Published at 20th of March 2024 10:40:44 AM

Chapter 66

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“Class? Madam to me?”


“Yes, are you ready?”


Clarisse clenched her fists and answered loudly, ‘Yes!’


“All right, follow me.”


She took Clarisse to the backyard.


Before she knew it, the pure white blanket that had just been washed was basking in the sun and swaying in the gentle breeze.


It was a sight that somehow warmed her heart.


The Duchess stood in front of a large, winding tree.


“Clarisse, can you climb the tree?”




Clarisse asked back in surprise.


With the question of whether a prisoner can learn something like that.


“Children have the right to enjoy a variety of perspectives. They can learn a lot just by changing their eye level.”


“My room is also high up, Madam. I always have a happy time overlooking the garden.”


“I know. But it would be a good experience to climb on your own.”


Since Clarisse climbed the stairs of the mansion under her own power each time, she thought she was already experiencing the experience the Duchess had described.


But for now, she nodded.


For some reason, it seemed like fun.


“I want to try it!”


“Then let me demonstrate it.”


Brielle skillfully climbed the tree to a high place using her long arms and legs.


For some reason, it seemed simple, so Clarisse tried it right away, but it didn’t work out as expected.


“It’s too hard.”


Although she had become quite accustomed to moving her body through outdoor activities over the past six months, climbing trees was not easy.


It was the same as taking her feet off the tree, and even if she finally mustered up the courage to take a step and climb up, she could barely get away from the ground.


The girl fell several times.


“It’s true that it’s difficult, but if you learn it, it might be surprisingly useful. I even used it until recently.”


“But I’ve never seen Madam climb up a tree?”


“Ah, I’ll take a wall instead of a tree… hmm.”




Wall? Did she hear it wrong?


When Clarisse asked back, doubting her ears, she quickly waved her hands around with a blush on her face.


“N, no! A, anyway, the harder you climb, the more enjoyable it is!”


As Brielle said that, she gently pushed Clarisse’s buttocks, which were hanging from the tree, up.


“You can use the protruding area over there as a stepping stone and climb up!”


Clarisse wanted to do as she said.


But it was so scary to take off the hands and feet that clung to the tree.


She repeatedly groaned and fell from places that weren’t that high dozens of times.


Still, once she got used to where she had to step and stand, Clarisse was climbing the tree little by little but surely.


The solid wood that has maintained its place in the peacock house has never tilted or swayed. Clarisse’s adventure was safely accepted.


So, by the time the sun had moved across the sky and reached the house in the west, Clarisse had reached the height she had aimed for.


Once she was sure that her feet were safely standing on the thick branches, Clarisse slowly lifted her head, which had been stuck on the tree.


As she stood toward the Duke’s garden, thankfully, a wind carrying the scent of early fall blew.


‘It’s cool…’


It was amazing how the heat that had built up on her cheeks while climbing the tree was easily melted away by this gentle breeze.


“Clarisse, are you okay?”


Just below, she heard Brielle asking.


She still held her hands up in case Clarisse lost her balance and fell.




Clarisse, who was answering, forgot what she was saying.


She realized what Brielle wanted to make her feel.


Clarisse was always looking up at something in the Duke’s garden, or looking down from the second floor.


However, when she climbs a tree like this, she’s at quite the same eye level as the plants growing in the garden.


It was somehow new to see the round face from the front of the sunflower, which she always looked at from the same spot.


The scenery she always thought she knew looked different. Even though she was just standing at an unfamiliar height.


This difference was very enjoyable.


“It’s fun!”


Clarisse, who smiled happily, raised her voice to scream without realizing it.


The gardener in the distance seemed to hear this and waved his hand slightly.


Clarisse also waved one hand.


Before she knew it, the fear of falling from the tree had disappeared.




And at the sound of a small voice coming from just below, Clarisse quickly looked down at Brielle.


As their eyes met, Brielle said again with a somewhat awkward smile.


“Congratulations, Clarisse.”


At that moment, Clarisse was at a loss for words again.


‘Today… I shouldn’t hear congratulations.’


The girl had promised the Duke of Sheridan when she came here.


She said she wouldn’t have a birthday party. That would mean that birthday wishes are also prohibited.


Actually, the rules weren’t that difficult. Because she has never celebrated her birthday in the first place.


But is it because she has so many people she likes here?


Despite the Duke’s grace in saving her life, Clarisse secretly hoped that her birthday would be a little special.


It was with that feeling that she asked Noah to give her a hug this morning.


She thought that was enough, but Noah even gave her a blessing wishing me a happy day.


However, she couldn’t even receive Brielle’s congratulations.


Clarisse forcibly suppressed her joyful heart without even knowing the topic.


“…I, I shouldn’t be congratulated carelessly, Madam.”


“But I want to congratulate you.”


“But I promised the Duke.”


“Then let’s do this.”


Brielle smiled.


“Today is the anniversary of Clarisse climbing the tree by yourself.”




“That means it’s a great day to celebrate!”


“But this is not something to be celebrated, Madam.”


“Why not? You worked really hard to even be standing there.”


She came right in front of the tree and spoke again with her head raised high.


“Congratulations, Clarisse!”


“It’s… it’s about climbing trees, right?”


She smiled and nodded at the question she asked again.


“Of course.”


“Thank you. Honestly… I was happy.”


“Will you come down now?”


Brielle asked again, raising her arms high, and Clarisse nodded.


“But I will be very heavy.”


“That’s a good thing.”


Brielle held out her arms again, so Clarisse carefully bent her knees and grabbed her arms and shoulders one by one and brought them down as if hugging her.


“Wasn’t it scary?”


Brielle carefully inspected Clarisse, who had come down to the ground, to see if she was injured.


“Yes! It was fun!”


“I’m glad you enjoyed it, you did a great job.”


Clarisse loved the way she stroked her hair.


And the eyes that look at her warmly.


As Clarisse wiggled her hands and enjoyed this kindness, a question came to mind.


“How can Madam… be so kind?”


“Of course you should, you’re an adult.”




‘There were a lot of people who didn’t,’ Clarisse tried to reply, but stopped.


For some reason, she doesn’t want to deny what madam said.


“Actually, I know that there are adults who don’t.”


Brielle quickly understood Clarice’s feelings. While gently holding one of her hands.


“In the past, I was often mistreated by the Count and his wife.”


“Madam must have had a hard time.”


“It wasn’t very much. Because.”


Her eyes soon became full of longing.


“I had a very sweet mother.”


“She’s currently in the capital hospital, right?”


“Yes, that’s right. She loved me, even though I wasn’t her daughter. So when I was young, I asked a question similar to Clarisse.”




“Yes, I thought I was only harming my mother. But my mother is…”


Brielle paused for a moment.


Clarisse waited willingly and happily until she carefully retrieved the most precious words from her memory.


“She just said it was normal.”




“One day, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the girl who suddenly appeared in front of me….It was like it was destiny.”




That sounded like something out of a book. It’s like a mystery that is rarely encountered in reality.


“Yes, it’s a little difficult, right? When I was young, I didn’t know what that meant. A girl you don’t know at all might be considered a little cute, but… falling in love with her. It’s happy, but also strange.”


“Yes. It’s a bit…”




She shrugged her shoulders and shook the hand holding Clarisse’s hand back and forth cheerfully.


“But, these days.”


And Brielle continued her story with a voice full of laughter.


“Little by little, I began to nod my head to my mother’s words.”


Clarisse looked up at Brielle with wide eyes.


“She really… loved me for no reason.”




“It’s not a feeling that requires a clear trigger like drawing a line, nor is it a wish for something, much less sacrificing yourself, Clarisse.”

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