Published at 1st of May 2024 06:13:11 AM

Chapter 3: Verbatim

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Chapter 3: Verbatim

Do you know what your issue is? Tristan crouched next to me, his eyes hidden behind that black void of his sunglasses. Like staring into an abyss, looking at it too long might drive you crazy. I didnt respond, in pain. You lack respect.

It all ached. Bruises splotched my body like paint on a canvas. What hurt more was the fact hed never personally thrown a punchhed gathered our whole squad. All of my brothers and sisters in the Brass Kings, people Id spent the last year working with. Each took a turn at beating me. Worse? Not a single one hesitated at the order. Some seemed downright eager. I coughed up a bit of blood onto alleyway gravel.

The gambling den was thrown up in a disused office space that had a convenient side entrance to the alley. It proved an ideal spot to drag out troublemakers for private conversations. Normally, this treatment was reserved for those outside of the Brass Kings, but in this case, Tristan repurposed it for this impromptu lesson.

When will you learn? Street rats need to know their place. Im above you. Better than youll ever be. Tristan looked at his watch and clicked his tongue. All this time wasted to show you where you belong. Cower in your hole and quit getting on my nerves. Luca Cavicchi, its stunning they even let you join the Fourth Division. Cultivators simply dont matter if theyre worthless, much-less if theyre insubordinate trash.

I coughed again. Fuck, too hard to breathe. Someone in my squad was fond of their steel-toed boots and went nuts when they kicked me. Id sworn Id heard a violent snap.

And those bastards didnt even look my way after. Didnt meet the eyes of the guy they ruthlessly ruined on this psychos orders. Some even cracked jokes. Others were busy watching for passersby. They didnt care. This gang wasnt my family. No one here had my back. To them, the Brass Kings were a way to make chips, stir up shit, and keep outsiders hesitating to get payback. Tristan was worse, he only cared about what you could do for him.

Fuck him, and fuck them. Id steal whatever I needed to, since the world didnt care about me anyway. I rolled to my side, nice and slow. Tristan shook his head and leaned forward, digging into my inner jacket pocket.

I tried to jerk away, even while fighting the pain. One of my hands grabbed his wrist, but I was far too slow and weak. In a brief couple of seconds, Tristan retreated with a cloth pouch, giving it a quick toss. My chips. If youd just obeyed and followed orders, this wouldnt have needed to happen. Do you think I enjoy watching you get beat? Tristan set a hand on his heart, face screwed into a mockery of pain.

But that curl at the corner of his lips, that smile hid in a fake grimace. Like a dagger tucked in a pocket.

I spat a glob of blood at his face, which he dodged with a tilt of the head. Asshole.

Tristan stood up, sneered, then reared his foot back. You are nothing! Do you hear me!?

Again and again, the foot slammed into my side. Black flooded the edge of my vision as the pain edged into unbearable, all the background chatter from my squadmates vanished. They watched but didnt do a damn thing. We werent friends. I didnt have any.

You will do what I say! When I say!

Before I lost it all, I pulled upon Fickle Fate. My shaking finger brushed my side. A spark of red lightning burst at the contact. The next hit cracked a rib. Id been wrong before, the crack and difficult breathing proved me dead wrong. All Id needed was for my own Soul Ability to screw me over. Lady Luck, what an absolute bitch. My eyes squeezed shut.

Those two bastards! I just wanted to burst up and wreck the whole alley, storm into that gambling den and shove a fistful of dice down Tristans throat. For the first time in my whole life, I snarled.

Suzaki jumped back, alarmed. But what did I care? Kid was probably born lucky. Hell, me and Alex barely saw Ma since she slaved away at that shitty job of hers, yet the last thing I wanted was their immortals-damned pity. The kid looked away from me. And I growled. Was he too scared to look their torture victim in the eye? Using his Soul Ability on someone and refusing to look at the results. With surprising ease, I climbed up from the ground into a crouch, my breathing no longer a constant ache.

Please dont, Kayson said, taking his glasses off to clean them. Your emotions are running loose, this isnt what you actually feel.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what Im feeling? Did I ask you two clowns for pity? I dont need help from assholes whove been handed everything! I yelled, smoothly flowing to my feet. Suzaki went still as a statue, eyes locked to the ground. Whatever. Bigger fish to fry. That bastard with glasses was priority number one. No matter what this weird halo did, I bet Id be able to get in a punch or two before the effect hit.

Suzaki here was blessed with a valuable Soul Seed. His ability regenerates those he uses it on. However, it has a couple of downsides. For one, it provokes and uses envy as fuel. Based on your drastic personality shift, and the rapid rate its healing, you clearly have enough of that emotion to spare. Please, rein yourself in, any move on me or my subordinate will result in a regrettable situation. I dont believe any of us desires an investigation.

I stared. Despite the overwhelming desire to smash his glasses into his face, I had to admit I felt good, especially for a guy who was supposed to have a broken rib. Shit, maybe he had a point. It didnt change the desire to wreck his face, though. Suzaki finally got to his feetstanding on his tiptoes to tap the glowing halo above my head.

It shattered in a shower of emerald, and the fire burning inside of me extinguished. What the hell was I thinking? What were those words Id vomited out of my mouth? These guys stopped Tristan from wrecking me more, and then I almost punched him as thanks? I rubbed my eyes. Aside from self-hate, I just felt tired. Like my body ran on fumes. All of those chips, gone. Right into Tristans pocket. Just wanted to help Ma out a bit, it hurt to be thrown right back to square one.

Youll also find that it has other downsides. I bet you feel exhausted. Well, thats because it draws on your bodys natural energy for repair. Often the feeling lasts a couple of days. Normally I wouldnt share this much about my teams abilities, but Suzaki would rather you knew than didnt. Prepare accordingly.

Great. I sighed, itd be a long walk home since I barely could stand on my feet. Tristan would beat me to a pulp if he saw Id been fixed up. Guess Id avoid the gang for a couple of days.

I glanced at the pipsqueak and gave a slow nod of appreciation. He hid a smile from his face, rather poorly. Not that its any of my business, but youre aware your lieutenant is likely to pull a stunt like this again, right? Kayson asked.

Thats just how it is. To me, specifically. This behavior wasnt new at all.

Doesnt have to be. Why not make more connections in the Fourth Division? People like your lieutenant often think twice before picking victims with allies.

Dont need anyone else. Just need more strength, thats all.

Well, if thats what you believe then so be it. Come, Suzaki. Our captain will be upset if our absence is noted. Shes worried enough about our divisions reputation. Kayson went into the gambling den, Suzaki paused, working his jaw as if he wanted to say something.

In the end, he didnt. Left through the same door as the rest of them. I was alone again.

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