Published at 1st of May 2024 07:22:48 AM

Chapter 38

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‘Well, how can I approach her, she’s got such a crazy personality!’


There were dishes made with Roneache flowers everywhere, but I didn’t want to approach her.


I didn’t want to end up like those lions.


But I couldn’t go up to the other lion and say, ‘Would you like to try this, just to see the effects?’


Sophina looked up at the circular white ceiling with the human-shaped hole in it and saw Ririela’s expression, which was already grim.


In fact, Ririela was in a pretty bad mood.


She’d tried so hard to look good for her new friend, but a strange plate-thrower had left her bloodied.


‘What if the bluebird doesn’t like me for being a strong lion and smelling like blood?’


Ririela, the cowardly lioness, began to worry again.


Well, this time her reasoning was closer to the truth.


She quickly wiped the blood off her clothes and shrugged her shoulders.


If she had transformed into an animal, her tail would have dragged on the ground.


‘No. My new friend will be nice.’


She looks cute. It was ridiculous logic, but Ririela lifted the corners of her lips to stay positive.


Then she turned to Sophina.




The problem was that to others, she looked like a grim reaper who had come to take her life.


The blood stains on her clothes made her look even more terrifying.


Sophina gasped in horror and gulped as timidly as she did.


An assassination attempt.


In a tense moment, a savior-like figure appeared in front of her.


“I went looking for you, but the paths seemed to have crossed, sister.”


It was Ricardo. He tucked the squirming Sophina tightly behind me and casually turned to face Ririela.


For a boy so young, Ricardo was quite imposing.


Sophina used Ricardo’s back as a shield and peeked her head out.




Ririela’s eyes were torn and narrowed even further.


For once, she seemed pleased to meet him.


She was glad to see him, even if he wasn’t the cutest little brother in the world.


Ririela scratched her cheek absentmindedly with her unstiffened left hand and nudged Ricardo.


“Introductions, right?”


It was Ririela’s cue to let him formally introduce her to Sophina.


Recognizing it instantly, Ricardo turned slightly and gestured politely to Sophina.


What passed between his lips was technically a declaration.


“This is my biological sister, Ririela Chadwick. With a face like that, I don’t think she’s the type to hurt people easily.”


It’s supposed to be personal.


Hadn’t she already seen another lion nearly become a star in the sky?


Sophina’s mind was filled with question marks.


But she didn’t let it bother her, and instead, she forced a survival smile.


Meanwhile, Ricardo’s introduction continued, “This is Sophina.”




How cute. Ririela said to herself, mesmerized.


The bluebird was even cuter in person.


She had shiny, light-blue hair, chestnut-colored eyes that looked so curious and adorable, and best of all…


Fluffy, chubby cheeks that felt good to pinch.


‘Like cotton candy, fluffy burrito cheese.’


Ririela’s mouth watered at the sudden thought of food.


Sophina was understandably amused.


‘Do I look like a little girl?’


Sophina’s chubby cheeks twitched as she gained weight.


‘No. That lion is my sister-in-law.’


She’s family. I have to make a good impression.


Sophina bowed her head, trying to pull herself together.


“Oh, hello!” greeted Sophina.


“Oh!” Ririela replied awkwardly.


Then Sophina mustered up the courage to ask, “So, what do you think I should call you?”


“…Name, call me by my first name.”


Ririela replied in a voice as small as an ant’s.


Sophina nodded quickly, “Yes! Sister Ririela.”


She wanted to be as close to Ririela as possible.


At the very least, she didn’t want to be at odds with her. 


We’d be stuck living in the same house.


‘But did I go too far?’


Ririela’s expression was grim enough to make me worry.


Sophina raised her little brown eyes and whispered in Ricardo’s ear.


“Did I do something wrong?” (Sophina)


Ricardo replied in the same whispery tone of voice.


“It’s a face she makes when she’s in a good mood.” (Ricardo)


“That?” (Sophina)


Sophina’s voice rose on its own.


I wondered who looked like they were about to kill someone when they were in a good mood.


‘The bluebird called me by name, and she’s my sister!’ (Ririela)


Surprisingly, there were some people here whose facial muscles twitched with joy.


‘I’ll ask her to call me by my nickname next time.’


Ririela was even ambitious to take the next step.


Having a family she knew well, Sophina had no choice but to agree.


‘Oh, by the way. I wonder if the Roneache flower will help with the psychic effects.’ (Sophina)


Sophina rolled her eyes at Ririela’s arm, which looked much better than before.


‘We’ll have to try it before Ririela’s wound heals itself.’


Then she spoke to Ririela in a nonchalant tone.


“Isn’t it possible that you sprained your wrist a bit when you used your powers earlier?”


Ririela’s pupils quivered at the question.


She was touched by the genuine concern.


“I’m strong. I’m not hurt!”


Ririela grinned and wrapped a golden cord around her arm to prove her strength.


Then she placed one hand on the leg of the table next to her.


Her hand bulged to a point where the naked eye could see it.


In truth, Ririela was not strong, but unlike most people, she had a constitution that showed its side effects immediately.


She didn’t feel pain as well as others, and she had an excellent self-healing ability, recovering within minutes.


Unaware of this, Sophina muttered, her expression darkening.


“You look like you need to go to the doctor…”


Hearing that muttering to herself, Ricardo was mortified.


He put a finger to the corner of his lips as if to shush her.




Ricardo insisted she was fine. It would be bad if she looked like that.


At least Ririela’s face looked vaguely pleased.


Sophina cut to the chase, “Um… sister Ririela?”




“Would you like to try this? It’s good for your health.”


Sophina took the juice of the Roneache flower fruit from a nearby table and held it out.


Ririela hesitated strangely, then asked a question.


“… Have you tasted it?”


“No. It’s sweet.”


Ririela’s eyes relaxed into docility.


‘That’s nice, maybe the bluebird is nicer than the crocodile next door!’


She meekly accepted the juice and took a shot.


With a gulp, the drink slid down the throat, and the effect was as surprising as Sophina’s assumption.




Ririela’s exclamation was tinged with amusement.


Her reddened arm magically healed, as if it had some sort of healing power.


I was dumbfounded, ‘Wow, that’s it? I’ve been leading myself astray all this time.’


Sophina decided it was time to explain, loud enough for everyone to hear.


“Actually! The Roneache flower has healing properties.” (Sophina)


Ricardo, who was beside her, interjected.


“My wife has been studying the tales and the flowers, and she’s concluded that the Roneache flower must have healing properties.”


“Yes, that’s why I brought it as a gift for the banquet.”


Sophina quickly agreed, then surreptitiously high-fived Ricardo.


Ririela stared at her finished cup, her mouth agape in surprise.




“For your information, the source is from ancient scriptures,” Sophina added languidly.


It seemed to have worked.


The lions, who had banded together to try to break free, all had their eyes on Ririela.


“…Did you really just see the side effects of those powers cured?”




The lions hadn’t expected anything like this.


Soon, their admiration turned into a desire to buy.


“Oh my goodness, I must have that!”


“How can I get it? I really want that.”


A flower that could cure the side effects of their powers was just what the lions needed.


The lions’ eyes burned brightly with the desire to get their hands on it.


The elder lions were no exception to this, as they were eager to test Sophina.


“Hmph, I think that cure will be useful for my son’s training.”


James, who had been criticizing Sophina all along, finally showed some interest.


“Ahem. That doesn’t mean I’ve fully accepted that bluebird as the little madam,” James muttered.


In any case, Sophia was drowning in the attention of the lions.


So much so that there was a waiting list for the purified Roneache flower.


Meanwhile, Khan, who had been quietly watching, was inwardly marveling.


‘What a special gift.’


Khan also had heard the stories associated with the Roneache flower before.


But she hadn’t paid much attention to them because they were both impractical and foul-smelling.


It hadn’t occurred to him to cleanse it, much less use it.


The other lions were equally amazed, which explains why they were all so surprised.


‘What a revolutionary discovery.’


She was proud of herself for showing off a gift that even she, a mere cub, hadn’t expected.


A creature with the ability to cure the side effects of the lions’ powers!


This was something that could affect the future of the lions.


‘Now that I think about it, you look a lot like me when I was a little girl.’


Khan lifted the corners of her lips in amusement and coughed.


Then Khan secretly bragged to the surrounding lions.


“This little lady is our pride.”

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