Published at 20th of March 2024 10:49:26 AM

Chapter 96

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Devina was able to quickly take Cecilia’s place. From then on, she didn’t let go of her feelings easily, and she continued to pay close attention to the power landscape that could change at any time. Following the late King’s passing, she promptly paid her respects to the Great Queen, Amelda.


No matter how she looked at it, it seemed like she couldn’t expect Maximilian to become king in the future.


She knew her actions were morally wrong, but she was determined to become queen, not just for her family’s wishes but also to overcome the pain she’d endured since childhood. In comparison, the shame of marrying his fiancé’s brother was nothing. Such scandals were quickly forgotten anyway as time passed.


And now, after so much time has passed, her situation has unfolded as she had calculated. She rose to the position of queen, and her scandals became a thing of the past.


At this point, she should have become the queen she always dreamed of—a noblewoman enjoying freedom without interference from anyone. But her reality was a little different. Caught between the power-hungry Great Queen and her indifferent husband, she barely held onto the title of Queen.


She only had decision-making power for a few charity projects and helping the poor.


This morning was the day when the priest and a representative of students visited from the monastery she managed. It was a simple matter of selecting scholarship students and writing down documents promising payment. During this conversation, she heard a name mentioned in passing by the student representative, Abington. 




She had never forgotten that name. Clarisse, a princess from a fallen kingdom, who she can’t get attached to.


「Are you talking about Miss Grezekaia?」


Abington grumbled a little as he answered yes to her carefully asked question.


He seems to think she’s too presumptuous on the subject of sinners, or something along those lines. She likes playing so much that it seems like it would ruin the atmosphere of studying. If she know the favor of the royal family, she shouldn’t act like this


When he mentioned his dislike for the child, Devina almost nodded in sympathy, though she managed to smile and restrain herself.


As expected, it was right for the child to die at the age of nine. Even for Maximilian’s sake.


She couldn’t forget the expression on Maximilian’s face when she happened to meet him on the third wall not long ago. How warm his gaze was when he looked at Clarisse…


If Devina was Clarisse, the moment she recognized Maximilian’s eyes like that, she would have taken her own life, even if it was out of pity. She will not persistently survive the ungrateful future where she has to leave the death penalty to such a kind benefactor!


‘But instead of dying, you took advantage of the royal family’s protection and went to a monastery to take the civil service exam…’


It was so absurd that she almost burst out laughing. 


「I’m sorry if it’s inconvenient for you.」


Abington said, bowing his head and looking embarrassed as Devina remained silent for a while.


「But Clarisse is a test taker who receives support from the royal family, so I thought that Your Majesty should know about her behavior…」


「No, I’m rather grateful.」


Devina smiled brightly. Abington finally seemed relieved.


「What Belleville said is correct. That child is one whom His Majesty takes special care of. It would be helpful if Belleville, the representative of the test takers, would watch over her.」


「Of course, I will watch over her thoroughly!」


In response to his words, Devina chuckled aloud and clapped her hands.


What do you mean by watching over her? 


It wasn’t good for words to be spoken in her drawing-room that seemed to suggest any kind of scheming. It’s unknown how the maids standing guard will report to the Queen. 


「I just wanted you to be friends with each other.」


Abington seemed very shocked and fiddled with his glasses.


「D, do you mean… a friend? That, no! Are you talking about Miss Grezekaia?」


「Yeah, everyone needs friends their own age. It will be difficult in an unfamiliar environment, so I hope Belleville will help and guide her.」


It was as if Abington’s expression conveyed, ‘I don’t want to be friends with a girl like that,’ although he didn’t dare to voice it.


After waking up from the morning’s memories, Devina slowly opened her eyes. After the priest and Abington had gone for a routine examination by the royal doctor, she lay quietly in her bedroom. The doctor, who had been silent for a long time while holding her wrist, soon removed her hand. It was funny how he glanced at the surrounding maids in this situation before looking at Devina, the Queen, as if they were the ones meant to hear the report first.


It was as if he thought they were the ones who should hear the report first. 


Devina knew the outcome in advance, so she didn’t really take issue with his attitude. She knew from the beginning that the doctor was the Great Queen’s man. 


“There is no sign today either.”


Of course, that was to be expected.


Even while Devina was thinking this, the maids didn’t hide their blatant disappointment. The doctor finally offered words of comfort to Devina.


“Isn’t Your Highness only thirty-one years old? There’s still a possibility in the future, so don’t worry too much.” It was the same comfort every time. Except that the number in the age category steadily increases every year. “Is your relationship good?” 


But today, a new question was added. From that fact, Devina guessed that the doctor had come here after being harassed by the Great Queen.




Devina thought about her night with him.


Lysander made sure to invite Devina into his bedroom once a week. But that… It was simply a play to show that there was nothing wrong with their relationship. Since their marriage, the king has never fulfilled his marital duties towards her until now.


Not even once.


So far, they have just tricked the servants by decorating the bedroom as if something like that had happened.


‘What would happen if I told this to the doctor?’


The Great Queen was going to get a doctor to verify Devina’s words and eventually annul their marriage. A Queen that the King doesn’t embrace, there was no way she would tolerate such a strange being in her royal family. 


Remaining calm, Devina replied, “There’s no problem.” 


The doctor smiled, saying, “That’s a relief. I’ll give you medicine to help you.”


Medicine that is useless.


Devina suppressed what she really wanted to say and simply acknowledged that she understood. The maids helped Devina change clothes and finish getting ready again after the doctor left.


“I’m going to visit Your Majesty.”


“I apologize, Your Highness, but Count Bexley’s messenger is waiting for a reply containing the examination results.”


The maid’s answer reminded Devina of something she had forgotten for a while.


Her parents were also waiting for her child, so every day of her checkup, they would send her messenger to receive a letter written by Devina herself.


“What should I do?”


The maid urged her to answer.


“I wish you could write it for me this time too. The content is the same as last time.”


“Can I use what Your Majesty wrote directly?”


“I suppose that would be best to ease my father’s worries.”


Among the maids sent by the Great Queen, there was a maid skilled at imitating others’ handwriting. Devina entrusted all letters she preferred not to write personally to this maid.


Especially regarding her pregnancy, she always sought her maid’s help, unwilling to document such distressing information with her own hand.


“I understand. I will write the letter and send it. Then, shall we tell His Majesty right away that we will visit him now?” 


“There’s no need for that,” Devina said, raising her hand to dissuade her maid. When she first told Lysander that she was going to visit him, it was obvious that he would only reply that he was busy at the moment. 


In fact, when she went to his office, his attendant who was guarding it turned pale and reluctantly pushed Devina back, saying, ‘It’s difficult right now.’ Ignoring the crying servants, she carefully opened the door and saw a lowly royal maid sitting at the king’s desk.


“…Go away,” Devina tried to suppress her emotions and ordered the maid. 


“I—I apologize, Y—Your Majesty the Queen,” The maid hurriedly left the office without even adjusting her clothes. 


Come to think of it… Next to where the maid sat, a lovely rose with its fallen leaves was strewn about. 


“Give the woman flowers…  You know how to give a gift, Your Highness.” 


“Well, as needed?” The beautiful man with a smile raised a rose with a broken neck and held it out in front of Devina. Of course, she didn’t take it. “The scent still remains, but it’s not frugal.”


Lysander briefly buried his face in the flower petals before abruptly tossing it aside. “So, what brings you here today? Today is the day you see the doctor, so are you here to beg for some sleep?”


Devina endured this position by clenching her fists, forcing herself not to drop her gaze. 


“I came to discuss Miss Grezekaia’s story. Why didn’t you tell me that the child was entering the monastery?” 


“Was that really important?”


“I am in charge of royal support for the monastery. You could have expected that I would hear about that child during my work, right?”


It was fortunate that the other person was only a representative of the test takers.


If she had known during her conversation with the high priest, it would have been terribly embarrassing. Devina could tolerate being treated absurdly within the royal family to some extent. However, being exposed like this to an outsider was worse than anything.


She wanted to look like the perfect queen she was.


No matter who the opponent is.


“I almost got embarrassed. Because of your inconsiderate behavior!”


“Are you surprised about this?” 


Lysander gestured awkwardly, spreading his hands to the sides like an amateur actor, putting on a show.


“The renowned Devina Sephers of all people have finally learned the feeling of ’embarrassment’…!”




“When she made a promise in front of everyone to betray her fiancé and roll around in bed with his brother, she used to hold her head up high, so confidently! I used to think she had no shame, just like me! Oh, oh!” 


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!