Published at 20th of March 2024 10:40:44 AM

Chapter 64

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When he saw Clarisse’s appearance as evidence, his face became even more hardened.


‘I guess you’re really angry!’


Clarisse’s fear grew even stronger.


But she couldn’t run away, so she could only fiddle with Mallang.


Before she knew it, he turned around the desk and came right in front of Clarisse.


“I heard everything.”


At those first words, Clarisse’s complexion finally turned from pale blue to white.


‘What should I do, what should I do?’


 Clarisse couldn’t even make eye contact with him.


“The chef apologized.”




Clarisse raised her head again and looked at Maximilian at the sudden strange story she heard.


He still had that incredibly scary look on his face as he suddenly spoke about the chef.


“He said he didn’t know the medicine you were taking was so bitter. He bowed his head and said that if he had known, he would have sent candy.”


“T, that’s unfair!”


Clarisse quickly defended the chef.


“I can take my medicine well even without candy!”


“But according to the opinion of a chef who has studied the sense of taste for a long time, he would have eaten it better if there had been candy. It means that efficiency increases.”


Clarisse could not answer anything.


A chef who has a good sense of taste says so, so how can Clarisse object?  


“I, in the first place… I was bad. T, that day, I…”


Clarisse carefully tried to get to the most important point.


She absolutely didn’t attempt to escape from prison.


If the Duke misunderstood that Clarisse had such feelings, he would become even more angry or perhaps even hurt.


He brought her here despite the opposition of people who said, ‘Taking care of Clarisse is too difficult.’


“Yeah, you went down the private stairs by yourself.”




This time, he told a story that Clarisse didn’t expect, and all she could do was blink and look at him.


Why is the story about the stairs coming out now?


“Because it is a mansion built a long time ago, the public stairs are not suitable for children. That’s why I gave you an order earlier to use the central stairs.”




“But you used the stairs late at night when you couldn’t see clearly.”


“That was wrong.”


Clarisse first apologized.


In fact, she thought there was a bigger sin, but she didn’t dare add anything to the Duke’s words.


“I will punish you for this incident. Clarisse Lennon cannot pass the stairs alone until she is 165 centimeters tall. However, it is specially permitted to be used in emergency situations.”


“I will never use it.”




“N, no… When using it, I will definitely be accompanied by an adult. Until I reach 165cm tall. Except in emergencies.”


“Yes. You must not forget that you must hold the hand of an adult.”


“I won’t forget! I will hold it!”


The Duke finally nodded his head in satisfaction and looked back at Rosalie.


When she returned from vacation, she was very concerned that Clarisse had fallen ill while she was away.


“I will make sure to tell the other servants, Duke.”




As their eyes met, the girl swallowed her saliva and strengthened her determination.


‘Now you are really going to tell me what I did wrong.’


And the appropriate punishment would also be given. Whatever it was, Clarisse was determined to take it.


“You still look like you have a fever. Are you still taking your medicine?”


“The doctor said she doesn’t need to take any more medicine.”


Despite Rosalie’s report, he was looking at Clarisse with a face full of doubt.


‘No way, the Duke…Are you worried about my health, so you can’t properly investigate what happened that night?’


Clarisse straightened her back and spread her shoulders proudly. She was in the healthiest looking posture.


“Duke, I have regained perfect health!”


Clarisse expected, ‘Will you punish me at this rate?’


Soon Maximilian replied with a relatively relieved look.


“That was good.”




No way, she didn’t mean to hear the compliment!


“You faithfully fulfilled your duty of protecting your health. That’s great, Clarisse.”


While she was letting her guard down, compliments poured in again!


It seems that Maximilian had a power comparable to Rosalie, the king of compliments.


“No, i, it’s not like that.”


“I believe that you will continue to work hard to maintain your health.” 


He put his hand on Clarisse’s shoulder and patted her with encouragement.


“…No, I’m.”


She should say that she has to be punished.


Even though Clarisse knew she had to say that, she only bit her lips.


* * *


The rain has completely stopped, the floor that had been soggy for a long time has dried, and Sheridan Mansion has completely returned to normal.


Not only was Clarisse freed from the aftereffects of the cold, but even the wounds caused when she got blood on the outer wall were completely healed.


Perhaps thanks to Rosalie disinfecting and applying medicine every day, there wasn’t a single scar.


Moreover, they had brought a new teacher for her, and she started studying. 


The new teacher was a young lady who was very friendly and at the same time knew how to teach strictly.


Clarisse quickly grew to like her teacher and her class. 


However, she was a little worried that every class, the inner wall kept trying to tell her the answer, saying that it helped Clarisse. (Even more often, they said the wrong answer.)


Anyway, other than that there were no problems.


That was certainly the case until the end of the month came when Noah came to Sheridan and glared at Clarisse with his scary eyes. 


* * *


“Y… you know, Noah. Do you want to see my kidney beans?”


Clarisse held out a pot of kidney beans, which showed Noah’s interest every time he came.


“I, it’s all right to touch it today! I, if it’s a little…” 


The last time she showed him the pot, she didn’t let him touch the kidney bean sprouts because they were too small.


But as summer arrived, the kidney beans grew like a storm. 




Even though Noah didn’t even pay attention to the cute kidney bean leaves.


Clarisse flinched, held out the pot a few more times, and then slipped it back down on the table.






He shouted. 


Why on earth does Noah seem to be in such a bad mood today?


Clarisse only looked at him with her hands wriggling. She doesn’t know for sure, but she thought she might have done something wrong.


“Why didn’t you just write the girl’s name on this mansion?”


“No. Graffiti on walls is something only very young children do.”


“That’s not it.”


Noah pointed to one side of Clarisse’s room. It was a touch that seemed to sense something.


“This mansion… You’re out of your mind.”




“Aren’t you hungrier lately?”


“Yes, they said it was because I was growing up.”


“Nonsense. Why is the girl supplying all the magical energy to the mansion?”


“…H, how did you know?!”


Clarisse was never going to tell Noah about her relationship with the mansion.


She felt like she had broken her promise to keep it a secret from him that she was the Golem Master. 


“A high-level wizard who can distinguish magical power will recognize it.” 


He pounded the wall with his fist.


Clarisse secretly grabbed his hand because the inner walls immediately screamed for help.


“Don’t hit it. It hurts.”


“It hurts? They’re making Girl hurt her skin and bones, and then they’re saying it hurts because I hit them a little?” 


“I was the first to offer to give them my magical powers.”


“Now the girl is giving away more magical power than you’re capable of to the mansion. This dry back of the hand is the evidence.”


“I only do it about three times a day…”


“What do you mean three times a day! Once a week is enough!”


[It’s not enough! What do you mean once a week!]


“Unless you plan to transform this mansion and make it walkable!”


[I want to walk!]


Clarisse stared back at the inner wall. She thought that if a bridge was built in the mansion, the Duke and his wife would be in trouble. 


“Anyway! If you blindly seek magic, the girl’s life will be threatened.”


What he said actually sounded like advice to a wall.


“More than anything, there is nothing good about knowing that there is a Golem Master. If you’re not careful, you will lose the girl to the wizards. Her magic power must be given to a minimum, just enough to maintain the main functions of the mansion. Did you understand?”


“Eung, okay.” 


[…I’ll keep that in mind.]


[I got it.]


Following Clarisse’s answer, the inner and outer walls responded. 


Although he couldn’t have heard their words, Noah finally nodded in satisfaction. 




And he went down to the kitchen while holding Clarisse’s hand.


Although he usually rarely spoke to the people in the mansion, he shamelessly asked the chef for food. 


“I’d like to have well-cooked meat.” 


They sat side by side at a table on one side of the kitchen and waited for meat to be served as a snack.


“You must eat a lot, girl.”


“That’s what I do these days. You know what? Eating also affects brain development. That’s why I can be smart if I eat well.”


The chef who was melting the butter in the pan must have heard Clarisse’s story and agreed and said, ‘That’s right! You know it very well!’ 


“Of course you’re right. Did the new teacher tell you such a story?”


Noah asked with interest.


The Duke and Duchess were very interested in Clarisse’s health, but their focus was somewhat focused on ‘physical health.’


The kind Mrs. Rosalie tended to care about Clarisse’s ‘heart’. 


So, he guessed that the person she would talk to in this mansion because she cared about being smart was the new teacher.


“Eung, no.”


Clarisse smiled brightly, and for some reason both cheeks turned slightly red. 


“M, my friend… told me so.”


“Sheridan’s pebble is smart.”


“It’s not Sheridan’s pebble! You know, when I went to the royal capital…”


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