Published at 20th of March 2024 10:33:49 AM

Chapter 57

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After Noah and Devina leave Sheridan Mansion one after another.


The Duke headed north with five elite knights, with the goal of inspecting the city walls before fall.


Also, Rosalie went on vacation.


She was worried about the Madam she used to serve, so she said she would visit for a while.


It seems to be related to the loss of the poor aristocratic couple’s daughter.


In Rosalie’s absence, several maids took turns taking care of Clarisse.


In response, Brielle was concerned about Clarisse’s inconvenience.


“It would be better to assign a new exclusive maid…”


“I’m fine.”


Clarisse replied with a little bragging.


“Rosalie taught me a lot while taking care of me.”


It seemed that now was the time to brag about the effectiveness of that learning.


“But if you have any inconvenience, tell me anytime, okay?”


At Brielle’s concern, Clarisse laughed a little, saying it was strange.


“It’s awkward to call the Duchess just because I’m uncomfortable.”


It was a very natural story.


Probably, if the Duke of Sheridan had heard of it, he would have nodded and said, ‘That would be true.’


But somehow Brielle simply didn’t seem to agree.


“But children need adults.”


After thinking for a while, she added with a kind smile.


“If there is something difficult to handle alone, please call me. Okay?”


“Yes. I promise.”


When Brielle left the room, Mallang, hiding in the bed, stuck its head out.




It immediately got angry.


It seemed that Mallang was upset that Clarisse hadn’t told Brielle something important.


“It’s a misunderstanding. The reason my forehead was hot last night was because Sheridan’s summer was warmer than I thought.”




“What do you mean, you’re afraid I’ll catch a cold?”


Clarisse lifted her chin slightly with her hands on her waist.


“I am confident that I will not lose to anyone in health.”


A balanced meal.


Appropriate outdoor activities.


A comfortable sleep.


All the schedules that made up Clarisse’s life were only things that helped her health.


But what about a cold?


It was unbelievable. Especially in this warm season.


“Now that I’m thinking about it, I think I should go to the garden.”




Surprised, Mallang jumped up to the window and pointed at the gray sky. 


“I haven’t dropped anything yet. Staying in my room just because the weather is a bit cloudy is forgetting my duty as a prisoner.”


Clarisse changed into her outdoor clothes, put on sturdy leather shoes, and also found her wide-brimmed hat. 


“Look, I’m doing well by myself without Rosalie’s help, right?” 




Mallang made a sulky sound, but eventually climbed onto the palm of Clarisse’s hand and went straight into the pocket.


Clarisse opened the door and raised her hand. 


“Are you going to do outdoor activities in this weather?”


But today, for some reason, Sir Benson told her the same story as Mallang. 


“The weather isn’t too bad. But it looks like it will rain soon.”


“I’m going to take a walk around the house. To protect my health. Didn’t the Duke say I need to get outside for a certain amount of time every day?”


“That’s true, but.” 


Benson touched Clarisse’s hat for no reason, with a disapproving look on his face.


“Put your hat on well. And it’s only going to be for a short time. Got it? If you get hit by raindrops, you have to come back to the mansion right away.”


“Yes, I will.”


Clarisse immediately passed through the central staircase and pushed open the tightly closed front door.


The damp wind that wrapped around the nape of her neck was somehow sticky. 


‘It looks like it will rain really soon.’


Clarisse opened the door completely, slipped out into the somehow gray-looking garden, and took a walk around the outer wall.


That was when she came to touch the outer wall under the bell tower, along the rugged wall. 




“Y, you scared me.”


The sudden scream startled Clarisse, who then brought her hand back to the outer wall.


“Sir Outer Wall, are you okay?”


[How dare you touch it! Get your hands off it right now, you crazy punk!] 




Clarisse quickly removed his hand. 


Hearing the harsh words that seemed to be used by her brother, for some reason, her heart started beating anxiously.  


Naturally, the head dropped sharply.


“I, I’m sorry…Sir Outer Wall.”


Isn’t it because Clarisse is touching the outer wall without permission? 


He didn’t like Clarisse that much, so…


“Coo? (It’s not because of you?)”


Soon, Mallang poked its head out of her pocket.




Looking back, Mallang was pointing at the top of the bell tower with its short arm. 


Clarisse stepped away from the wall and took a few steps back.


Some men were standing on top of a tall bell tower with a broken clock.


Quentin happened to be among them, so Clarisse put her hands to her lips and called him. 


“Uncle! Uncle Quentin!”


After calling it several times, he recognized the sound and looked down.


“No! You?!” 


As soon as he saw Clarisse, he was startled and came down the stairs leading to the bell tower.


“Why are you walking around here in this weather?! Hmm? What are you going to do if it rains!”


“I have to do outdoor activities according to the Duke’s orders.”


“Come here for now. Huh! Sir Benson didn’t even send the kid with an umbrella!” 


“Prisoners can’t carry long, pointed objects.”


“Then you shouldn’t have come out for a walk. You can’t. I must tell the Duke about your outdoor activities later.” 


“Walking is the secret to longevity, and it helps promote growth.”


“Did that health information eventually reach your ears?”


Clarisse said proudly, slightly sticking her chest out.


“I like health information.”




Quentin touched Clarisse’s hat. Just like Sir Benson did a moment ago.


Clarisse was glad that Quentin looked at her with concern. 


Although, when she first saw him, she thought he was a scary man because he was wearing sharp glasses and was against taking Clarisse. 


However, he often explained to Clarisse about Sheridan, and recently told stories about the public official exams. 


With stories from his days studying in the monastery.


Wouldn’t it be like this if she had a kind relative uncle?


Clarisse thought so for no reason and smiled to herself. 


“Let’s go upstairs. Now that we have met here, I must tell you the news.”


“By any chance… What happened to the bell tower?”


Clarisse asked with a worried face.


If the outer wall was so frightened and screaming, she wondered what a terrible thing had happened.


“Something very good.”


“Yes?! Did something good happen?”


“Right? If this news spreads, the whole mansion will go wild with joy.”


That’s what it is!


Clarisse was relieved. The outer wall screaming a while ago seemed to be a misunderstanding of some sort.


Before she knew it, they reached the highest point in the bell tower.


“Oh, I want to know soon.”


“Right? It’s good news for you too.”


“My heart is pounding. What’s the matter?”


“Right, that watch has been repaired!”


He pointed to the clock attached to the front of the bell tower.


A broken watch that hadn’t moved a single time since Clarisse came here.


He added an explanation with a proud face.


“If this clock is fixed, now you can simply tell the time in the garden.”


“That’s cool! Rosalie won’t have to come looking for me anymore. I’m good at looking at the clock.”


“Isn’t it wonderful? And there’s another happy news. Do you want to hear that?”

Clarisse’s excited reaction was good, and his voice was rising as well.


“Of course!”


“Yes, that is—.”


He dragged out the end of his words as if to build excitement.


“Finally, finally! I got rid of that useless bell!”


In fact, Clarisse was clapping her hands hastily as soon as he started talking.


Although, of course, she soon felt strange and stopped with her hands open vaguely. 


“…Y, yes?!”


“So, I finally got rid of that stupid piece of metal that only takes up space on top of the bell tower! That’s great, isn’t it?” 


He was clapping his hands nonstop and smiling proudly.


“A, ah… ah.” 


But Clarisse couldn’t bear to be happy with Quentin. 


The bell is a huge shield that protects Sheridan for Outer Wall, and has been his pride for a long time. 


But it was clear that taking away the bell would hurt him a lot.


“B, but, Uncle said last time that the Sheridan mansion couldn’t be repaired recklessly. Because it is a precious place…” 


“That’s why I had a hard time. I sent a letter every day to the capital’s cultural heritage management department, saying that at this rate, I would just throw away a bunch of junk. It wasn’t until today that the person in charge finally came to see the scene.”


“What are they using the bell for?”


“That’s why the king will also display it at Heiden’s history museum. It’s a luxury for a useless antique.” 


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