master of ribbon, tied Noah’s hair into a pretty butterfly shape.

And Clarisse’s hair, which was undone on one side, was made in the same shape and finished with the same knot.

Standing in front of the mirror with the same hairstyle, Clarisse was very happy.

“…I can’t stand out in front of others like this.”

Noah sat down and completely buried his mask between his knees.

* * *

In the afternoon, Maximilian got into the carriage for Sheridan.

As he waited a bit, he saw the Duchess and Clarisse approaching, holding hands tightly.

His gaze was drawn to the hand they were holding together. 

For some reason, the back of his hand seemed to be getting hot. He was sure it was just an illusion.

‘Yesterday… I might have been out of my mind.’

Their backs of hands kept touching each other as she concentrated on looking up at the fireworks.

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