Published at 12th of January 2024 05:10:50 AM

Chapter 41

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Harry was a friend who had worked with Brielle in the Count’s family since she was little and was like a brother to her. 

“What’s wrong with Harry?” 

“No, it’s nothing. Pretend you didn’t hear it.”


“Of course, you can sleep there and come back. First of all, this is not something you need to ask me for permission.” 

The Duke hurriedly opened the door of the carriage, waiting for Brielle instead.


What in the world was he trying to say about Harry just a moment ago? 

Brielle looked at him with confused eyes, but Maximilian didn’t even look at her anymore.

* * *

Maximilian sighed heavily and lowered his head as he watched the carriage leave with Brielle.

Maximilian almost asked, ‘Is that man also staying up all night in the hospital room?’ a moment ago. 

How on earth did such a stupid thing come to his mind? 

A man named Harry was thankfully willing to stay by Mrs. Woods’ side.

He is said to be a benefactor who had taken care of her like a son since he was a child.

But to think that he almost asked a question that would dismiss him as an inconvenient being—.

In the first place, Brielle had the right to freely meet and be friendly with anyone.

If she had good feelings for a man named Harry, it would have been better.

When this marriage is annulled someday, at least that man will be by Brielle’s side.


At that moment, he heard a strange sound from his hand and looked down to see that the small decoration attached to the practice sword had broken and fallen to the floor. 

“I thought it was hard…”

Why did the decoration break when he just held it still?

Thinking that it was a strange thing, he moved to the annex.


However, he paused for a moment at the slight hint of presence coming from somewhere in the garden.

His keen senses immediately recognized the direction the sound was coming from.

The end of the waterway in the garden.

It happened to be where Clarisse fell asleep yesterday.

* * *

Valentine sighed in relief as he watched Maximilian, who had been listening to the sound for a while, head back to the entrance of the palace.

“…I thought I was getting caught.”

Yesterday he ignored his promise to Clarisse.

Of course, it was natural. 

Because he had no desire to meet again with a girl who spoke lies.

Still, it bothered him that he couldn’t return her favorite hat, so he came here as soon as he woke up in the morning. 

He put Clarisse’s hat on the side of the garden lightly, thinking of returning.

He quickly hung the hat on a nearby garden ornament.

“Goodbye, liar.”

He said goodbye and turned around.


Suddenly, the body of a huge man stood in front of him.

Surprised, Valentine quickly raised his head.

“D, Duke of Sheridan!”

The Duke of Sheridan, whom he had only seen from afar a moment ago, was standing right in front of him.

“You’ve come to return the hat.”

He was just saying that in a low voice, but Valentine felt scared for some reason.

It could be because the person he has always disliked is standing right in front of him.

On the other hand, the Duke of Sheridan must have no idea who he was.

Otherwise, the man who hated the royal family and was expelled from Sheridan wouldn’t be able to meet his gaze while bending his knees.

“Prince Valentine.”


But when the Duke said the exact title, it caught him by surprise.

“Y, you know…me?” 

“Yes, I saw you when you were very young. You have grown so wonderfully in the last few years.”

It’s great.

Valentine smiled unconsciously at the sweet compliment.

He also forgot that the opponent was the Duke of Sheridan.

However, he soon came to his senses and took a step back as if on alert.

“D, do you think I’ll be happy with the traitor’s praise?!”

He pulled the hat from the ornament and tossed it onto Maximilian’s shoulder.

“Tell the liar kid to be grateful! Because I, uh, did her a favor.” 

In response, Maximilian didn’t answer, only picked up her hat and stood up. 

Is he trying to hit him? 

Terrified, he quickly raised his arms above his head.

“Ack! I, I’m not scared! I’m not scared at all!” 

“I am a traitor, but Clarisse….” 

The answer, which was returning calmly, stopped awkwardly in the middle.

Valentine looked carefully up at Maximilian through his slightly lowered arms.

‘He… doesn’t hit him?’

Well, it didn’t seem like a single traitor could hit the Prince the Great Queen cared for. 

“…Well, it’s strange for me to jump to conclusions on my own.”

Valentine reluctantly accepted the hat given by the Duke.

The Duke nodded lightly and started to head toward the entrance of the palace.

“W, where are you going?”

He asked while holding the hat, and Maximilian, who had stopped, turned around and answered. 

“Wouldn’t it be better to return the borrowed items yourself?”


“Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to follow me.” 

After talking that far, Maximilian turned around again.

The intimidating way he walked was very hurtful because it seemed certain that Valentine would follow him.

‘Do you think I’m going to follow a traitor or something? It’s just that cute…to meet an ugly girl?!’

There’s no way!

* * *

The Duke’s palm came up on Clarisse’s white forehead, who was sitting motionless on the bed.

It was a hand with a lot of calluses and scars, but Clarisse smiled as if the warmth that oozed from it was pleasantly melting.

“Look. I don’t have a fever anymore, right?”

“I see.”

“I told you. I never get sick or anything. I just felt weird for a while yesterday.”

She had a slight fever for a while yesterday, but it was because she fell asleep for a moment outside.

‘I must never be sick.’

Clarisse thought so while smiling at the Duke.

It would be ignorant of the subject for a sinner who is treated so generously to dare to be sick. 

“But you are prohibited from going outside today, Clarisse.”

It was a little disappointing, but Clarisse quickly nodded her head.

Listening to him was something that had been promised since She first came to Sheridan. 

“Yes, Duke.” 

“And you have a guest.”

Behind the Duke, who was talking like that, she saw Valentine, who had been standing crookedly, looking elsewhere. 

“Tell them to bring snacks.”

The Duke said so and left.

There were only two men in the room, and an awkward air flowed between them for a moment.

‘What should I start talking about?’

Clarisse saw a dark blue decorative stone under the collar of Valentine’s shirt.

‘Should I ask that stone?’

If she woke Mallang up, she could quickly ask him if he knew what Valentine was thinking about coming here. 

Clarisse slipped her hand into the pocket to take Mallang. 

At that moment, Valentine was seen flinching and fixing the hat he had hidden behind his back.

“My hat!”

It was only when Clarisse shouted in surprise that he finally looked at her.

“Did you come to return the hat?”


“Oh my, I am so happy. I was afraid I wouldn’t get it back.”

“I, is that so?”

“To say that you brought it to me directly without asking the servant, the Prince is really kind.” 

“I don’t have a servant to do such trivial things… No, i, it’s only natural to bring borrowed items yourself!”

Clarisse held out her hands, and he crouched forward and returned the hat. 

Clarisse hugged her hat and buried her face in it for a moment.

“Somehow it smells good.”


“Ah, I dared to sit on the bed while greeting the Prince. I apologize for the rudeness.”

“It’s okay. You’re sick…”

“It doesn’t hurt. Look!” 

Clarisse turned her head toward him and ran her hands through the hair that covered her forehead.


When Valentine looked at her face and was surprised by how cool it was, Clarisse said quickly. 

“Now my forehead is not hot.”

“Are you asking me to check that now?”


Clarisse replied with her forehead still cool.

“Are you crazy? Why me!”

“Because the Prince is looking at me with worried eyes.” 

She could tell he was worried about Clarisse without asking the stone. 

It was thanks to his expression and the eyes he showed when returning her hat.

“So you can check it out.”

When Clarisse suggested it again, he reached out and placed his hand on her forehead as if to touch something he was reluctant to do.

In fact, it was almost like brushing past.

“I, it’s all right.”

He hid the hand behind his back, and Clarisse brushed her hair. 

“That’s what I’m saying. Rather, I was more worried because the Prince’s hands were so cold. Please sit here.”

Clarisse lifted the blanket under the bed and offered him a seat.

Of course, as always, Valentine didn’t take the invitation lightly.

After repeating the expression of amazement and the word crazy twice, he slipped into the blanket and melted his frozen body.

‘You can just accept it comfortably from the beginning.’

Clarisse shrugged his shoulders and gave him some more blankets.

Being with someone in the same blanket made her feel warmer for some reason.

In addition, the snack Rosalie brought was a cold tangerine in a basket.

It was somehow perfect.

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