Published at 20th of March 2024 10:40:44 AM

Chapter 73

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“I would like to meet Noah, but it is an important occasion for the Duchess. Is it okay if I don’t stay by your side?”


“Of course it’s okay!”


Before the Duke could answer, Brielle quickly answered. 


“More than anything, the wizard Astor said. It doesn’t look good for young Clarisse.” 


Clarisse didn’t just think she was young.


However, there was an instinctive reluctance to the blood. It may be the aftermath of the war he experienced in her childhood.


“Then I will stay with the wizard Sinnet.”


“I feel safer that way. I’ll say hello later, but please say hello to Wizard Sinet in advance.”


“I will.”


Alstair pointed to a wizard who had just joined and ordered him to guide Clarisse.


“You can follow the wizard. Noah’s room isn’t far, so it won’t take very long.” 


After expressing her gratitude, Clarisse followed the gray-robed wizard who guided her.


“Thank you for guiding me, wizard.”


Despite the friendly greeting, he just passed through the hallway with his lips tightly closed. 


“W, wizard! A little slower…”


Clarisse eagerly followed him, but the gap between them grew quickly.


“…Don’t nobles even have physical training?”


Clarisse gasped and barely answered the question he asked after looking back for a moment.


“I, I… I’m not a noble.”


The gray-robed wizard was startled by her answer and took off his hood.


Clarisse was finally able to see his face properly.


He was tall, so she thought he was an older man, but looking at his face, he seemed to be a boy about the same age as Clarisse or a little older. 


“Weren’t you the Duke of Sheridan’s daughter?”


It seemed like he didn’t know much about things outside the wizard’s castle.


No one in the outside world doesn’t know that the Duke of Sheridan doesn’t have any heirs. 


“My name is Clarisse. I’m not the Duke’s daughter. I…” 


Before she could finish her sentence, he clicked his tongue and gave her a sympathetic look.


“It looks like you started working as a maid at a young age, right? I thought you were the Duke’s mischievous daughter, but I never thought you would be an even more miserable child.” 




“Tsk, aren’t nobles a group of people who can’t even function without the help of a child like this?”


“I, I…. I’m not a child. I’m fifteen years old.” 


Clarisse wanted to argue about a lot of things, but she began with that.


“Fifteen? You’re the same age as me?”


Unlike before, he looked surprised as he walked up to her and quietly pretended to measure her height.


“Judging by the state of your growth, it looks like you’re not even getting proper meals.” 


“Yes? No, I eat really well…”


“It’s obvious. They would have told you to eat something like stiff bread just soaked in water.”


“No, I’m not.”


“There’s no need to protect them just because they’re your master. After all, this is a space outside the power of nobles. You can rest assured.”


“They’re really kind. I like them both very much.”


“Say something that makes sense.”


He turned to Clarisse and pulled one of his lips up.


“The nobles who send errands to monsters will be very kind.” 




“Yes, you probably know that wizard Noah Sinnett is not human. If it’s enough to go on an errand like this.”


Clarisse felt as if she had been hit in the back of her head.


One day she heard Noah talking about himself as a ‘monster.’


Although in recent years she had almost forgotten about it because she hadn’t heard that in recent years.


“I can’t forget the day I saw that guy’s rotten face. My insides feel sick…” 




“I don’t know what business the Duke has with that punk, but if you want, I will stay with you while you meet him. Don’t be scared.” 


He came up smiling and stretched out his hand to stroke Clarisse’s hair.


Clarisse quickly took a step back and avoided his touch. 


“I don’t like other people touching my hair.”


“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry. Because it’s cute. But are you really fifteen?”


“More than that, please show me the way.”


Talking to this wizard was just a waste of time.


Clarisse didn’t want to waste time arguing. Because there wasn’t enough time to even meet Noah.


“Yeah, I got it. Let’s go.” 


Fortunately, he took the lead again without saying anything.


Clarisse is relieved and tries to follow him…


“The road is a bit complicated from here.”


The wizard glanced back and held out his hand.


“Shall I hold you?”




“It would be better that way. It would be troublesome if you got lost for no reason.”


It seemed like the wizard had no intention of listening to Clarisse’s opinion. 


“Why? You don’t like holding hands?”




“It’s very tricky because it doesn’t look like that. On the subject of a maid who should only be.”


He now tried to grab Clarisse’s arm without asking for permission at all. 


However, Clarisse, who had received thorough ‘safety training’ from Maximilian, responded even faster.


Instead of being able to learn swordsmanship, she was thoroughly trained in only one technique as ‘a way to deal with a man attempting unauthorized contact.’


The advantage of repeated training was that the body reacts first when a situation arises.


Her right foot, wanting to show off the results of repeated training, kicked the floor vigorously.


The wizard realized Clarisse’s intention and hurriedly crouched down, but it was already too late.


He would soon experience the pain of his near death.


Her toes, filled with great power, came closer to his center.


Clarisse smiled in remorse, saying that she had finally realized the Duke’s long-standing teachings.


But right before hitting him.




Surprised, she looked down.


Her legs were dangling off the ground, and her body was being dragged further and further backwards.


And after a while.


Clarisse was able to land gently on the floor in someone’s hands.


And then she turned to the side.


She saw a familiar cat mask.




Even though she was certain that it couldn’t be anyone else, her words calling Noah somehow ended up being questionable.


It was because he looked a little different for some reason.


‘The mask and robe are the same…’


It seems like the line on the face looks thicker than a year ago? Of course, Noah looked different even then, so she was surprised. 


After looking at her for a long time, Noah looked at the guy in the gray robe while holding Clarisse in one arm.


All he did was look at him like that, but the wizard’s face turned red and he started to not know what to do.


“You almost got into big trouble.”


Noah said to the wizard.


“You don’t have to thank me for saving you.”


“Who, who knows how to be grateful to a monster like you…!”


“So are you saying you’re not thankful?” 


At this, the gray-robed wizard shouted angrily.


“Do not forget that it is by the grace of the kind Alstair Astor that you are able to stay here. No matter how powerful your magical power is, you are not human!”


It was Clarisse who reacted first to those terrible words. 


She opened her mouth to argue, but Noah’s fingers over hers stopped her from speaking.


Meanwhile, the gray robe wizard’s insults continued.


“It must be your curse that the wizard’s jewel has not even responded for this long.”




Clarisse didn’t know what the wizard’s jewel was, but she was willing to bet everything that it had nothing to do with Noah.


If all the minerals loved Noah, there was no way they could hate him. 


Because the stone on his face had a pleasant power that no other mineral possessed.


Clarisse looked up at Noah resentfully. She wonders why he can’t refute such ugly words.


“…I know.”


“If you know, get out now! There would be no place that would accept that horrible face, so you should have just died.”


With those cruel words, the gray-robed wizard turned and disappeared down the hallway.






In the hallway where they were finally alone, Clarisse and Noah remained silent. 


No, in Clarisse’s situation, it was correct to say that the sound was forcibly removed rather than being silent.


She glared at Noah with a look of displeasure on her face.


“…Please don’t be angry.”


Doesn’t he think she will get angry?!


Clarisse’s gaze became more sharp. 


Despite the terrible curse telling him to die, both of his shoulders, which had remained silent, began to twitch little by little. 


“No, that’s…I was scared.”


What is scary?


He managed to recognize what Clarisse was asking in her mind and replied. 


“The girl is… too strong.”


His cold thumb came near her lips and slowly brushed over them. 




Now the voice came out again.


“I’m sorry.”


He apologized again, but Clarisse had no intention of forgiving him.


“I’m really angry. No matter how much you do it to protect me, I won’t let this go!”


As she shouted that, he felt a strong gaze of puzzlement behind the mask. 


“What do you mean?”




“There’s no way a girl can’t get rid of the wizard. I made him stop because I thought he would be beaten until he was dead.” 



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