Published at 30th of April 2024 08:09:51 AM

Chapter 230: Chapter 230: Chapter 228: Hang in there, brother!

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Chapter 230: Chapter 228: Hang in there, brother!

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

After confirming their qualification, Yi and his teammates felt unstoppable.

Gone was the cowardly style where they would avoid any hot weapons they saw, they charged straight into the city center, recklessly attacking anyone who dared to get in their way. They were extremely ferocious.

The outside audience had already discovered a pattern: in the suburban environment after entering the game, weapons and medical supplies were scarce. But as they moved towards the Metropolitan Inner Ring, the closer they got, the more abundant the weapons and supplies became.

Even if they were running, twenty minutes would be enough to reach an area with plentiful weapons.

Driving would be even faster, probably just taking about ten minutes, including the time spent searching for weapons.

But going back and hunting players without hot weapons in their cars wasnt easy.

Considering the time spent finding a car, gathering teammates, searching for weapons, and then returning to find prey, it was enough time for ordinary players to run into a resource-rich area and arm themselves.

Its just that today is the first day of the game, and most players didnt know this rule at first.

They spent too much time searching in the suburbs, while Yi was lucky enough not to waste any. Thats why they got this advantage.

By tomorrow, in the second round of games in the afternoon, players wont make this mistake again and will definitely run straight for the Metropolitan Inner Ring the moment they land.

Only those with exceptional luck who find a car right when they land and then find a gun not too far away would be able to recreate something similar.

As for even luckier circumstances where a car is found with a gun already inside

Stop dreaming its practically impossible.

Even searching every car in the entire metropolis wont yield a single pistol.

Cloud Dream didnt release any.

Even the Easter egg added by Lincoln after the live broadcastrandomly placing guns under the seats of some taxi drivershad been deliberately canceled.

It seemed like the first batch of players to participate had been at a disadvantage, providing valuable information for other players.

But there were trade-offs, after all, their opponents had also entered at the same time, and no one knew the rules. Everyone had to learn and adapt as they played so it was a fair game.

At least opportunities like the one Yi took advantage of probably wont happen again.

Charge! There are people fighting ahead, lets meddle in! Yi and his teammates were exuberant.

They fearlessly burst into the main view of the commentators screen.

This time, it wasnt the director focusing on them specifically. The scene provided by the director originally showed two teams fighting each other.

Both teams were well-armed and highly skilled players. Before they met and started fighting, they had been winning all along. They were all 10-member full-quarter teams without any losses.

This led to both sides feeling extremely confident about taking out the other upon encountering them. However, when they clashed, they realized the opponent was strong too!

So they reached a stalemate, both sides hiding behind cover, looking for opportunities to fire a few shots. But with [Assassin Bloodline], coupled with being focused, bullets didnt pose much threat from a long distance. If they ran out of stamina and could not deploy [Assassin Bloodline], they could only continue to stalemate.

Or one side was willing to take a risk, leave cover and close the distance. In close and mid -range combat, it would be more difficult to dodge [Assassin Bloodline].

The problem was that both sides realized each other was skilled. Giving up cover was equivalent to exposing themselves and giving their opponents a chance. So neither side wanted to come out.

At this point, even retreat wasnt a safe option. Exposure likely meant death.

Even the commentator was feeling awkward, not knowing what to do. The director was about to switch lenses.

At this moment, their saviorYi and his teammatesappeared!

They jumped right into the middle of the two warring teams!

Yi had refilled his health bar and was no longer content to just be a driver.

He leaned out of the car window, unleashing a barrage of bullets at the enemys window, while shouting, Add one, add one! Lets all play together!

As soon as the words fell, both rivalling teams turned their muzzles and fired a hail of bullets at Yi and his teammates.

Ordinary people would certainly hide at this point, but they didnt back down at all. They floored the accelerator, rushing forward while shooting, looking fierce and determined!

The commentator was shocked too, Figh ting against two teams at once! This is too fierce!

Ren Jians voice also rose sharply: A variable has appeared! Can they break the deadlock?!

The barrage of comments was even more dense, with a stream of Fierce man!

However, the good times didnt last. Yi and his teammates only cared about the thrill, completely unaware of the importance of firing in groups and achieving suppression. After unleashing a wave of gunfire, they felt satisfied, but the problem was that their magazines were empty, and their cars were still exposed on the road

Throwing their guns back into the car and switching to a second gun in those two or three seconds, they faced a devastating attackBang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang

Short bursts of continuous gunfire echoed from all directions. Yi, who was leaning out of the car window, and two of his teammates were headshotted, falling into a near-death state and thrown out of the car. The next moment they were finished off by follow-up shots without even a chance to scream. Yis last thought before dying was: We are surrounded!!

The situation for the teammates inside the car was not much better. The thin car body could not stop the bullets, their health bars drained one after another, reaching the brink of death.

One of the cars was directly blown up, the driver died instantly; two other cars lost control as their drivers were killed, crashing into the outer walls of a buildings first floor and being finished off by enemies from above.

In just a few seconds, Yis squad fell from heaven to hell, almost being completely wiped out, emphasizing the brutality of the situation.

The only one who survived was the solo scout driver. Because he had to drive, he couldnt spare a hand for shooting, so he accelerated the fastest and stayed at the front of the convoy.

As the enemy began their counterattack, he had already rushed past the battlefield intersection and escaped the danger zone, barely saving his life.

Ren Jian almost said, Overestimating oneself, courting destruction, but swallowed it and changed it to: If you dont have a high level of combat sense, dont rush into the central battlefield recklessly, as youll be targeted from both sides.

Zara also added: Yes, the players behind must take this as a warning. The audience didnt hold back, laughing and adding insult to injury:

Too arrogant! Dont fight anymore! Fight Fight me instead!

Points are coming!

The rich bring up the poor: Pointing at my points, which are a bit too much, I have to give some to my opponents.

After being eliminated, Yi returned to his virtual house, watching the gleeful comments in the main live broadcast room without a care.

Anyway, I made it through!

As he switched back to his own live streaming room, he saw the screen filled with: Doomed! Screwed up! No hope! Eat more pig brains to shape up!

Yi was puzzled.

It cant be that bad, right? I made it through, cant I be a little risky?

Are the audience too strict this time?

Until a conspicuous message jumped out: More than 300 points may not guarantee advancement, only 2000 points can guarantee it, you got it wrong!

Yi read the message and laughed: Trying to deceive me

But before he finished speaking, his smile suddenly froze on his face, his eyes darting around, obviously his brain was in overdrive.

The smile gradually disappeared from his face, turning into shock and panic as he looked at the last surviving teammate on the screen, all alone.

That teammate even took out a pistol, hesitatingly looking back at the battlefield, as if considering whether to die together with the rest of the team.

Yi immediately let out a earthshaking wail-

No!!! Hold on, brother! Our fame for life! Its all up to you now!

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