Published at 20th of March 2024 10:40:44 AM

Chapter 77

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Clarisse just stared at the other person while holding her bag.


She never once thought of the public official examination as a way to relieve her boredom.


However, since it was true that she used it as a means of self-realization, she couldn’t bear to refute him.


Apparently… Clarisse seemed to be a nuisance to those who thought of the test as ‘the future’.


“Don’t stay here for too long. It’ll ruin the mood for no reason.”


Her grip on her luggage tightened in response to his warning.


It was then.


“Calm down, girl.”


“Hey, you hold back.”


Noah and Valentine, who appeared at the same time on both sides, took Clarisse’s bags one by one.




Clarisse looked at them in surprise, quickly alternating between my sides.


On the right was Noah, wearing a cat mask as always, and on the other side was Valentine, who frowned.


So, it meant that two people who had said they would never meet each other suddenly appeared at the same time.


It seems that they were also surprised by the sudden encounter.


They stared at their opponents from the other side for a moment.


Soon, they looked back at Clarisse without saying anything and added another word.


“You can’t hit a person with a bag, girl.”


“Hey, if you hit someone with a bag, anyone will die.”


They each lifted Clarisse’s bag one by one, holding it on guard as if it were some kind of great weapon.


“…I didn’t mean to hit anyone.”


Clarisse had a lot of things she wanted to ask them, but first she made excuses for the most important point.


There’s no way Clarisse was trying to hit a man who looked so weak with a bag?


“Don’t lie. I saw the tendons growing on the back of your hand as you held the handle.”


Valentine clicked his fingers to show that he agreed with Noah’s answer.


“Oh, I saw it too. Anyway, how many times do I have to tell you that a strong person like you should always be careful? A corrupt person like that will fall down with just a tap from you.”


“Prince! What on earth are you talking about?”


Clarisse nudged Valentine’s stomach with her elbow.


It was really only a gentle touch, but he held his stomach with one hand and let out a groan, as if he had received some great attack.


“…Ugh. I’m about to die.”


“Okay, okay. Anyway, it’s true that you took self-defense lessons from the Duke’s family and became needlessly strong.”


“It’s not useless.”


“No, the girl is definitely strong. Didn’t you try to finish off the descendants of a certain wizard not long ago?”


In response to Noah’s explanation, Valentine slowly shook his head, pretending to cover his mouth with his hand.


“Did you really end up committing that horrible kick? I told you several times to stop, but how could you do such a cruel thing…!”


“Oh, really! I didn’t! I didn’t! I didn’t do it!”


Clarisse sent a sharp look to both sides.


Noah and Valentine flinched and took a step back, and Clarisse approached Abington with a thumping step.


“I’m sorry for suddenly making a fuss. I apologize for this on their behalf.”


“N, no.”


He must have been so embarrassed that he could only adjust his glasses and not speak properly.


“However, let me tell you one thing for sure.”


Clarisse looked at him calmly.


“I too am risking my life on this test.”


“Anyway, isn’t it true that you lack earnestness compared to us?”


“It’s definitely not a joke or a way to kill time. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have come here. I am very serious. We can prove that by studying together.”


“Well, you can live comfortably for the rest of your life with the money His Highness gave you…” 


He grunted like before, but soon his voice quieted down, probably because he was aware of Noah and Valentine.


“Oh, that’s an interesting opinion?”


Soon, Valentine, who was standing behind her, approached Clarisse with his hand on her shoulder.


“I’m the best in this kingdom when it comes to living comfortably with the money His Highness gives me, right?” 




Clarisse looked back at him as if to stop him, but he didn’t stop talking.


“But I don’t know why you didn’t ask me ‘self-realization while killing boredom’ when you guided me yesterday? Hey, wizard. Did he ask you?”


Valentine lifted his chin and asked Noah a question.


Although he wore the clothes prescribed by the monastery, he wore a wizard’s white robe instead of a cape. 


This is because of the wizard’s rule that wizards must wear this when engaging in external activities. 


So anyone would have known at a glance that he was a great wizard.


“He didn’t even ask me.”


“But why are you only asking her? Huh? Does the kid look a little easy? Are you discriminating?”


That was unreasonable.


Valentine was a member of the royal family, and Noah was one of the white-robed wizards with the most powerful magic. 


In other words, it was natural to discriminate between them and Clarisse.


“T, that wasn’t my intention. The Prince misunderstands.”


“Misunderstanding? That’s funny.”


“This place is full of really earnest test takers. I did it because it was important to maintain the overall atmosphere as a representative of the test takers.”


“So, you mean Clarisse doesn’t help maintain the atmosphere?” 


“Anyway… This is a place where the goal is to get a high score based on earnestness.”


“Ah, really?”


Valentine shrugged his shoulders and looked back at Clarisse.


“That’s what they say.”




“Didn’t it go well? You aim for a high score, too.”


“That… that’s right?” 


Not knowing Valentine’s intention, she answered that way, and he clapped his hands once again.


“Then you can prove it.”


What does that mean all of a sudden?


As Clarisse blinked at him, he added an explanation.


“That means you’re aiming for a high score.”


“How do I prove that?”


“It’s simple. You get a higher score than this kid in the end-of-month evaluation. What do you think?”


What does it mean? 


Of course, she thought it was ridiculous.


Because academics should be a subject of inquiry and not a subject of betting. 


“If you don’t outscore this guy, I’ll quit here.”


“Yes?! Why did the prince suddenly quit?”


“Huh? If that’s the case, let’s quit together. Do you want it?”


Valentine looked back at Noah and asked, and he nodded.


It probably means that they will quit together. 


“The three of us are stuck in our throats. Then if Clarisse beats you.”


Valentine looked at Abington with his arms crossed and then smiled. 


“You should quit, right? What suits the atmosphere of wanting high scores better is Clarisse, who has a higher score.”




Even though Clarisse tried to stop them, they kept making this ridiculous bet.


“You said atmosphere is that important? Isn’t it worth a bet like this? Huh?” 


“I, I understand. Let’s… do that.”


Valentine, who finally accepted the promise, smiled.


“Okay, I’m looking forward to it. Let’s see which one quits.”


Abington glared harshly at Clarisse for a moment, then handed her one of his keys and walked out across the hallway.


“Hey! Are you going instead of guiding her?”


“I’m fine.”


“I’m not fine.”


“I’m not fine.” 


“Okay, ‘It’s not okay’ is the majority.  From now on, he is the enemy.”


Noah and Valentine nodded at the same time.


Not long ago, they insisted that they would never meet.


They agreed right away when they met, and now they’re shaking hands. 


“You can call me Valentine.”


“Call me Noah.”


While they were neatly organizing their names, Clarisse sighed deeply and held out her hands. 


“…Please give me my bag.”


But the two men seemed to have no intention of returning the bag. At the same time, she sees them hiding her bag behind their backs.


It didn’t seem like it would be a good idea to argue further with them here.


Above all, the number of eyes looking in this direction as if conscious of it was increasing.


Clarice checked the number on the key, quickly found her room, and entered.


It was a small room with only a desk, a bookshelf, and a bed, and it felt very calm.


Probably because of the wallpaper without any patterns or decorations.


“The window seems a little warped.”


Noah followed her into the room, immediately put down her bag, and opened the window. 


As he said, it must have been slightly twisted, and no matter how hard she pushed, it wouldn’t open all the way.


“I’ll have to ask them to fix the window.”


“The chair seems a bit wobbly too. Would you be okay in a room like this?”




They were inspecting various parts of the room at will.


“Now sit down.”


First, Clarisse asked the two to take a seat on the bed. 


It would have been nice to have a sofa, but there was no such luxurious furniture here.


As they sat side by side, Clarisse dragged a chair that felt wobbly and sat down in front of them.


Clarisse, who was now able to speak calmly, asked Noah what she was most curious about. 


“Noah, why are you here?”


“I came to study.”


“Don’t the wizards say anything?”


“Most of them want me to go out, so they must have noticed my absence by now and are overjoyed.”


…This means that he escaped from the castle without even talking to them. 


When Clarisse sighed and put her hand on her forehead, she looked back at Valentine with a sharp gaze.


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