Published at 1st of May 2024 07:37:16 AM

Chapter 48.1

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“Who the hell is that? The information is pretty high quality.”


As before, Sophina inwardly marveled at the note delivered via paper crane.


「The location you requested is Leche, and I’m enclosing a detailed military map…」


‘A military map?’


How did they get these?


Flipping through the accompanying map, she muttered to herself.




It was a familiar place name… In the original.


Sophina’s eyes narrowed, “Uh…?”


Her hand trembled as she gripped the map, then stopped.


There was something suspicious about the map.


“I don’t suppose this information… indicates that it’s already known.”


That they were looking for a treasure trove.


Sophina narrowed her eyes at the two red dots on the map.


The dots were connected to a clock tower and a cave in a small mountain peak.


That was certainly suspicious. Sophina crossed her arms defensively and grumbled inwardly.


‘Well, there’s no telling what they know, anyway.’


My traveling schedule starts today. At any rate, now that I know where to find it, perhaps as soon as the tour finishes I could tell Mother, and we could go to Leche in the winter.


Sophina tucked the map and informational note into the corner of her desk drawer.

And with that, she was ready to depart.


Soon after, when she was fully dressed.


“Let’s go, my lady.”


Ricardo, dressed in a similarly active hunting outfit, knocked and entered.


And so Sophina joined the others in the procession.


She was told they were going somewhere relatively close, but it was a long journey that would take several days.


The journey was relatively uneventful.


They were just traveling to the perimeter together. The tour itself was just a lap around the borders.


“Wow, it’s beautiful,” she muttered, looking out the window of the rattling carriage.


Certainly, as we crossed into the borderlands, the forest’s environment and climate changed.

Whereas the lion’s territory was plains and warm, our current destination was more densely forested.


The scenery Sophina found was impressive.


Ricardo glanced at Sophina, who was clinging to the window, and said languidly.


“I think we’ll be there soon.”


Shortly after he said that, the carriage pulled to a stop.


Ricardo, who was the first to exit the carriage, turned to Sophina and held out his palm as if to invite her to take it.


“Shall we disembark, my lady?”




Sophina nodded vigorously and clasped his hand.


With her quiver of Arrows slung over her shoulder like a mountain girl, Sophina wandered from one place to another.


‘Just like traveling.’


It was a peaceful forest, except that the sky was a little overcast as if it might rain later.


She scanned her surroundings intently and curiously, then sat down and pounded her fists on her short, chubby legs.



‘Why is my knee so sore?’


I’ve been training too hard. As she scratched her head, Ricardo, sensing something amiss, approached her.


“Is something wrong?”


Ricardo’s hand, slightly cold, naturally rested on Sophina’s forehead.


It was just the right kind of cold, and Sophina closed her eyes slightly and spoke in a slightly weak voice.


“I guess I’m stiff from all that sitting and walking.”


Ricardo pushed aside his hand and stared at Sophina with wide eyes.


Her eyes lit up mischievously at his gaze.


“What, do you want me to carry me?”


“Is that what you want?”


He answered without hesitation, as if he would do it at a moment’s notice.




Sophina threw up her hands in denial. But Ricardo was quicker, scooping her up in one swift motion.


Stumbling back against Ricardo’s back, she refused again, this time in a slightly embarrassed tone.


“No, please.”


It’s a little embarrassing in front of all these people.


‘What will everyone think?’


But Ricardo clicked his tongue and hugged her tighter, urging her to keep walking.


“You’re swaying, so hold still.”


She pouted her lips at that, and then leaned her weight against Ricardo’s back. For some reason, he shuddered.


‘It’s comfortable.’


It wasn’t like she hated him or anything.


For someone his age, Ricardo was strong, and his back was quite different, so I felt safe.


It was just that I felt a little overwhelmed by all the stares.

One of the many stares was from Ririela, she glared at Ricardo with burning eyes.


Then she muttered in a tone of regret, “I’m a good climber.”


— I am good at being carried!


Canus, who was wrapped like a bracelet around Ririela’s wrist, cheerfully accepted the words.


Ririela responded with a nonchalant snap.


“No, I didn’t mean to you.”


— What?


“… Never mind.”


Her fingers faltered under the sudden energy of Canus.


Ririela sulked and waited for the next opportunity.


Unlike Ririela, some others nodded approvingly at Sophina.


“You two make a good pair.”


It was Khan. The corners of Khan’s lips twitched upward in amusement at the sight of his son carrying her.


Meanwhile, the elder lioness, who had become amiable toward Sophina after the events of the Roneache Flower, was no different.


“The little lady is being carried by the little master. How cute.”


Unfortunately, there’s always a male who tackles.


James, an elder lion with a foul mouth, snapped.


“Hmph, I wonder if you’re still capable of standing up to the little master.”


He and the other lioness raised their eyebrows and chided James for his duplicity.


“You don’t like the little lady, do you? You were first in line for the Roneache flower remedy.”


“Still, she hasn’t passed the test, and it’s a bit early to admit it.”


“Well, we’ll find out today.”


Another wait-and-see conclusion.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!