Published at 1st of May 2024 06:12:44 AM

Chapter 21: Breezeblocks

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Chapter 21: Breezeblocks

I stumbled out of the bathroom a hot fucking mess, trailing behind my fiery squadmate. Some club-goer would sort the bastard in the bathroom out. There wasnt enough time to fix myself up, which oddly pissed me off more than having my face shoved in a toilet. It was one thing for it to happen in a fight, but it killed me to walk out into a club after. Eve shoved dancers aside. The girl gave no fucks, the anger in her eyes kept anyone from retaliation.

It was a sharp relief to take in the cool night air as left the club. Music still blaring in the background from the open door, but I was free from the overwhelming smell of more booze and sweat.

A loud thump and grunt of pain radiated out from the right half of the building, right to the parking lot. Eve leaned down and grabbed a discarded bottle from the curb, before darting off in the direction of the noise, pulling ahead and moving with far more dexterity than I could manage while drunk.

I turned the corner and saw Bruno, surrounded by five Crimson Eagles. At some point hed tossed his jacket on the ground, flames crawled up the big guys arms. They burned an unnatural red. A sixth Crimson Eagle was groaning on the ground, a hole burned in his midsection.

Two of the Crimson Eagles darted around the big guy like fliesweaving and ducking as Bruno swung. They managed not to take hits but were unable to safely breach his naturally long range. The bastards were coated with burn marks, another had a nasty red splotch of blistered skin on his face. How long had this been going on?

The thing that struck me the most was the grin and radiating joy from the big guy in his five-on-one. Almost like he didnt want us there. One of the Crimson Eagles noticed me and Eve, calling out. This split the attention of one of the two harassing Bruno. The big guy didnt miss a beat, snapping forward and catching the distracted man directly in the stomach with a meaty thud. He skidded across the ground, groaning and breaking into a roll, trying to put out his burning shirt. One of them rushed in to cover their fallen ally before Bruno could take him out of the fight.

Eve hesitated as much as me. Not sure how to step in. Even fighting six on one Bruno had yet to work up a sweat.

Romeo taught me to fight with a quick and adaptable flow; Ideally, I would avoid hits, and strike where they didnt expect. Bruno fought in exactly the opposite way. The man was a determined and inevitable force, gladly taking a blow and welcoming pain for the chance to hurt his enemy worse.

I saw Eve rush bythe beer bottle in reflecting neon light as she ducked a Crimson Eagle. Far too fast for him to land a blow. She whacked him in the side of the head with the bottle, showering herself and the guy with glass as it broke against his skull.

Bruno was back on his feet. His flames wrapped all the way up to reach his shoulders. A bold smile on his face. The two Crimson Eagles on him still, the one hed knocked down earlier was approaching me to cover for their cultivator. So that the bastard could launch more of those awful nails.

There wasnt any way Id be able to catch up to the bastard in my current state with someone harassing me. But the thrill still flooded me, I felt more alive than ever. I wanted to test my strength. The Crimson Eagle kept approaching, the sooner I dealt with him the sooner I could go after the Cultivator again.

I slammed my good hand against my chest, calling Fickle Fate again. This time it rewarded me with a flash of blue. A wide grin spread on my face, and my self-offered opponent slowed. He was wary of my Soul Seed ability, since he didnt know what danger it presented. I gave him my most evil look.

He hesitated even longer, and that worked to my benefit. I rushed him like a hurricane, emulating a poor-drunken form of Romeos fighting style. Less like flowing water, more like slush as I lashed out a punch to the Crimson Eagles gut. It was a sloppy blow, and he easily moved to blockbefore my fist connected with his arm, it caught a flying nail. Redirecting the projectile intended for me and sending it to slice across the guys arm, then fly into his gut. He screamed, defense forgotten.

Unfortunately for him, that little piece of iron did nothing to stop my fist from its current course. It dug into his kidneypushing the nail deeper. The Crimson Eagle gasped and sank to the ground.

One left. The cultivator gave me a worried look, frantically withdrawing more iron nails. A loud screech pulsed through the air from my left, staggering me. I tried to cover my ears to cut off the horrible noise, but it kept going. Stabbing into my skull, making it impossible to focus. Everyone else seemed just as disabled, trying to drown out the violent screech.

The only one unbothered by it was Eve, actually Was that coming from her? She smashed a fist into her cowering opponents face, and he hit the ground. She leaned over, mouth by the guys ear, until a second later he stopped struggling and she cut the noise off.

Bruno was quick to adapt, letting out a roaring laugh even while my ears still rang. He slugged one of the two Crimson Eagles on him, who were still recovering.

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