Published at 20th of March 2024 10:49:26 AM

Chapter 89

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The three of them chose to leave the Marquis mansion and go their separate ways on their own schedules.


Noah said he would return to the monastery first. He said there was a medicine he needed to make urgently using herbs. 


Valentine said he would enjoy his long-awaited freedom, and that he planned to explore the second wall a little more before returning.


And Clarisse decided to take the carriage back to the Duchess. 


Then, when they were about to part ways, they said they would meet later. 




Clarisse said she would see them off and asked the remaining question to Noah.


“You know, did the madam… say something at the end?” 


It seemed like she was vaguely aware of the conversation that took place with their voices muffled. 


Noah smiled.


“It was no big deal. It’s just that madam has forgiven us.” 


“Ah, is that so?” 


“That’s what it was. Don’t worry for nothing.”


He patted Clarisse’s head.


“Please send my regards to the Duke and Duchess.”


“Mhm, it would be nice if Noah came together…” 


“I know. But since the third wall doesn’t welcome me, there’s nothing I can do, right?” 


If Noah takes off his robe, he may be able to deceive them for a day or so as a simple ‘guest of the Duke’ and enter the third wall with Clarisse. 


However, he didn’t exploit such a shortcut because, according to the wizard’s regulation, robes must be worn everywhere.


“I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.”


Clarisse smiled brightly at the greeting he gave her and got into the carriage.


Noah kept looking until she was out of sight in her carriage, which was around the corner.


He thought at the same time.


The Marchioness’s last question.


「Can you bless Clarisse with all your heart under any circumstances?」 


It was a very easy question, so of course, Noah nodded his head.


As her closest friend, he was confident he would bless Clarisse in any situation. 


「Even if it means having a special relationship with someone other than yourself.」 


But the moment he heard the hint the madam added, his mind seemed to go blank for a moment. 


In fact, she had never thought in that direction before.


Clarisse has a special relationship with someone other than Noah, a lover?


Well, it can’t be like that with her friend Noah, so of course it will happen someday…


It was strange.


He kept having the strange sensation that his mouth was full of sand, and he ended up leaving the living room without giving any answer. 


Fortunately, it seemed like the madam didn’t really want her answer to this question.


She may have wanted him to be alone to think about these things.


And there…. must be a clear intention in that question.


‘Maybe the madam thinks the problem is that I rely too much on Girl?’


Since childhood, he has communicated with the world through Clarisse. 


But they were no longer children, and they needed to lead their own lives.


For example… Like creating a special person.




Noah’s heart began to feel uncomfortable again.


Is the source of this pain a possessive desire for his only friend?


If not… 


‘Maybe it’s because I deeply feel the difference between me and the girl.’


The miracle of creating someone special could only be enjoyed by people who were born with ordinary appearances, like Clarisse and Valentine.


A mutant like Noah should never have desired such a thing.


Noah played with his mask for a moment. It’s been a while. This familiar thing feels uncomfortable again.


‘I have to bless you anyway.’


He had a hard time putting his thoughts together.


It would be really nice to have another special person in Clarisse’s life.


Even though he doesn’t, she likes people and gets lonely a lot.


‘I hope he is a good young man.’


He imagined a man who would casually hang out with Clarisse. 


He wishes he had a lot of money and didn’t care about anything else but spending it on Clarisse.


Because of Clarisse’s status, she would not have the opportunity to make money on her own.


It would be better for someone who acts sensibly so that they don’t feel uncomfortable in this area.


To be a little more greedy here, he wanted him to be a highly educated person.


Clarisse has studied academically since she was young, so shouldn’t he be someone who can communicate well to some extent? 


He wished he was someone who exercised regularly. It was clear that Clarisse would cry and be sad if the man got sick.


He didn’t want Clarisse crying under any circumstances. Of course, she’s cute even when she cries, but Clarisse was best when she was laughing. 


And again… 


From then on, Noah carefully evaluated the man who would suit Clarisse, from his appearance to his inner self.


Of course, no matter how many conditions were placed on it, he wasn’t satisfied. 




Just as he was about to finish thinking, he felt a strange throbbing in his heart.


The symptoms were deeper than any time he had felt recently, so he squatted down for a moment and looked through the packet of herbs.


It was really painful that he felt like he was going to die right away, so he had to chew at least one raw herb to survive. 


‘I don’t have any strange disease, right?’


Suspecting so, he sank his face deep into a large bundle of herbs and was searching for what he needed. 


At that moment, someone passed by him at a quick pace.


He seemed to be so busy running that he didn’t see Noah sitting.


Noah lifted his head in surprise. The person who was in a hurry also stopped for a moment and looked back.


Their eyes met, 




Noah stood up in shock.


Although he was wearing the clothes of an ordinary servant, the opponent was clearly a wizard.


It was definitely not confusion with someone else. 


Because it was the same gray-robed man who guided Clarisse when she came to the wizard’s castle. 


It seems that the other person was also surprised.


He was breaking the rules and walking around the royal capital with his robe off, so it was natural for him to be surprised.


Damn it, it took a moment for the man’s lips to clearly say that. 


He quickly turned around and started running away.


‘He was… holding a letter.’


Noah stared at the place where he had disappeared, shoved a herb into his mouth and muttered.


Is it because he bought the highest grade herbs? It felt like his heart was quickly becoming calm. 


* * *


While Noah encounters the gray-robed wizard. 


Clarisse also encountered an unexpected person at the third castle wall. 






Perhaps on his way back from an audience, Abington Belleville was with the priest at the entrance to the castle walls. 


He frowned when Clarisse turned around and called his name, as if he had spotted something ugly on the street.


“Isn’t it a little too much? No matter what, as soon as we met you said ‘heuk’.” 


Although they had an unpleasant start, they are now cleaning comrades who spend the early morning together.


Of course, they didn’t get along very well while they were cleaning.


Not only did he make a face like this when he met Clarisse, but he also didn’t hesitate to say that he wanted people like her to leave the monastery right away. 


So, he’s probably going to add something mean even now. 


For example, since he spoke negatively about Clarisse to the queen, she should prepare to be kicked out. 


“Oh, dear Miss Grezekaia.”




Clarisse took a moment to look closely at his face because the words she heard were nothing like what she thought they would be.


“Are you… sick?”


Otherwise, there is no way that a person who always tells people to get out would suddenly give a polite greeting like this. 




At her reaction, he finally showed his usual temperament.


Clarisse thought he was finally going to say something harsh.


“There again today, hmph! You are beautiful.” 




Clarisse almost said something mean at that very moment.


What kind of strange line is this?


They seemed to be trying to have a friendly conversation, but it was awkward, as if he was forcing it.


“Are you receiving any kind of punishment?”


Clarisse asked quietly so the nearby priests wouldn’t hear.


He shook his head.


“There’s no way! I’m just, I just want to…be friends.”


But when he said ‘friend’, he looked like he was swallowing humiliation.


If he doesn’t like it that much, he shouldn’t be friends. 


It’s not like someone is standing behind him holding a knife just to be her friend. 


Clarisse looked at him suspiciously, then took a step behind him.


“Oh, uhm… first of all, I got it. Then I will see you later.”


“What is it? A person reaches out first, saying he wants to be friends…i, it’s nothing. Let’s meet again later and have a nice time together.” 


Clarisse returned to the villa, leaving behind the sad scene where he was fighting against his true nature. 


Of course, she was holding the brooch that the Marchioness had given her as a gift. 


“You’re back, Clarisse?”


Rosalie was the first to greet her, and this time the jewel on her brooch also shouted. 


[Whoa, it’s Rosalie!]


‘Do you know… Rosalie?’


When that question came to mind, Clarisse finally awakened to memories from a long time ago.


Rosalie told her about the tragic disappearance of a young noblewoman when she was young. 


‘So it was the story of the Marquis Curno…’


[Rosalie! Rosalie! You still can’t see Cici?]


The brooch kept talking, but Rosalie, who couldn’t hear it, just smiled softly and took Clarisse’s coat.


“I heard you went to the Marquis of Curno?”


“Did you hear?” 


“Of course, Madam was very worried. I think… you should be polite and leave well.”


“Did you say that, Rosalie? The Marchioness Curno is a very kind person, and she will be generous with my mistakes.” 


[That’s right.]


“Before that, I thought you weren’t the kind of kid who would make mistakes.”


Well, it seems it would be better not to mention that she played the role of a falsely courted lady there.


“How… is the madam?”


“It seemed like she had a very hard time. Anyway it’s the lady’s birthday next week. It would be great if I could be of any help.”


[In that case, Clari also should join the Cici Expedition!] 


“I’m not sure, I don’t know… if we’ll be able to find Lady by then.”


[Mhm, I can find it! I also found Rosalie! I found all of Cici’s lost hat and gloves!] 


“More than anything, if the title is passed on to someone else, it will be difficult to get the budget to track down the Lady…”


[Difficulty makes our expedition team stronger!]


The jewel made up its mind alone, and Rosalie sighed.


“I held you back too long. Hurry and go see the madam. I’m waiting for you.”


“Ah, yes. Where is the madam?”


“It looks like she was in the study.”


“I’ll have to go and surprise her.”


“Oh my, that’s difficult.”




The madam says she likes surprises, but suddenly she can’t…?


Clarisse was puzzled, but for some reason Rosalie didn’t give her the answer.


The only urging she received was, ‘Hurry up and go.’ 


Clarisse went straight to the study on the first floor. 


Perhaps because there are bookshelves inside, the madam couldn’t be seen immediately. 


“Where is…” 


Clarisse looked around and made her way between bookshelves placed at regular intervals.


[We are Cici Expedition! Find Cici through the bookshelves. The mineral to be used makes the moss sparkle!] 


“Oh my, now I’m looking for the Duchess.” 


Clarisse found it a little difficult to hear the brooch constantly shouting out Cici. 


[…Aren’t you looking for Cici today?]


However, hearing the disappointed voice made her feel sorry for some reason, so she offered words of comfort. 


“Mhm, but I’ll help you as much as I can…”


When she talked that far.




In the distance, she heard a voice calling for her from the inside. 


It was the Duchess of Sheridan.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!