Published at 20th of March 2024 10:49:26 AM

Chapter 91

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While Brielle quietly checked the results, Clarisse decided to go back to her room. 


The Duke suggested that she accompany them, saying that it would be okay for them to be together, but Clarisse shook her head and refused. 


After all, it was a matter between “family.”


If anyone saw the results with her, it had to be the Duke or Mrs. Woods. 


“What was the result?” 


Clarisse couldn’t help but be curious, so she couldn’t sit down and walked around her room restlessly. 


“What if, really what if. If what Jewel said was right… If that’s really the case…”


The Duchess will, infact,t be a woman of great status as the Marquis of Curno. 


“Somehow… They look good together!” 


Since Brielle was a smart and good person, there was no doubt that she would perfectly fulfill the suddenly given duties of the Marquis. 


It wasn’t a problem if she had trouble with the position. 


Because Maximilian, who loves his wife, will do his best to help her. 


“I think it’s really good.”


Clarisse knew that Brielle sometimes got into trouble because of her origins. 


Being excluded from party invitations.


Such as having her schedule unilaterally canceled.


Even when Brielle suffered such injustice, she never told the Duke. 


Without the help of the minerals, Clarisse would never have known.


Maximilian, who found out about this fact too late, was very angry, but nothing changed.


Brielle did this because she thought all the injustice was ‘something that had to be accepted.’


For the trivial reason that she was originally a maid.


However, if her hidden lineage is revealed and it is revealed that she is the only daughter of a very prestigious family and even holds the title of Marquis… 


“I’m sure everyone who treated the Duchess carelessly will come running to Sheridan and kneel down!”


For her, just imagine that sight was exciting.


Excited Clarisse was swinging her clenched fist toward the air, and Mallang, who was rolling on the bed, muttered worriedly, ‘How disappointed would you be if it’s not true…’


A knock was heard.


Rosalie must have come to tell her the results.


Clarisse ran at a brisk pace and opened the door.


“What happened, Rosalie?!”


Clarisse was a little surprised after shouting like that without even checking who the other person was.


Because the Duchess herself was standing in front of the door. And the seal on the letter from earlier was still unsealed.


“What can I do because I’m not Rosalie.”


When the madam said this with an awkward smile, Clarisse said no and quickly opened the door.


“I’ve been waiting for madam’s news.”


“Oh my.”


Brielle crossed her arms for a moment without entering Clarisse’s room.


“Did I look like that kind of person?”




“So, someone who doesn’t come and tell you important facts in person.”


“No, it’s not like that.”


Clarisse blushed a little and played with her long hair.


“Madam needs…to share the news with your family first.”


The story Clarisse told her in a mumbled way made her look like she might cry. It was as if something had been hurtful.


Brielle finally came into the room and grabbed Clarisse’s arm. Today, for some reason, Madam’s body temperature felt warm.


“For now, let’s sit down.”


They sat side by side on the sofa. Brielle drew Clarisse’s hand and gently swept the back of her hand


“Did you do your homework well?”


Homework at the moment? Clarisse almost asked, but remembered that she had already told her that she had to do her own homework.


“It was strange. I worried for a moment that I might have made you uncomfortable?”


“There’s no way.”


Clarisse quickly turned to Brielle and sat down, shaking her head furiously.


“I like Madam very much. So, no matter what you do, you can’t make me uncomfortable, right?”


“Of course, I also like Clarisse very, very much.”


Clarisse really liked that Brielle had to repeat what she was emphasizing.


“So, if anything changes in me, I want to tell Clarisse first, more than anyone else.” 




Brielle was smiling so warmly that Clarisse thought that her story was not about ‘a blood test.’ 


Because she didn’t like the test very much.


‘Then what is it…?’


She was thinking while looking at Brielle.


When Clarisse returned to her villa, she remembered her words with Rosalie.


「I should go and surprise her.」


「Oh my, that’s difficult.」


And the story of the inner wall once told in Sheridan.


「So, it means that there will be a child in this mansion!」


Without realizing it, Clarisse looked down at Brielle’s flat stomach.




“I was very worried. How should I explain this to Clarisse?” 


Brielle, whose mouth was hard to open, gently stroked Clarisse’s hand, which she was still holding. 


“Oh my, Madam! You don’t have to worry! I’m… I’m truly overjoyed!”


“I haven’t said anything yet? Pft.” 


“Please speak quickly!”


Clarisse walked closer to Brielle, her eyes sparkling.


“Is it a girl? Is it a boy?”


“Ah, Clarisse!”


Madam laughed even louder.


“That’s something you can only find out when you meet the child.”


“Ah… that’s right. What should I do? I’m so curious! What’s the child’s name? Oh, the baby has to be born to know that too, right?” 


As Clarisse continued to daydream about the child, she realized that she had not said the most important thing. 


“I really congratulate you. Oh my, can I give madam a hug?”


Clarisse spread her arms wide and then paused. She was worried that it might harm the child in Madam’s body.


“I’ll be sad if Clarisse doesn’t hug me.”


While Madam did what she said, she first came over and gave Clarisse a hug. 


She kept stroking her pink hair and put her lips lightly on top of her head.


“…I wish it was a girl. If she takes after Madam, she will be a very strong girl.”


Clarisse muttered as she was held in Madam’s arms. 


“Is that so? But since I already have a girl, it would be nice to have a boy this time.”




“It would be nice for him to be a brave child who protects his sister, and he would also be cute as a crybaby who hides behind his sister. Right?” 


Clarisse didn’t answer anything. 


She’s thankful that she talked to her by putting her within the boundaries of her family, and it’s also because of her shamelessness. 


“Thank you for being happy with us, Clarisse.”


“Of course.”


Clarisse closed her eyes and dug a little further into Brielle’s arms.


“It’s finally my turn. I’ve been secretly waiting.” 




“Yes, it’s like what Madam once said. You also can’t help but love… this child who suddenly appears before your eyes.”




Then, Clarisse lifted the body she was hugging and smiled at Brielle.


“As if it was meant to be!”


“Ah really.”


Brielle buried her face in her hands. As she began to whimper a little, Clarisse was surprised. 


“M, Madam?”


“…If you say so, I’ll be moved, Clarisse.” 


“Yes? But this is… this is what Madam said!” 


“It’s touching to remember that old thing. Really, Clarisse is so good at stealing people’s hearts sometimes.” 


Clarisse was a little bit unfair. 


The one who stole her heart first was Brielle.


If she treats a child that kindly, wouldn’t anyone melt as sweetly as candy on a summer day?


And then there was a knock on the door again.


“Could it be the duke?” 


When Clarisse asked, Brielle nodded. 


“Yes, but we won’t be alone. I said I wanted to open the letter with everyone who was curious about the results.” 


Brielle put her finger to her lips and added a little secret.


“Actually, I wanted to talk about this with Clarisse first, so I asked the Duke to gather people together.” 




“It’s a secret, okay?” 


Clarisse nodded and quickly ran to the door. There were several people gathered in front of the door who were worried about Brielle.


Maximilian, Sir Benson, Rosalie, Quentin, and even the maids who follow the Madam.


“I was waiting.”


Clarisse opened the door wide and stepped back.


They were all people who had waited together for a long time for Brielle’s test results to come out.


Brielle stood up and stood in the middle of Clarisse’s room to greet them.


“Well, since all the people I like are here, I’ll be brave enough to open it.”


“Cheer up.” 


When Clarisse gave words of support, everyone said a word of encouragement one by one.


Clarisse looked at Brielle, who was opening the letter with her hands clasped together. 


‘I can’t believe I’m hearing Madam’s true identity in front of such good people… it’s so romantic!’


There will probably be a party tonight.


The Duchess has a whole new family. A new born child, and even a mother who gave birth to her. 


Not only Mrs. Woods but also the Marchioness of Curno would be invited, and Brielle would be the happiest person in the world.


Just imagining that scene seemed to fill her heart with joy.


Before Clarisse knew it, she had drawn a scene in which Brielle became Marquis, and people who had been mean to her said sorry. 


‘It’s great..’


Finally, Brielle took out her letter.


Her eyes widened for a moment before she proudly announced the information.


“Blood match, none.”

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